ActionScript 2.0 :: Component, Class Or MovieClip - Structuring A Site?

Oct 20, 2005

I'm building an all Flash site, and trying to streamline my approach as much as possible. In the site, I have 3 main panes. Navigation, ContentText, and Slideshow.

I want to keep each of these areas self contained, and just call methods to make things happen. Something along these lines: slideshow.showImage, or navigation.loadData("nav.xml") or contentText.loadTextfile("about.txt").

I could make each pane a componant, or a movieClip with methods defined on the first frame, or perhaps I could use classes. I was hoping the more experienced people here might have some advice on what is the best approach to take.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Structuring A Preloader Class Around A Button Event

Apr 26, 2010

I'm putting together a portfolio site in the external method of using a document class structure.

Of the classes I have involved thus far include:

and a

The Master class loads the Intro class (and others as well). The Intro class has the button event to trigger the Preloader. However, I want the button to trigger the Preloader as a separate class. Meaning, I don't want to build the entire function set inside the Intro class. I'm trying to build everything around the Master class and not go of in a tangent based around one event.

The problem I'm having is passing variable instance information in the Intro class to an external class whether it's a Preloader or otherwise.

I see tutorials for Preloaders, but how do people incorporate them into a pre-existing class structure? That is, in a modular fashion so I could re-use the Preloader class somewhere else? What's a common structure philosophy that's used to pass info?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Structuring A MovieClip Into Units That Are Loaded To A Different Time

Dec 16, 2009

itīs clear to me that I can load external SWF-Movies and other stuff like Bitmaps, Sounds etc. But how is it with the differentDisplayObejcts in the swf-root.
My specific problem: For a numerous mask-effected MovieClip-Field, the Constructor inside  an external class creates 3 Instances of different DisplayObjects in every loopcycle. First, the masked Object, then the mask (simply a black movieclip without code) and then, to seperate the masking from the Main-Class, a object container which contains the previously mentioned two Objects.
After creating the instances, they should brought into their Relationship on the DisplayList and added to Stage.
My Problem is: I think, the instancing of these many objects will take some time. Is there an Even-Listener and an Event, that checks if the Instancing was successfull and is ready be to displayed? Or do I have to create a boolean variable complete to my Constructor Funtion in the instanced object, that is set true after the end of the procedure? A loop in the Parent DisplayObject would check the value of the attribute and if it is set true, it will all add to the DisplayList and stage. Are there alternatives?

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Actionscript 3 :: Structuring System Architecture In A Flex Web Application On A Budget (w/o Java)

May 28, 2010

I started a project a while back using the following architecture from Adobe Developer Article talking about Creating marketing platforms in Flex. I did my first set of coding locally forgetting that my server did not handle Tomcat. So I said okay, and cut some corners and then some other limitation came up and I cut some more corners. Eventually for a good week or two, it was trying to get the project working with making the ends meet. Layers started to merge.

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PureMVC (Presentation/Client) -> ZendAMF (Communication) -> MySql (Data) Layout.

It worked but I never felt as though I had some layer just to take care of all the SQL calls to the data.It just felt hacked together

So should I keep the above setup and just start from the presentation layer and move downwards like they said in the article or is there a better layering (based on a hosting plan that does not handle Java) I could accomplish ?

UPDATE: My current hosting plan - [URL]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Horizontal Flash Site - Tween Class

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Actionscript 3 :: Can A Document Class Extend Another Custom Class That Extends MovieClip?

Aug 16, 2011

If I have a Document class that extends MovieClip, and I want to use it as the basis for another Document class, is it possible to create a subclass that extends the main document class and use that for a different FLA?

For example,

fla1.fla has a document class of MyMainClass:
public class MyMainClass extends MovieClip
fla2.fla has a document class of MySubClass:
public class MySubClass extends MyMainClass

I've tried, but now I'm getting errors that all of my variables that reference stage instances aren't being found.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Referencing A Textfield Inside A Movieclip Class From Document Class

Feb 3, 2009

Ok, this is one of those walls that I know once I can jump over it, I will be a much happier developer again.

I've done tons of reading, and think I have a firm understanding that the general consensus is that if you want to reference something, it needs to be added to the display list, using addChild().

I hate to be defiant, but what if I don't want to?

Or at the very least, what if I want to add a movieclip class to the stage using addChild, and then reference objects inside it?

It is much easier this way than what most people recommend - adding 15 objects via addChild, then setting the x and y for the, etc.

That said, I'm all about using classes and using as3 the way it was meant to be used. So what this is, is a best practices question I guess.


- Create new flash document

- Draw graphic symbol bg, with text field over it, select them, convert to movieclip symbol, and export class name "box", then delete it from stage

- Add document class .as file, which simply adds that class "box" from the library, to the display list using a simple addChild()

- Set a name for that box using = "test" let's say

- Do a simple trace like the following - "getChildByName('test').textFieldName" - it shows up great

- So then, I'll now try to set the text by doing this - getChildByName('test').textFieldName.text = "yo";

That last line above, is what doesn't work. I know I'm referencing wrong, but how would a pro as3 developer, reference something on the stage within a movieclip class, from the document class?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: 5000: The Class 'fla.class' Must Subclass 'flash.display.MovieClip'?

Jun 24, 2009

And i cant figure it out.the "my.fla.class"content looks like this

package my_fla


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Apr 24, 2011

I'm using the addChild function to a movieclip to load up another section on the site. However,everything behind that loaded SWF is still running,meaning sections are constantly stacking and it slows down the more sections you access.I've been trying to think of ways to resolve this and have yet to come up with a decent solution. I've thought of removing the previous swf,but that would would take the swf with it that was loaded as a child.Here's the important bit of my code you should see:

ActionScript Code:var section2Request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("Tracks.swf");var section2Loader:Loader = new Loader ();tracks_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, tracksPage);function tracksPage(event:MouseEvent):void{[code]......

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Call Function Of Document Class From MovieClip Class

Aug 8, 2008

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dispatch Event From Class That Isn't Extended Class Of MovieClip?

Oct 20, 2009

Is it possible to dispatch event from class that isnt extended class of MovieClip? I created my own class and put import; import*; but when i call dispatchEvent compiler throws error:"1180: Call to a possibly undefined method dispatchEvent."

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reference Movieclip On The Stage From A Class Of The Document Class?

Dec 8, 2009

Is there a way to refer to a Movieclip on the stage from a class file of the document class

Lets say I have 3 MovieClips on the stage(a Circle, a Square and a Triangle)

I have the document class which calls another class that controls the MC on the stage


ActionScript Code:
package {
public class Example extends Sprite {
//Create the instance of the class being called


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Professional :: Shuffling Class - Error: "5000: The Class 'Shuffle' Must Subclass 'flash.display.MovieClip'

Jul 28, 2010

I'm trying to build a shuffle function that somebody gave me into my card game. I two external .as classes; one is, which is my document class, and the other is I'm building the shuffling function into I think I'm getting close to making it work, but there are some problems. I keep getting this error message: "5000: The class 'Shuffle' must subclass 'flash.display.MovieClip' since it is linked to a library symbol of that type." Here is my code. code

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Access A Movieclip On Document Class From Another Class?

Mar 3, 2011

Going further on my app, I felt in another problem. Despite having lots of posts on the web regarding this, none of the solutions worked for me In my document class ( ve two containers. One empty and another with a star that is being imported from the library. Hereīs the main class:

import flash.display.*;


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Flash :: Use A New MovieClip As A Class Or To Copy It Without Reference To Its Class?

Jul 21, 2011

I am doing a looping background with 2 identical BG movieClip (B1 and B2). Those 2 are "new" by the same class.

var B1:MovieClip = new BG();
var B2:MovieClip = new BG();

But because this BG class picture is loader from the internet and the picture is rather big. When I addressed its loading by using progressEvent. The picture is really loaded 2 times. Is there anyway I create B2 based on B1 without using new BG() again? Since it definitely makes a new BG with Loader code inside.


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Actionscript 3.0 :: Custom Var On Class That Extends MovieClip Class?

Sep 27, 2011

If I can create dynamic variables on a MovieClip.. why would I not be able to create dynamic variables on a class that extends MovieClip?


I created from a mc symbol in the library. it works fine, except for adding the custom variable.. .. which I need to be able to do.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Static Class To Component?

Aug 26, 2010

i created One Static Class. This class used to Trim, TrimFront, TrimBack, Replace in string.How can i convert this class to component?

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Jul 27, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Targeting A Component In A Class?

Sep 1, 2011

I want to load a swf into a byte array before loading it into an swf loader. I'm wondering how I would target a specific swf loader to do this to since I have 3 different ones.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Attach Component Within A Class?

Jan 11, 2006

i'm looking for a way to add an instance to a component from a class...Something like

class myClass extends MovieClip{
function myClass(){


but i dont know about the "thecomponent" part.. i tried "textInput" but it doesn't work..

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Cannot Use The PopUpManager Class / Component

Mar 12, 2006

I cannot use the PopUpManager class.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cast A MovieClip To A Custom Class That Extends MovieClip Called MovieClipExt

Jun 4, 2010

i'm trying to cast a MovieClip to a custom Class that extends MovieClip called MovieClipExt

ActionScript Code:
package {
import flash.display.MovieClip;


...but sadly returns null instead of a MovieClip converted to MovieClipExt

what should i change to make this work?

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