Actionscript 3.0 :: Have Two Movie Clips That Each Have Their Own Button Leading To An External URL?

Mar 8, 2010

I want to have two movie clips that each have their own button leading to an external URL. Both of these movie clips have classic tweens (only making them fade in and out).If I do one, it works, but when I do two, it fails on me! The error message I always see is "TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

at mh2_fla::MainTimeline/frame1()"

I have tried doing them in the same scene and on separate scenes (see attached).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Roll Over Actions And External Links To Movie Clips That Are Inside Of Another Movie Clip?

Sep 14, 2010

I have a menu bar that has 2 Drop down menus. Each drop down is a separate movie clip, with 3 buttons inside that are separate movie clips. I have a class set to the buttons that are movie clips for a roll over effect. But when I mouse over it does not work. Also on the main time line I tried to add a like to a web page but it did not work. But I only have this problem with the movie clips that are inside the drop down movie clips.

Why is this? How do I add roll over actions and external links to movie clips that are inside of another movie clip? I really need some help this is a problem I have been having for about a month or more. I am still a AS3 newb and this is my first time using classes. The other classes I have work with everything else, Im just having trouble with the movie clips that are inside movie clips.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Play Movie Clip With The Button Click Without Playing All The Movie Clips On The Main Timeline

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I'm trying to make a flash website that has clickable buttons that will play different movie clips. But I dont know how to make it to just play the movie clip with the button you click without playing all the movie clips on the main timeline.

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Professional :: Loading External Movie Clips Randomly

Mar 2, 2010

I am currently trying to load a movie clip in the main SWF. Got that done.Then call and replace the first movie clip with another, got that done too.This is for a menu i am making, I am not too great in action script. I am working in AS2.Problem is after I call the second external movie clip into the main SWF, it all stops working.Is there a way I set this up that no matter what it keeps loading and unloading the external movie clips? This is what I have so far.[code]This starts with the "king_menu.swf" already loaded, i have it unload it and load "dqueen_menu.swf" to the call point named "load_king".I am guessing I need to have a universal call point for all my external movies to load and work in a random chain.

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Professional :: Load Movie Clips From External .swf File?

May 14, 2010

I need to load files from the library of another .swf file (AS3). How to accomplish that?

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Professional :: External SWF Or Internal Symbol For Movie Clips?

Oct 7, 2010

I'm creating a Flash interactive thing which is basically a couple minute animated intro and then a menu of products to choose from. You click on one of 12 products and get a little animation about how it works. So my question is where to put these 12 product animations? I was originally thinking to just put them in the main timeline and just jump to them with labels but I'm thinking that the timeline is going to get too hairy, it's already got a lot. Now I'm wondering what the best approach should be. Should I produce 12 external SWF movies to be loaded when clicked on, or should I just make each product animation an internal movie symbol and just add an instance from the library to my main timeline? Or is there any other approach that might be better for some reason?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Link Buttons To External Movie Clips?

Sep 10, 2009

On one of the pages, i've posted 6 pictures, and make them buttons. And when i click on them, i want to pop up a player with a FLV video clip. FLV video clips that are located on my hard drive and in the root directory of the site. I didn't want to use one of CS3 players, so i have embedded a flvplayer (JW, i think).And, for two days, i search the forums for the AS3 code to make this work, and no luck. And here, i observed that the users get help. Probably it's easy enough for AS3 users, so nobody have problems with this, and for that reason i didn't find posts with this problem. However, if that doesn't work with an external player, i'll do it with whatever player you say.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX] Preloader Loading External Movie Clips?

Jan 29, 2003

I'm writing a preloader to load external movie clips but my function doesn't seem to be working properly. I call the function and it says that 100% is loaded and makes the movie clip thats showing the out put invisible...thats what supposed to happen except for the going to 100% straight away. the percent is being calculated properly but i think that the function is being executed before the new movie even starts to load...i've tried movieClip.onData but it doesn't seem to work..

Well heres the code

function loader() {
percentClip._visible = true;
targetClip._visible = false;
percent = 0;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Showing That External Movie Clips Are Loaded

Dec 12, 2004

On some sites i have seen usually portfolio or gallery type sites there are thumbnails, text or some shape that you click on to view a particular image. What I'm getting at is some of the sties show visually that the clip has been loaded with change of alpha (images that are not loaded greyed out and ones that have already been loaded are in colour etc..). An example of what i'm talking about is on [URL] When you click on the menu (selection uno), it loads a particular clip, and throughout the session on the site, u can tell which ones have been loaded and have not. I know there are probably many down and dirty ways of achieving this, but i know there is usually 1 or 2 'proper' methods for doing a particular thing.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Movie Clips Instead Of External Movies?

Nov 25, 2006

i'm trying to create a simple site with three buttons and three different screens rotating (so if one button is clicked the current screen fades out, a new one fades in, then when a second button is clicked the same thing happens and so on).i was using the tutorial found [url]my problem is that i need everything pre-loaded from the begining. i was trying to create a preloader that loads all external files, but it would be a lot easier to have the different screens as movie clips in one file. the problem is, i'm not sure how i should modify the code to place a movie clip in my "container", rather then load an external file...


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Showing That External Movie Clips Are Loaded?

Dec 12, 2004

On some sites i have seen usually portfolio or gallery type sites there are thumbnails, text or some shape that you click on to view a particular image. What I'm getting at is some of the sties show visually that the clip has been loaded with change of alpha (images that are not loaded greyed out and ones that have already been loaded are in colour etc..).
An example of what i'm talking about is onWhen you click on the menu (selection uno), it loads a particular clip, and throughout the session on the site, u can tell which ones have been loaded and have not.I know there are probably many down and dirty ways of achieving this, but i know there is usually 1 or 2 'proper' methods for doing a particular thing

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading External Swfs With Button Move Clips

Sep 8, 2009

I have a movie with 5 buttons. The buttons are movie clips with up, over and pressed states. I am trying to load each movie into a movie clip on the stage. All I can get it to do is load 1 movie.I am getting this error.[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: External Variable Change Opacity Of Movie Clips?

Oct 31, 2010

I am new to AS and stucked in a situation. I have a keyboard in which all grayed keys are single image but another layer have all active keys as separate movie clips. What I need to do is get external variables and make the opacity of relevant keys to 100% rest buttons should have opacity 0

like i receive variables key1= F10, key2= R key 3= pgdwn on flash file only these 3 movie clips will have opacity 100 rest all should have opacity 0. external variables can have any number of variable keys ( like 1 key to full keyboard).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load External Swfs Inside A Movie Clips?

Sep 18, 2011

This is my first time working with As3 and im a bit lost, everything is so different from the old good As2... what im trying to achieve is to create a simple virtual tour, i have a map with a few buttons on it that when clicked should lead to a panoramic swf that contains a picture of that particular place in the map. I already have the map and the panoramic swfs. But im clueless as to how to actually put them all together in one document. I tried by using this method but for some reason that loads just the panorama swf and not the picture inside it.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Laoding External Images Into Movie Clips In Different FRAMES

Aug 4, 2008

I generally don't mess with the timeline, but I need to for this project. In a nutshell: user can customize a product reference sheet with her choice of crossection, footprint, etc. All those choices exist as external swfs. In order to be legible, the reference sheet must be two pages.I know how to print multiple frames with Flash. But what I cannot yet achieve is loading external swfs into movieclips on different frames, and then print that. Here's my code from a test fla:[code]Now, this code will print both frames as separate pages, but the loaded image in printArea.holder2 does not print!

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Loading External Movie Clips And Duplicating Them

Jun 7, 2010

I'm trying to create a user customisable touch screen interface - in which people can include their own button styles (currently created as movie clips). I have a working XML file that names the style / external swf name for each button but I don't seem to be able to then duplicate that movie clip for say use in 10 separate buttons. When I try this only the last one created is displayed. I can of course separately load the file 10 times but that is yuk.

I hope to be able to position the timeline through n states in each loaded clip independently and also have one click handler that can return me an identifier of which was clicked - I know how to loop/create dynamic instance names.

<edit> I can do this successfully from the library - just not as an external file load - where the MC won't be in the library at all.

//Initialize variable to hold target data
var targetClip:MovieClip;
//********* Add a "MovieClip" variable that will reference the root of the loaded clip:**********


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Loading Movie Clips From A Button?

Feb 28, 2010

I have three movie clips, called clip1, clip2, and clip3 that are in my library but not on the stage.

On the stage, I have a movie clip of a curtain that is a button. How can I make it so that clicking my button (which makes the curtain rise) will load and play one of the movie clips in the library?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Storing Movie Clips Generated Randomly From External Bitmaps?

Jun 3, 2009

I'm trying to write a piece of code that creates a number of movie clips, gives each a random bitmap from an external source and then stores the movieclips into an array.Here's my code:

var array:Array = new Array();
for (var i:uint = 0; i < 10; i++)


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Nested Movie Clips - External Classes And No Clear Answer

Sep 22, 2010

I have a few questions I am hoping to get a few clear answers to. I have been looking around the web and in books for the last few hours and I can't seem to get an answer that is clear, at least not clear to me Question1 If an external class such as a document class is used, you cannot simply access a nested movie clip that has been dropped on the stage from the library using dot syntax, is this correct? Example:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get A Random Internal Movie Clips NOT Calling External Mcs With Loadmovie?

Jun 6, 2006

how to do a random internal movie clips NOT calling external mcs with loadmovie?Let's say I have two internal mc's with instance name : my_mc1, my_mc2 and I want them to load randomly in starting in frame 2 here what I did so far:

var tab_mc = [this.my_mc1, this.my_mc2];
function randomMC(tab_mc) {
var i=tab_mc.length;
var r = (Math.floor(Math.random()*i);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Function For _root - Control A Movie Clips Current Frame By Another Movie Clips?

Sep 13, 2009

I'd like to control a movie clips current frame by another movie clips action script.I realise the following controls the outside (root) frame time line:


but I'm not sure how to apply that to my other movie clip. I'm guessing it would be something like this:


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Controlling 2 Movie Clips With 1 Button?

Sep 7, 2009

Basically what I'm trying to do is have one button move two objects, each at different speeds. My first object is called "bg" the second is called "test." I have two buttons, "left" and "right" and when they are clicked on, only the "test" object moves. Here's the code I'm using:

function onRollOver():Void {
if (bg._x<gLEFT) {
bg._x = gLEFT;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button Events Within Movie Clips?

Aug 22, 2010

I have made buttons within movie clips as I want the buttons to fade in from alpha 0-100. Also, the buttons have an Over state, so when you hover over the button the colour of the button changes from maroon to grey.I originally used this code to link from one frame page to another:

on (release) {

however it just made the button disappear, so I tried using frame labels instead with the following code:

on (release) {

The above code allowed the button to link from one frame page to another, however the only problem is that it has somehow stopped the mouse Over event from working (the maroon to grey).I have used the following code to correct the mouse Over event error, but now the button itself isn't going to the specified frame.

onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
home_mc.onRollOver = function() {

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button To New Scene, In Movie Clips?

Dec 6, 2002

I've been following a flash tutorial, It's a complicated piece. You'll have to look at it to see for yourselves.My main problem is that I would like to try to add buttons to the scrolling 'menu' movie clips, that would enable me to go to a new scene. I've tried the '_parent.gotoAndPlay(2)' etc, but due to my very basic knowledge of action-scripting I can't get it to work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button Activating Movie Clips?

Mar 11, 2004

Ok so, I have a button called btnEnter and its instance name is enter. Then, I have a movie clip called mcRotatingDot and its instance name is center. These two work so that when the mouse is over the button, the dot blinks. When the mouse is no longer over the button there is a fade in from alpha 0 to 60 of the dot. It all works fine, here is the code that I am using on the movie clip:

onClipEvent (load) {
//this sets the initial properties of our clip
this._xscale = 75;
this._yscale = 75;[code]...........

1)How can I make the movie clip blink with pure action script? And not having to do a stupid tween on the movie clip's timeline.

2)Can a button activate more than one movie clip? Because I am also trying to make the same button (aka. btnEnter, instance name enter) to change the rotation speed of another movie clip to spin faster. Here is the code for the other movie clip called mcRotatingCircle instance name outter:

onClipEvent (load) {
//this sets the initial properties of our clip
this._xscale = 1000;[code]............

Yet the movie clip will not spin faster on roll over. The only thing that I thought could go wrong is that there is another instance of the same movie clip mcRotatingCircle, named middle on the stage. I tried absolute addressing the outter instance, but it just won't work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button Activating Movie Clips?

Mar 11, 2004

Ok so, I have a button called btnEnter and its instance name is enter. Then, I have a movie clip called mcRotatingDot and its instance name is center. These two work so that when the mouse is over the button, the dot blinks. When the mouse is no longer over the button there is a fade in from alpha 0 to 60 of the dot. It all works fine, here is the code that I am using on the movie clip:

onClipEvent (load) {
//this sets the initial properties of our clip
this._xscale = 75;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Some Movie Clips Function As Buttons To Load Some External Swfs?

May 24, 2009

So I want to make some movie clips function as buttons to load some external swfs. I have this action script on the mc's:

on (release)
loadMovie("Chuck.swf", "motionmc");

It was working when it was a button, but now nothing happens?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Button Inside 2 Movie Clips Call First 1

Nov 9, 2009

I'm having a problem with something which i thought i knew and apparently i dont.I have 2 Movieclips in my scene. i have "whole" and inside it "but1gallery" inside "but1gallery" i have a button named "but1". What i need is to get to a frame inside mc "whole" when clicking "but1". this is my code(im using AS2):

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Flash8 :: Playing Movie Clips On Different Frames From A Button?

Apr 9, 2010

I have a button which when pressed I need it to play a frame on the main timeline which contains a movie clip. I also want the same button to play another frame with another movie clip after the previous frame has finished playing. I have attached a sample file of what I am looking to d

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ActionScript 3.0 :: One Button - Plays Several Movie Clips In Order?

Nov 17, 2009

I'm using AS3 in CS4. I have a problem which i can't get past: I have a button which when clicked I wish it to play two movie clips (blind_mc, text_mc) when clicked.. however I do not wish them to play at the same time (as the script below achieves).. but to play one after the other.

I cannot put them on the same layer or join the two togther for many reasons including -- I have many different buttons i wish to apply this too all with different number of movie clips and orders of play, therefore I would have to create excessively long layers for each and every click.

function goHome(e:MouseEvent):void {;

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