Professional :: Can't Create Functions On The Timeline?

Feb 14, 2012

I have worked out how to store my varables in a document class, but now I find I can't use any functions on my timeline??  Is this supposed to be saving me time?I want to have mouse event functions

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function illboxClear(){
[Code] .....

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on (rollOver) {
} on (rollOut) {
} on (release) {getURL("boxer.html","_blank");
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function slideImage(btnNum:Number)
trace("scrolling image");


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Suppose you have a round based RPG type game. The player issues directives to his units, your enemy AI issues directives to its units. The problem is that the functions for those directives then have to be executed in a specific order with no relation to the order they were input in and all at the same time with the push of one button.

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I was wondering where the best place to put helper methods is. I need these to be methods I can use outside of the singleton enforced class. Would it make sense to put it in Global Constants? The only thing against that, is I always use EditorGlobalConstants the same way: EditorGlobalConstants.SUPPORT_PHONE An example of a 'helper function' is the following:


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-1084: Synax error: expecting identifier before this.

-1084: Syntax error: expecting leftparen before rightbracket.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX] Create A Photo Album - Combining Functions?

Apr 8, 2004

I want to create a photo album. I have 8 thumbnails (thumb_01, thumb_02 etc)I want, when the photo album opens up, the thumbnails to appear with a Interval of .7 seconds and to rescale them from width and height 0, to width and height 80, with an elastic movement at the end ( maybe that they get a little bigger before they reach their final width and height. I have the following functions:

for setInterval:

function showClips() {
if (clips.length) {
clips[0]._visible = true;


My problem is this: I miss the elastic movement in the scale function and I really don't know how to combine these two functions.

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Aug 18, 2009

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ActionScript Code:
var funcContainer:Array=new Array();
for(var v:uint=0;v<5;v++){


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mp3 Player Functions - Create Next And Previous Song Buttons

Jan 27, 2009

I don't really use Flash anymore but have been approached by a client to work on a simple-function mp3 player with play, pause, prev, and next song buttons for their website. I'm using [URL] and wanted to learn how to create next and previous song buttons. Here is my code:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Execute Functions In Main Document Class When Main Timeline Reaches Frame X

Oct 16, 2009

I have 3 functions in my main document class that I want to execute when the main timeline reaches a particular frame number. how do I do that?

see the code and comments

public function mainClass()
//stage declaraction
stage.align = StageAlign.TOP_LEFT;


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Professional :: How To Access Functions

Apr 16, 2011


with the code above how would you call the function clicker from the function clicker2? as with the code i have it comes up with the error "1084: Syntax error: expecting rightparen befor colon")

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Professional :: Code Not Entering Functions

Jan 27, 2010

I have the following code in the first frame of the only layer of the timeline, and nothing else in the layer:[code]

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