ActionScript 2.0 :: Cannot Load An XML-based SWF In A Flash Project?
Feb 6, 2008
My problem seems fairly simple, however, due to my limited experience with Flash I'm having some difficulty with it. Anyway, here is my problem: i'm trying to use a Photo Gallery written in Flash. The source files for it could be found in the link below:
it's just so strange that merely calling the .swf from the same directory in a different Flash project is totally making this application, useless. As I mentioned earlier, I'm a beginner or less, at Flash, so please bear with me if my problem seems dumb. Nevertheless, my deepest gratitude for anyone that can help me out with this problem.
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var loader:Loader = new Loader();
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import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.Regular;
// declare variables
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Aug 2, 2011
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Apr 16, 2010
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Sep 10, 2005
I'm new in flash and I taking a basic flash class in my school, I did a project in which have a basic intro, well the problem that I have is this, I want after finish the intro automatically load the first page of the project, how to do that? edit: the intro and the flash project are in separated SWF's
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Jul 23, 2009
so i have some thumbnails for a gallery and im trying to make them only appear if the user has loaded a thumbnail for it. i will let the code speak...
if (_root.mainarea.six.galleries[thumbnail].blank.myBytes <= 100) {
_root.mainarea.six.galleries[thumbnail]._visible = true;
} else {
i cant seem to get the operator or the measuring correct. is there some glaring error in the "<=" or something ?
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Jun 15, 2009
I want to load a set of cuepoints into my flv player, I have 5 flvs and I want a particular set of cues to load depending on which flv is currently playing,
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Apr 6, 2011
I wanna make a swf movie which changes according to the page that published. I have a wordpress page and it has different (8 languages). On each language page my swf looks the same... I want that it changes in each language page for example it calls a behavior on and it calls another action oni tried this code:
function getURLhttp() {
var urlPath ="window.location.href.toStr ing");
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