I am dynamically creating movie clips using something similar to[code]...
This works fine for creating and loading movie clips, but at the same time I'd like to apply functions to these clips as they're created. For example, I'd like to apply a distinctive onMouseDown or onRollOver behavior to each ie ...
What I am trying to do is kind of odd, but I am wondering if anyone can come up with a clever way to do what I want to do. Basically, I want to re-define a named function at runtime. I can do this with anonymous functions, but I can't figure out a way to do it for named functions. I want to do this so that I can implement a "spy" functionality on an object for a testing framework (a port of Jasmine to Flex).
Take, for instance, this class:
public class TestClass { public var anonymous:Function = function():void { trace("original anonymous");
Can anyone more clever than I come up with a way to hack this? Can the bytecode be hijacked? Something?
In my application I declare a class variable as Function and set it during runtime as I instantiate the class. But how do I call this function? Looked in the manual but my brains are not working properly at the moment.
I am writing some code that needs to be very efficient, yet flexible. This is in a class and when the class gets initialized a function is setup. I want this function to run straight through without doing any time-consuming things such as calling other functions or routines, or doing any if/else logic/branching. Now I know that you can setup a function at anytime during runtime such as:
Code: var myFunction:Function = function() {trace('HELLO!')}
But what I am trying to do is to try and append code to a function based on logic, yet I don't want the function to be deciding this logic when it is running as it will only need deciding when the function is created.... imagine if it were a string it would be something like myFunction+="do somethingelse;" which would be the same as having initially setup myFunction as such:
Code: var myFunction = function() {do something; do somethingelse;}
With this I seem to be having no luck Here's an example where I setup the most compact/efficient function at runtime depending on what I want the function to do. Now this was fairly simple because when we create the function there are only a few possible variations, but I need someway of doing a function+= as my real code has quite a few variations and it would be a nightmare have a zillion if/else branches. REMEMBER I do not want any logic/decisions in the function itself as it to be the most efficient the function must be as compact as possible and run straight-through.
Code: var dynamicFunction:Function; // // Setup the dynamic function & call it // In this example outputs "Hello Jim" & "Goodbye Jim" dynamicFunction = CrapSetupRoutine(true, true, "Jim");
P.S. I knew the += would never work as this is a function and not a string. But at least if you think of the function as a string you'll get what I'm trying to do....
I am using Flash CS4. I insert and build a SWF file just fine. In the component inspector there is a preview entry but there is a note that says it is only for development not runtime. It says to use ActionScript and the Export option. I have used the Export Option to create the thumbnail image but I have no idea how to setup the ActionScript.
my goal is to have a small circle movie clip (would it work as a movie clip?) spawn when the mouse button is pressed. I know how to add the code for the button being pressed, but I do not know how to create the object on demand.
I was wondering if it was possible to create a mask at runtime. To clarify, I have an image that I would like to reveal as a user starts to draw on it.
So as you may or may not know, BlazeDS (open source version of LiveCycle Data Services) is a nice way to get your server-side Java and client-side Flex application to play together. Unfortunately, it does have several pitfalls that need to be corrected. I'll try to explain one of them here.
All of BlazeDS's configuration is written via XML files in the flex/ folder of your webapp. The default names are separated for clarity, such as services-config.xml, remoting-config.xml, messaging-config.xml, etc. In these configuration files (particularly services-config.xml), Channels are defined; these setup URIs and objects used to capture and send information between the server and the client. In these config files, it is quite common to use a syntax like so:
Unfortunately, what they don't tell you is that some of these key-in replacements (ie: {context.root}) are not replaced dynamically upon execution but upon compilation of the WAR file you intend to distribute. Obviously not a good idea when switching domains.
So, instead I seek to dynamically define these channels. According to the documentation, that's all good and fine, but it only works if the channel already exists when the webapp is launched. I feel like that sort of defeats the point. So my question is, how do you truly create channels dynamically so that both the client and the server recognize their existence?
How can i create native installer for windows, MAC and linux, which will check the system if air runtime is not install in the user system then installer will 1st install the AIR runtime and then the AIR application.
Do we need to use any third party software to achicve this?
For checking system wether the AIR runtime is install or not Do we need to write custom script or installer will automatically get things done.
I'm currently using the print class to create a nice bitmap-based summary of user input. Wondering if it's possible to somehow push this out into a file that can be emailed (by a script).
This is what I try to do: I am creating a game with spoken sentences. These sentences are loaded dynamically from an XML file, which contains the paths to mp3-files.This is what is currently happening: All sentences are spoken at the same time.I want them to be spoken one after another - how to I obtain this requirement?This is my (simplified) code example:
I wanna add dynamically (at runtime) new states to a container and, to this states, add different elements (like TextInput, Label etc.). This must be done from actionscript, I don't use any mxml file. I can add states and change properties or styles for different elements, but I didn't figured out how to add child elements for different states.
How would I create a strongly typed class at runtime (so to be able to create instances of it)? It can't be a proxy.
Additional Info: For example, say I want to create a Person class with first and last where both are Strings.
Context This is for an application that lets you create the data model and custom components at runtime. This is only part of it. I need to be able to have strong typing. If that means going to the server and creating a new SWF on the server with the value objects then loading in the definition at runtime then I would but that is a lot more work if there is an alternative.
Is there a way to create a replicating a display object on runtime, so it imitates all the actions done on the original, or do I have to perform every action I'm doing on the original, on the replica as well? I thought maybe there's a way by making a Bitmap object out of the original and updating it each time, but I don't have lots of experience using these kinds of methods.
Typically you create a Vector (strongly typed array) specifying a data type like:
new Vector<PictureBox>();
However I need to create a utility method that should be able to create a vector of any given datatype. Is it possible to specify a type using a variable instead of hard-coding it?
Is it possible to create wrong Regular expression in ActionScript/Flex which will cause runtime error? I've tried so many weird regexpes in Flex and Flex never complained! How do I know If my regexp valid?
I want to add MovieClips from the library at runtime onEnterFrame to create a trail behind the movieClip that is moving on stage: [Code]...
This just creates one instance of a movieClip "Follower". But how to make trail like effect - adding movieClips onEnter frame and positioning them according to "mcToFollow"?
I'm working with Runtime Sharing, and can't get past this issue...In my Import.fla document, I import for Runtime Sharing the movieclip "StarIcon" from Export.swf. It has the class "StarIcon".how to access "StarIcon" via Import.fla's document class. When I try to say
Code: var newIcon:StarIcon = new StarIcon(); addChild(newIcon);
I get a 1046:Type not found: StarIcon error.If I add that same code to Export.fla, it works fine... but obviously I don't want to use it there.Do I have to do something special in my document class to access the runtime sharing import?
Suppose you have a round based RPG type game. The player issues directives to his units, your enemy AI issues directives to its units. The problem is that the functions for those directives then have to be executed in a specific order with no relation to the order they were input in and all at the same time with the push of one button.
I just need a little direction here, I just spent the last fifteen minutes searching "AS3 Array of Functions" before figuring out that maybe that's not the way you do it in AS3.
Essentially, I'm looking for the way to store functions, put them in a list to be sorted in a specific order and then execute them in said order.
Suppose you have a round based RPG type game. The player issues directives to his units, your enemy AI issues directives to its units. The problem is that the functions for those directives then have to be executed in a specific order with no relation to the order they were input in and all at the same time with the push of one button.
I just spent the last fifteen minutes searching "AS3 Array of Functions" before figuring out that maybe that's not the way you do it in AS3.Essentially, I'm looking for the way to store functions, put them in a list to be sorted in a specific order and then execute them in said order.
I tried turning the following object (clear sake) into the product of a function (see below),however, my attempts to display any kind of output produces "undefined".[code]...
I have worked out how to store my varables in a document class, but now I find I can't use any functions on my timeline?? Is this supposed to be saving me time?I want to have mouse event functions
Is it possible to pull a function (and run it) from an xml attribute?I have a dynamic xml menu with lots of buttons and sub buttons
Code: function subButtnClick(........ if(String(_xml.item[_off.parent.id].subitem[_subOff.parent.id].@fn) != ""){ trace(String(_xml.item[_off.parent.id].subitem[_subOff.parent.id].@fn)); //returns the fn attribute - in this case, "aboutUs()" - when the "about Us" sub button is clicked. }
How can I take that string value of "aboutUs()" and make it run as an actual function within that same if statement?What I'd love to do is place a boat load of functions that each allow me to manipulate the stage in different ways - creating different page looks - on a separate imported "menuFunctions.as". Each menu button click returns the "fn" xml attribute which is then magically run as a particular function from menuFunctions.as, finally then, manipulating the main stage.
There are several built-in callback functions in Flash, all of them very useful because they are monitoring events and immediately execute actions. They made us economy in code writings. Unfortunately, there's not enough callback functions that fulfill our particular requirements. For example, there's not such a MovieClip.onFrameReached(n) function, that makes something when the movie clip reaches the frame number n. I must appeal to setInterval function to monitor when the movie clip reach the frame n. I try to avoid using that because I believe it is resource consuming. In ActionScript 2.0, can you create your own callback functions or methods? think about what useful a function I described would be when you work with external swf's in order to synchronize it with other objects.
I would like to know how to create an object-orientated functions in Actionscript 2. I'm actually not sure if that is what it's called...Anyway here's an example of how I want to be able to call my functions[code]...