ActionScript 2.0 :: Does Making The Parent Object Null Recursively Release All Memory Used By All Subordinates In The Hierarchy

Mar 17, 2004

This is the scenario:

// Assuming a lot more properties are added to all objects
var parent:Object = new Object();
var kid:Object = new Object();
var kidToy = new Object();


Does making the parent object null recursively release all memory used by all subordinates in the hierarchy?

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I have a my project that has three frames on the main timeline.

Frame Label MovieClip Instance Name Class file
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Actionscript :: Get Url Path Of Self (movieclip) In Flash Within A Hierarchy Of Multiple Parent Movieclips?

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May 10, 2010

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ActionScript Code:
public class classB {
protected var mc : MovieClip;
public function loadImage() {
mc = new MovieClip();
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[Code] .....

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In my application I'm loading a series of png images as overlays that can be tinted for customizing in this app. When I trace my memory, the basic app idles at 64,000 k. The exact second I load those overlay images it goes up to 205,000k. If I remove those clips and "clear" the stage I should go back down to 64,000 k if everything is removed and collected correctly, right? It's not, it's hanging at 215,000 k. Are my images being cached and that is the reason for the memory staying up? If so, how do I prevent that. Or upon removing the parent of the image how can I un-cache the image.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Memory Doesn't Release When Removing MovieClips

Jul 8, 2009

The app is basically an animated character that sits on screen and moves around doing stupid little animations. Each animation (Talking, Dancing, Jumping, etc) is an individual Movie Clip made up of around 50 or so PNGs in sequence. I'm using CS3 to create the clips, and exported them as SWCs for use in Flex. When I addChild() the MovieClip to stage, memory usage increases, which makes sense. However when I use removeChild() on the same clip, and then add another clip, memory increases, and this goes on with every new clip... essentially leaving 10 clips in memory even if they aren't being played.

Now, first thing you are going to think is I've got a reference to the clip somewhere and it's not garbage collecting. Well, I'm using weak listeners everywhere, and I'm pretty sure I've killed every reference by NULLing out the objects. I understand Garbage Collection doesn't happen right away... but it never seems to happen. As a test, I wrote a really bare-bones app to attach and remove a clip to see if the memory ever frees. I've left the app running for a half hour after removing the clip from stage, and memory usage stays the same:


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for each( var imgPath2:XML in xdata.img )

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Sep 17, 2010

I'm making a rather large flash project and so I'm concerned about memory usage. At the end of each section of the application I remove the overarching parent element that holds the content. Although this remove the parent, does this also free up the memory for each of the children contained within this, or should I run an iteration to remove those prior to removing the parent?

I'll give a little more explanation in-case I'm not expressing what I want:

By using this code:

Does it remove movie2 and movie3 from memory or are they still stored, just unlinked?

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Javascript :: Flash Embed Error - 'null' Is Null Or Not An Object

Jul 18, 2010

the script i wrote is working fine. but the script attached to the flash player which i have no control over is throwing a script error (im using IE8).how can i fix this? if i run it locally there is no error.

'null' is null or not an object

try { document.getElementById("").SetReturnValue(__flash__toXML(function() { return document.location.hostname; }()) ); } catch (e) { document.getElementById("").SetReturnValue("<undefined/>"); }

but this is from flash script and i dont have control over it. it just say JScript - script block.

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I have the following piece of code(part of a much bigger program). I this code I am re-using a motion that has been previously used successfully. The trace stmts are used to identify the exact location of the error and the error conditions as best I can.[code]

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Mar 6, 2012

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Set Child Of A Parent To Null?

Jul 29, 2009


and I dont mean this: (which removes the parent)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reload It But The Parent Is Always Null?

May 2, 2011

i found this scroller class but it has problems when the .swf started in a small size. in short.. it doesn't have any resize function. i would like to reload it but the parent is always null.


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Actionscript 3 :: In Flash Does Extending An Object Use More Memory Even If The Object's Methods Aren't Used

Jul 20, 2011

I am creating an object pool to cache some recyclable objects in memory at the outset of my application in order to avoid (as much as possible) the performance issues caused by GC running; if possible I'd like to minimize the memory my object pool reserves, so I'm attempting to pool generic forms of the objects (with no methods) and then casting the generic variants to more specific and complex object types which extend the generic form when I actually want them on the stage.

The trouble is that to do this requires the generic variant class to import/extend MovieClip (because the more complicated objects are themselves MovieClips and make use of DisplayObject methods)-- does simply importing and/or extending a class add to the memory an object takes up when instantiated even if it never uses methods from the inherited class? It makes sense that it would, and some light profiling seems to suggest that it does, but I'm not 100% certain. About how large should an 'empty' MovieClip instance be in bytes?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Null Object Not Null

Sep 5, 2009

I am trying to add an EventListener to a MC, but I am getting the 1009 error. My script is referencing a MC that does exist. I have verified that my code is typed correctly, and that my instance names are correct.I am creating a portfolio site. On the first frame I have my main navigation (well, it's actually not the first frame. I alpha-fade everything in so it's really the 6th or 7th, but I'm not sure how pertinent that is). The main navigation works fine (5 movie clips, fyi). Clicking them will move to a different frame, and the information and sub navigation for the frame will fade up. It is the sub navigation that I am having trouble with.[code]

As you can see, it doesn't even get to the function before it gets thrown off. I have verified that the instance names are correct. The script and the MC I am trying to add it too [I/]are[I/] in the same frame, which is what's stumping me. Normally you get 1009 when the object you're trying to reference is not there, but mine is!!Obviously there is something wrong with my EventListener. I am not sure what else do; there is a gap in my understanding of AS.

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Flex :: Null Cast Between Parent And Child Objects?

Mar 1, 2011

I have a flex application with two objects: a parent widget (called an IBaseWidget) and a child widget (called a HelperWidget2).When the user clicks on a help link, a helper widget is loaded into the list of base widgets and then displayed for the user.However, when I try to access this child widget by casting the base widget in the collection to the child widget type,the child widget returns null and I am unable to work with the widget.The following snippet correctly returns the widget ID of the newly added widget and dispatches an event to load the widget:

var id:Number = WidgetManager.getInstance().getWidgetId("Helper");
ViewerContainer.dispatchEvent(new AppEvent(AppEvent.WIDGET_RUN, id, openQuickQueryCanvas));[code].........

The problem is that helperWidget above always returns null, meaning the cast isn't successful.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Movieclip Making Itself Null?

Oct 4, 2009

I have a movieclip with a class attached to it, so obviously i can acces it with commands of the kind this.* What i want to do, is delete the movieclip after some time (it's a bullet from a tank and I want it to be gone after explosion). I can removeChild it, but the code "this = null" doesn't work.Is there any way to get it out of my memory? Because now my application slows down and in 5 minutes it's unplayable...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Release Outside When Dragging Object?

Jul 27, 2011

I have a number of tabs which can be dragged around the screen.. I've constrained the movement to a rectangle using startDrag(false, rectangleName) but when I ROLL_OUT or MOUSE_UP outside of the constrain rectangle the tab does not register it, thus defining itself a new startX and startY once clcked on a second time..

private function tabOver(event:MouseEvent):void { event.currentTarget.scaleX = 1.05;  event.currentTarget.scaleY = 1.05;}private function tabClick(event:MouseEvent):void { event.currentTarget.scaleX = 1.05; 


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Actionscript 3 :: Making Subclass Objects Non-Null?

Sep 21, 2011

I'm currently having some trouble with referencing objects that turn out null on export. Basically I want the Document Class to run the code of another class that is the class of a MovieClip without having Error 1009 popping up everywhere in my output panel.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making A Declared Tween Not Null?

Sep 21, 2011

I declare this tween...

ActionScript Code:
private var _tweenX:Tween;
private var _tweenY:Tween;

I even fire it off it when the player hits a corresponding button...

ActionScript Code:
_tweenX = new Tween(museumGuy, "x", Regular.easeOut, museumGuy.x,categoryPaintings.x, 40, false);
_tweenY = new Tween(museumGuy, "y", Regular.easeOut, museumGuy.y,categoryPaintings.y, 40, false);
_resetAnimation = true;

As you can see I have some animation stuff in there. I need to stop the museumGuy from doing his walk animation when the tween is over so I have this on the EventEnterFrame function I set up.

ActionScript Code:
if (_tweenX.isPlaying == false && _tweenY.isPlaying == false && _resetAnimation == true)


how I can stop that? In my Init() I tried to state...

ActionScript Code:
_tweenX.isPlaying = false

but it doesnt like that either.I could fire off a tiny tween as soon as the app starts that doesn't last long enough to notice,but I really want to get a hold of how to control it.

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