ActionScript 2.0 :: Comparing Values From XML To Variables In Flash?

Dec 8, 2009

I've got an xml file that contains some data (which will be created by an external file later on in the project) and i want to be able to check the data in that XML file against a variable stored in flash.

If the value in the XML is equal to or greater than the value in the variable i want to jump to a different frame. If the xml value is less that the variable value i want it to stop and tell the user a message. i've included my code below. I just cant get it to work. Regardless of if the value in the XML file is higer or lower than the variable in flash, it always continues to the final frame instead of stopping accordingly.


//Load xml file that contains amount of cash user has and populate cash_txt box with amount
function loadXML(loaded) {


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} else {

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people = arr[i + 1][6]+", "+arr[i][6];


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if (q(_root._currentframe) == true) {
gotoAndStop(randRange(4, 41));
} else if ((q(_root._currentframe)) == false) {
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it's not working. why not?


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<mx:itemRenderer >
<fx:Component id="radio">
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Mar 20, 2009

My intention is to have an array with several variables, each one with a different name, all of them of the type 'Number'. This I can do.What I can't do is to access the variables using the array's index.

Paste this on your frame 1:

trace("======at frame 1======");
var objects:Array = new Array();


As you can see, the code is changing the value of the array element and not the value of the variable inside the array element.

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Flash - Comparing Two BitmapData And Get Similarity Percentage

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import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
var img1:BitmapData = new monaLisa();
var cam:Camera = Camera.getCamera();
var video:Video = new Video(camMock.width,camMock.height);
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Write The Conditional Statement For Two Variables That Could Have A Range Of Values?

Mar 24, 2010

I am attempting to create what I call an 'On Air' rotator for a radio station.  I would like to pull in an image file for each program when it is on air.  I have the following AS 3 code that seems to work:

var now = new Date();
var day = now.getDay(); // Returns integer between 0 and 6
var hour = now.getHours(); // Returns integer between 0 and 23


The weekday programming is the same every day.  We have some programs that are three hours in length.  I would like to cut down on the number of statements I write.  I am unsure how to  combine the weekdays and have a range of hours in one conditional statement.  Will the following work?

if (day >= 0 && day <= 4 && hour >= 6 && hour <= 10)

I'm attempting to express the condition "if the day is Monday through Friday and the hour 6 am to 10 am"

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ActionScript 3 :: Variables - Incrementing Values Every Time Button Clicked

Mar 26, 2012

I am looking for a quick and easy way to store variables in a text file, rather than use amfphp to connect to a database all I need to do is increment values every time a button is clicked. Would be better if all the vars were in the same text file but if I have to have one per var that would be ok.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pass FlashVar Values Through Preloader As Global Variables?

Jun 30, 2009

I have a program that uses a document class. The preloader.swf calls the main.swf. Problem is, the main swf uses FlashVars to set certain parameters. If I use preloader.swf to load the main.swf, FlashVars will no longer work.

So I need some way for preloader.swf to pass the FlashVars to the rest of the program.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Defining Values Of Variables For Classes, Subclasses, And Instances?

Jan 5, 2010

how subclasses,instances,and inheritance work. The below code isn't actual project code, it's theoretical code, generalized to a simplistic level so that we can talk about the big issues.Let's say I have animals_app.fla, with a "Dog" class MC and a "Cat" class MC. Both "Dog" and "Cat" are subclasses of "Animals"; animals_app.fla uses document class "Main".

Intuitively, I think Animals should declare that every subclass should have some animalSpecies, and each subclass will define the value of its own animalSpecies. It wouldn't make sense for Animals to provide any default value, because it will always be different per subclass. Is this correct? I had tried out some code similar to that below, and was perplexed because it seemed like whenever a subclass tried to define a value for its own animalSpecies variable, it was actually changing the value of the variable in the Animal class, but that's not what I want. How do I rewrite this code so that each subclass defines the values of variables it inherits from its superclass, without altering the superclass? And how would I define the value of variables for each instance of a class, so that I'm only changing the values of that instance, without altering the subclass?

import flash.display.MovieClip;[code]..........

Also, conventionally, what should be in my Main class? Only the addChild code which attaches MCs to the stage? Or should the values of variables be defined in Main? What am I missing? I recently read Foundation Game Design with Flash and didn't feel like the explanation was sufficient. I've tried scouring the web for OOP tutorials, but they're either too basic or too far over my head.where I should be defining values of variables for classes, subclasses, and instances?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Add Values Of Textfield Variables To Display Specific Button?

Aug 28, 2010

I am building a custom shopping movie for a client. He sells wine and champagne glasses with customizable bracelets. He wants customers to first choose either a 2,4, or 6 pack of glasses, and then individually choose bracelets. My problem is I don't know enough AS to code the functions.

For instance, when a customer first orders 2 glasses, it adds them to the cart, and then sends them to a new frame of the movie, with pictures of the 4 possible bracelets and a text field below for quantity, each with a default value of 0. They can choose 2, and only 2, bracelets by adding a "1" to their desired text fields.

First off, I want nothing to happen until they add a "1" to 2 separate fields. Once they have done that, a specific 'add to cart button' needs to pop up, that will getURL the proper link to add that bracelet combo to the cart.The code, which is wrong, that I am using so far is this:

ActionScript Code:
on (release) {
if (AS2 + B2 + R2 + SL2 < 2)


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing Values Of Variables That Need To Persist Amongst All Users Of Site?

Sep 28, 2006

I want to know what the best method is for changing the values of variables that need to persist amongst all users of my site?For example, say I have a button that can only pressed 10 times. And not 10 times by a single user during a single session, I mean 10 times between every user who ever visits my site. How would I keep a running count?

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