ActionScript 2.0 :: Target The Playhead Of A Loaded Swf?
Jan 26, 2007
I'm loading a swf into a container clip and I'd like to target this swf for control such as gotoAndPlay, etc.
I thought targeting the container clip would do it but it's not. Here's my script so far:
var mediaMenu:MovieClip = this.createEmptyMovieClip("mediaMenuHolder", 1);
mediaMenu._x = 15;
mediaMenu._y = 175;
var mediaMenuLoader:MovieClipLoader = new MovieClipLoader();
mediaMenuLoader.loadClip("mediaMenu.swf", "mediaMenuHolder");
The swf is loading but I can't seem to give it any instructions.
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Jul 10, 2007
Short version: I'm trying to load an external .swf from a URL and add event handlers to the movie clips (or it's movie clips sub-MCs) on its stage. I can't find a THING online on how to do this.Details:I've been tasked by my employer to build a simple control interface in flash, with just a few buttons to do things like display some info or images or maybe an associated MP3. I've written little test apps to do all of these individual things & managed to fake my way through.But the sticking point is that I'm now trying to place all the UI controls into an external .swf, which I then load into the canvas by a URL. The goal is to be able to load it into a variable named, say, 'private _ui:MovieClip' and then add event handlers to mivie clips within that bynamelike:_ui.someButton1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_ UP,handlerFunction1);_ui.controlStrip.someButton2.addEventListener(Mous eEvent.MOUSE_UP,handlerFunction2);The goal is that if we want to swap out the UI for a particular client, we just export a new .swf with all the correctly named MC instances & use the new URL to load the UI.I seem to be able to load the .swf OK and trace the movie clips "Main Timeline" like so:
_ui2.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMP LETE , uiDidLoad);
function uiDidLoad(evt:Event){
trace("UI2 LOADED");
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Feb 5, 2010
I have a swf called anim1.swf acting as a preloder and loading anim2.swf. anim1.swf is attached to a document class called Once anim2.swf is loaded, how can I target the root of anim2.swf?
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Jun 15, 2009
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function loadThumbs(){
for (var i = 0; i < totalElements; i++){
var thumb_url = elements[i].@thumbSrc;
trace("totalElements: " + totalElements);
now i want to have it so that when u click a thumb, it re-layers them. I am able to get the one u click to the front of the order, but how can i tell the others to layer as i want? I guess the problem is that I cannot use the name of the display object and i can't user image_loader to setChildIndex with.
function replaceElementAndMoveThumb(event:MouseEvent):void{
setChildIndex(event.currentTarget, numChildren - 1);
I am thinking that in AS2 I would use the movieclip instance name, but don't think this works in AS3.
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Oct 1, 2010
I'm trying to somehow target a MC being loaded into an empty container MC. I've tried everything I could think of.
Basically, I'm making a movie editor. Right now clips are added to the stage on initial load, then when they are clicked on they are added to the "reel" and they can be previewed in the order that they are added. Now, I'm trying to get it so that when they are on the "reel" they can be click and dragged and rearranged.
Here's how the clips are added to the stage in a function called loadClips():
ActionScript Code:
addChild(clip1); = "1";
Here's how they are being added to the "reel" in addClips():
ActionScript Code:
if ( == "1")
clipCopy = new Clip1();
Now, I just want the clips that are on the reel to be click and drag-able (along the X axis but I'll worry about that later). I realize now they're all being added as clipCopy. That's going to be an issue huh? Is there a way that I can target the container and make that mobile?
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Aug 8, 2002
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on (release){
if (loadedMoviePath._currentframe == 10);;
loadedMoviePath - what would the path to the MC in the movie that has been loaded be?
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Nov 5, 2006
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//homepage Animation Swap Images
function photoSwapAni(){
Also I see I'm going to have an issue with the random part because it could call the same animation twice or more times in a row. Should I ad some sort of if statement or is there a better way to do this random part of the code?
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Jun 27, 2009
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function loadAsset(evt:String):void{
var assetName:String = evt;
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Oct 18, 2011
I'm using buttons to send the playhead to frames in which swfs are then loaded into an otherwise blank movieclip called "stage_target_mc" can I then flush out the previously loaded swf so only a newly loaded swf displays in "stage_target_mc"?For example, after clicking upon the 'about' button the 'about' swf loads...then if the 'concepts' button is clicked the 'concepts' swf loads -- but the previously loaded 'about' swf still plays...I would like to be able to flush the 'about' swf so only 'concepts' is display, in this example.code associated with buttons used to send playhead to frames "concepts" or "about":[code]
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Mar 15, 2011
I'm having trouble adding a cuepoint listener to a dynamically loaded .flv which targets a dynamically loaded .swf. I'm also adding cuepoints via actionscript.
Basically everything loads okay but I get a compile error in the the function cuePointHandler when referencing mc_slideLoader.
Scene 1, Layer 'Actions', Frame 1, Line 601061: Call to a possibly undefined method gotoAndPlay through a reference with static type flash.display:Loader.
I'm still a rookie with AS3 so I'm thinking the Loader class doesn't have a gotoAndPlay property and some how I have to get it to act like a MovieClip?
Here's the actionscript.
ActionScript Code:
// using Flash version CS5
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Mar 1, 2004
How come i handle the movieclip which i loaded into target movielip?
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Jan 3, 2007
I have a script that loads images and text from an XML file into movieclips.The following code is what creates the movieclips that contain the elements:
var thumb_mc:MovieClip = _root.mc_conteudo.createEmptyMovieClip("thumb"+(1+i), _root.mc_conteudo.getNextHighestDepth());
var img_mc:MovieClip = thumb_mc.createEmptyMovieClip("img", 0);
I can't seem to find a way to target the thumb_mc or the img_mc so they have rollover effects and actions (they are created for each set in the xml file, so there are multiple mc's)mc_conteudo is the content mc that scrolls.The swf is here: http:[url].....
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Jun 2, 2003
I am trying to load an external swf into a target. When the swf is completely loaded, I want to execute the next set of actions. I am trying to develop my flash websites so that no coding is done within the child swfs. So I would assume some code like this would work:
_root.holder.loadMovie ("child.swf");
if(_root.holder.getBytesLoaded ==_root.holder.getBytesTotal){
_execute some other command;
However it doesn't work! So is there a way to detect when a specific child swf has fully loaded into a target (not _framesLoaded please!) and then set a variable to allow some other actionscript to kick in?
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Apr 14, 2004
Is it possible to target a loaded movie within the main timeline and stop sounds in that particular movie only?
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Dec 18, 2006
is there a way to target loaded movies other than through loadMovieNum() or creating localConnection?
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Feb 14, 2004
When I load a .swf into a target movie that I have on my main page, it is all wrong, the slider menu that I have loading into the target movie, does not stay inside target and it seems to reposition the slider menu to the x psotion of my main movie How can I fix this, so the slider menu in the swf stays inside the target movie when loaded?
FLA file is too large to attach, if needed I can attach it in pieces.
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Apr 14, 2004
Is it possible to target a loaded movie within the main timeline and stop sounds in that particular movie only?
View 4 Replies
Nov 11, 2008
is there any reason for this AS not to work. I have checked and double checked and cant find a reason.
I have used _root also just to check and what happens with both is that the swf is loaded but not into the target "theClip1", It takes over the whole screen.
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Jul 13, 2003
i have main.swf with FPushButtonSymbol-linkageID in libary on main timeline a have this:
THE PROBLEM: the button is not attached.i know that this don't work by default, and i could use loadMovieNum but i realy do need this TARGETS-mc.I would say: load into a _level, not into a target. That's the usual "getaround" with attached symbols that preload before anything else. If they really need to be in targets, once they are loaded into _level1 for instance, and cached, load them again into your holders.
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Sep 29, 2003
On the attached exercise, is it possible to stop further items being dragged onto a target when the target box is full?
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Nov 28, 2011
What is the difference between target and currenttarget in flex?What is the difference between Target and Current Target in Flex especially in mouse events.
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Dec 8, 2011
I'm wanting to advance the playhead 5 or 10 frames and then stop after each time you hit a button on the stage.
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Jul 18, 2007
I'm making an flv player, and i'm having some trouble getting the playhead to be smooth. It's a little bit jumpy.
The code is pretty standard.
timeline.playhead._x = (player.playheadTime / player.totalTime) * timelineWidth;
But if anyone knows how to get the playhead to move very smoothly
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Jan 13, 2009
I'm loading external movie on frame 1 of the main timeline.
When that movie stops, I want the main playhead to jump to frame 2 of the main timeline.
What action do i put on the last frame of the loaded movie?
View 7 Replies
Apr 7, 2009
I have a Flash image gallery containing both images and captions fed by an XML sheet. I have an HTML hyperlink in the XML (wrapped in CDATA tags) that I want to control the Flash movie with, i.e. go to frame 70 when link is clicked.
I found this piece of code but it didn't work:
<![CDATA[<a href="$70" target="_blank">Link</a>]]>
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