ActionScript 2.0 :: Draggable Playhead With Progress Bar?
Dec 24, 2007
My main swf file has about 2000 frames. I want to make a progress bar with playhead that when we drag it, the swf file will adjust appropriate position, similar to the progress bar in comman media players.
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Oct 12, 2011
I need to add a progress bar/playback controls for a presentation built in AS 2.0 which has such length voice over in it we've decided we need to give the user the ability to see where they are in the timeline and scrub through sections of the presentation. I'm familiar with stop and pause button code in situations like this, but it's the first time I've needed this kind of functionality. Presently, the first part of my project is set up with several scenes and is completely linear. The second section is interactive with swfs loaded into empty movieclips.
I've found a number of references to progress bars online, but they're all for loading content, not for navigating once content is downloaded.
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May 25, 2009
I have created a custom skin for a Flash video that I wish to use. I currently have a shape tween within an MC that acts as the progress bar for the Flash video. Is there code that will allow me to click and drag that shape tween and control the movie? My movie is embedded within my flash not streamed.
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Jun 4, 2010
I have an SWF movie (1375 frames) and created a progress bar (248px wide) with a slider that moves according to the movie progress. I'm doing that next way:Calculating the distance for the slider to be moved each frame (248 / 1375) On each ENTER_FRAME moving the slider for the calculated distance The problem is - the movie ends far before the slider reaches the end of the progress bar.
I'm thinking that the distance (Step 1) is is somehow ends floored by Flash and the actual distance it moves the slider is smaller than required. That's why the movie ends, but the timeline control just passed the 2/3 of its way. My question is - is there any solution for the problem? Or any other way to go, if it's a wrong one?
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Mar 2, 2011
I have a progress bar inside a repeater and therefore I will need to use getRepeaterItem to set it's progress as suggested in this question.
How can I do that such that the value of progress may be taken from repMonitor.currentItem.threatLevel?
<mx:Accordion id="monAccordian" includeIn="Monitoring" x="10" y="10" width="554" height="242" change="monAccordianChange()" >
<mx:Repeater id="repMonitor" dataProvider="{monitoringArray}">
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Dec 8, 2011
I'm wanting to advance the playhead 5 or 10 frames and then stop after each time you hit a button on the stage.
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Jul 18, 2007
I'm making an flv player, and i'm having some trouble getting the playhead to be smooth. It's a little bit jumpy.
The code is pretty standard.
timeline.playhead._x = (player.playheadTime / player.totalTime) * timelineWidth;
But if anyone knows how to get the playhead to move very smoothly
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Jan 13, 2009
I'm loading external movie on frame 1 of the main timeline.
When that movie stops, I want the main playhead to jump to frame 2 of the main timeline.
What action do i put on the last frame of the loaded movie?
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Apr 7, 2009
I have a Flash image gallery containing both images and captions fed by an XML sheet. I have an HTML hyperlink in the XML (wrapped in CDATA tags) that I want to control the Flash movie with, i.e. go to frame 70 when link is clicked.
I found this piece of code but it didn't work:
<![CDATA[<a href="$70" target="_blank">Link</a>]]>
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Feb 2, 2010
I want my animation to STOP when I press SPACE, and then PLAY when I press SHIFT. This needs to be in AS3. The only catch is that my whole animation is composed of 5 Scenes. I'm confused as to where I should add the code. I have it in a class and it still doesnt work. I tried putting it on the 1st frame on Scene 1.
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Jan 3, 2009
I am doing a presentation using Flash cs3 and using actionscript to animate some of the slides. How do stop the playhead? (ie: each frame is a slide and I amusing timers to animate the presentation).I am currently putting each slide into a frame. Is this thebest strategy?
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Aug 2, 2009
I am designing a project which demands many scenes to be involved in. So, I am trying to send the playhead to another scene by clicking on a button existed in a movie Clip at the main root. I used gotoAndPlay demand. but, it is not working.
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Sep 4, 2009
The playhead in Motion Editor doesn't work and I'm seeing in tutorials.I can't scrub it along the timeline.When I pick a keyframe point it doesn't appear there unless I change the value of that point. If I then click on the playhead rectangle, the playhead disappears (actually it appears to jump to the first frame where it's half visible and can't be moved).I was playing with the motion editor interface trying to better define the problem and I figured out what's wrong.
The Motion Editor values for graph size, expanded graph size, and viewable frames were unusable in their default settings. In particular, viewable frames were set to 1 by default. As I increased the value the playhead started to function. I can't set a value higher than 117. I've maxed-out the graph size setting at 180 (300" wide format display) and the expanded graph size at 200.
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Jul 14, 2008
I'm using the FLV playback component in AS2 published to Flash 9.
I'm loading in a list of possible FLV (and mp4) videos from XML and then based on the user's input setting the contentPath of the component.
I'm using the external steel playback controls--although I've tried some of the other ones as well.
The video is starting just fine. The metadata is received. But for some reason the little triangle that shows how much of the video has played isn't moving. I can drag it and seek around, but then the triangle just sits there.
I've checked the playheadUpdate event and it is giving the correct percentages every little bit (I'm guessing 250 milliseconds which it says is the default interval).
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Aug 30, 2011
I apologize if this questions has already been asked and answered. I tried searching through the Flash forum and was unable to find the answer I was looking for. I am very new to Flash and apologize for the simplicity of the question, but I am having trouble moving the playhead along the timeline in Flash. For example, when I open up a new Flash project, and start out with the initial layer with it's single frame, I am having trouble moving the playhead forward to frame i.g. "75" or "80". My questions is, can I not move the playhead because I do not have content past frame one or can I not move the playhead because I have accidentally initiated a button or action that will only allow me to scrub my playhead through frames with content. On the off chance I had done this, I tried restarting Flash with the default settings with no success. Again, I realize this may be a very simple question and I am hoping the answer will be the same.
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Apr 1, 2012
I have simple flash CS4 file (AS3) with a video playback component in a movie clip called "video". The only other thing in this flash movie is a script to load another SWF file as soon as the video is done playing....If I use stop() on the frame with the video - it will play - but then the playhead will not move forward to the next frame which has the next script and if I leave the stop() off - it plays only a a few frames of the video and moves on to the next frame and executes the script that loads the swf file.
Everything I've read requires a button event - and I don't need a button. I just need the video to play - then the next script to execute.Here are the only scripts in the flash movie:
***************************** // in the frame containing video component
*********************************** // in the next frame after video component.
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Nov 18, 2010
I'm trying to contol the amount of time that a video plays, using netstream. I need to have the stream stop or pause after a amount of time... Here is the code...
var flvPlayback:FLVPlayback = new FLVPlayback();
var flvPlayback1:FLVPlayback = new FLVPlayback();
var cuePt:Object = new Object(); //create cue point object
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Dec 15, 2010
Using AS3, when a playhead enters a frame, can the movie be paused for 5 seconds, and then the playhead scripted to go to the next frame?
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Dec 10, 2003
how will be actionScript for waiting the play head in a frame for 5 second ?
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Jan 26, 2007
I'm loading a swf into a container clip and I'd like to target this swf for control such as gotoAndPlay, etc.
I thought targeting the container clip would do it but it's not. Here's my script so far:
var mediaMenu:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("mediaMenuHolder", 1);
mediaMenu._x = 15;
mediaMenu._y = 175;
var mediaMenuLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
mediaMenuLoader.loadClip("mediaMenu.swf", "mediaMenuHolder");
The swf is loading but I can't seem to give it any instructions.
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Apr 7, 2009
I have a Flash image gallery containing both images and captions fed by an XML sheet. I have an HTML hyperlink in the XML (wrapped in CDATA tags) that I want to control the Flash movie with, i.e. go to frame 70 when link is clicked.[code]...
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Sep 15, 2009
I cannot get the timeline to stop on the last frame - when but02 is pressed it goes back to the first frame. How do I prevent this? The button should be inactive on the last frame.[code]...
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Oct 15, 2009
If I have for example a simple timeline with 2 labels.The first one is called "Intro" and the second one is called "Loop".So I would like to make the playhead start on frame 1 ("Intro" starts) and when it gets to frame 100 ("Loop" ends), make it loop 3 times and then go back to frame 1.So I would simply write the code:
Lets say it does, how would it increment loops to more than 1, if when its incremented to 1 the playhead goes to frame 1, runs that code again, so loops would be assigned 0 again, right?
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Jan 20, 2005
Is it possible to play the playhead backwards, if i want to play an animation backwards?
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Jul 31, 2004
Let's say you wanted to simply pause the PLAYHEAD with actionscript, and then start the playhead again automatically, after, say, 5 seconds??? Is there a way to do that, assuming nothing else is going on in your flash movie during that time...and I DON'T want to add 5 seconds worth of blank keyframes?
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May 19, 2009
I have a piece of code like a the end of a timeline, most usually looping back to frame one or a stop() if I let the playhead play through to this frame then flash will freeze!
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Feb 2, 2010
I want my animation to STOP when I press SPACE, and then PLAY when I press SHIFT. This needs to be in AS3. The only catch is that my whole animation is composed of 5 Scenes. Would this be a problem? Also, I'm confused as to where I should add the code. I have it in a class and it still doesnt work. I tried putting it on the 1st frame on Scene 1.
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Apr 14, 2009
How can I hold the playhead on a frame for a few seconds and then have the playhead continue playing?
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Jun 7, 2009
to stop the playhead at a frame in a movieclip should AS3 use "MovieClip(this).stop();" rather than just "stop();" ?
the movieclip is nested within several others dynamically and therefore cannot easily be referenced directly from the stage, if that would be otherwise preferable...
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Jun 23, 2009
After using Flash for many years for animation I've finally discovered the Flash Presentation document setup, but I'm stumbling at the first hurdle in getting my head around the document structure and how the playhead moves between slides/screens.
I have a small 48 frame animated "text bullet" which fades in and then glows for a second. I have placed this on one layer in slide 2, and have tweened it so that it flies in from the left of the screen, stopping in the middle. This is great but have noticed that when advancing to the next slide, slide 3, and then hitting the left arrow to go back to slide 2, the animated instance of the text bullet is at the same position/state as when I navigated away from slide 2 to slide 3.
So how come the playhead doesn't automatically jump to the start (frame 1) of slide 2 when I navigate back? I have explored the Behaviours but haven't managed to sort out this very basic first step
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