Flash - Actionscript 3 Load PNG Onto Stage Based On Web Service Value?

May 10, 2011

I have the first two values going to separate text fields on stage, and that's working great. However, I'm now trying to implement a switch statement such that the current condition icon value in the XML is read by my script and the corresponding PNG becomes the UILoader source value. First and foremost, is UILoader the best component for use in displaying a PNG on stage?Here's my code thus far:

var src: UILoader.source=uicondicon.source;
case "0 PNG":


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Cannot Load An XML-based SWF In A Flash Project?

Feb 6, 2008

My problem seems fairly simple, however, due to my limited experience with Flash I'm having some difficulty with it. Anyway, here is my problem: i'm trying to use a Photo Gallery written in Flash. The source files for it could be found in the link below:


it's just so strange that merely calling the .swf from the same directory in a different Flash project is totally making this application, useless. As I mentioned earlier, I'm a beginner or less, at Flash, so please bear with me if my problem seems dumb. Nevertheless, my deepest gratitude for anyone that can help me out with this problem.

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Actionscript :: Flex 4.5 - Assigning A Variable After Service Data Load

Nov 20, 2011

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Feb 2, 2011

I am experiencing a strange problem when I want to bind a service to a button or something else:


I can add the services to the Data Services panel but I have two strange things:

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Actionscript 3 :: Positioning Nested Movieclips Based On Stage?

Aug 12, 2010

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cBPos = new Point(objectB.y);
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ActionScript 3.0 :: Have Stage Resize Based On Movie Clip?

Jun 26, 2009

i have a button thats adds a movie clip to the stage...the movie clip height is bigger than the stage. is it possible to have the stage "extend" when you click the button to show the whole movie clip?

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addPic.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, addImage);
function addImage(event:MouseEvent):void{
var mc:MovieClip = new testClip();

kinda like this i guess [URL] when you click on the flash on that page it expands and stuff

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Oct 31, 2009

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var boxOne = new box();
boxOne.x = stage.stageWidth/2;


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Setting Visibility Based On The Load?

Jul 23, 2009

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if (_root.mainarea.six.galleries[thumbnail].blank.myBytes <= 100) {
_root.mainarea.six.galleries[thumbnail]._visible = true;
} else {


i cant seem to get the operator or the measuring correct. is there some glaring error in the "<=" or something ?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Movie Based On Different URL?

Apr 6, 2011

I wanna make a swf movie which changes according to the page that published. I have a wordpress page and it has different (8 languages). On each language page my swf looks the same... I want that it changes in each language page for example it calls a behavior on and it calls another action oni tried this code:

function getURLhttp() {
var urlPath = ExternalInterface.call("window.location.href.toStr ing");


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ActionScript 3.0 :: RemoveChild - Load A Movie To The Stage And Wipe Out What Was On The Stage?

Jul 28, 2010

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load The .swf With The Exact Stage Size So The Graphic Elements Do Not Float Outside The Loaded Movies Stage Area?

Sep 7, 2010

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Actionscript Code:
import flash.display.*;var adLoader1:Loader = new Loader();adLoader1.load(new URLRequest("100828_budlight_texas_fight_728x90_jn.swf"));adLoader1.x = 313;adLoader1.y = 162;addChild(adLoader1);var adLoader3:Loader = new Loader();adLoader3.load(new URLRequest("100828_budlight_texas_fight_300x615_jn.swf"));adLoader3.x = 738;adLoader3.y = 0;addChild(adLoader3);

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Flash :: External Swf Doesn't Load Onto A Stage Via UIloader?

Dec 3, 2011

I have a typical logo on the right top corner and a menu bar just above it. Above the menu bar, I have a UIloader in which I load photoalbum.swf when one of the menu buttons is pressed. The problem is that setting the scaleContent property to true doesn't load my external swf.Setting it to false, everything appears as expected, except that the bottom part of my photo album is cut since the scaleContent property set to false (this makes the loaded swf file's size the same as the stage's and as the UIloader begins just above the menu, the bottom part gets cut off).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Load MovieClip To Stage From Library?

Aug 13, 2010

I am new to AS 3.0 and getting stuck with few things.I want to add movieClip named "button" to stage from library.Linkage to custom class name "customButton".Now,

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Video Based On URL Parameter?

Nov 20, 2009

So I downloaded this as3flvplayer script, but it hasn't been updated in over a year and has no documentation. It is based off loading the video from XML, but I would like to change it to where I can specify a URL parameter instead.

like: example.com/player.swf?v=video1.flv

Here is the original: [URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load OOP SWF Into Main (timeline Based) SWF

Jan 15, 2010

I have a main swf which has as3 code on the timeline. I have created a new small swf (a picture gallery) using external .as files (OOP) that works well on its own. I want to load the small swf (through a button on an array) into the main swf. When I click on my button in the main swf, it does not load the small swf (or I think, it cannot read the classes formed through OOP). I get the following error message:TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference. at classes::Script()TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.


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Mar 31, 2006

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Apr 5, 2011

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Oct 19, 2011

I just can't find the script required to automatically load another .swf when the (already) loaded movie reaches the end of the timeline.Context: 1st swf has been inserted into an html doc with a div tag. I want to add the script to the timeline of this movie.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load Certain Jpg Files Based On A Variable

Nov 1, 2003

trying to make this load certain jpg files based on a variable, but I can't make it loop through?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load XML Data Into Class-Based Model?

Feb 12, 2009

I'm new to FLEX.I've a requirement where i do have to load the data into Class Based Model(VO) from an Employee.xml which has got employeeName,departmentName,address & projectId tags.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Alternate SWF Based On Primary SWF's Time?

Jun 29, 2010

I need to load alternate flash content based on the end users bandwidth/ load time of pre-loader. for example:

User 1 enters home page. pre-loader SWF loads in 4 seconds or less, so the high bandwidth SWF is loaded.

User 2 enters home page. Pre-loader SWF loads in more than 4 seconds, so low bandwidth SWF is loaded.

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