ActionScript 2.0 :: Draw Rectangles Around "hs" Movieclips?

Aug 17, 2011

I am having a couple of small issues with my code for drawing rectangular outlines around hotspots in my scene. The first problem I have is that if I have a movieclip that displays above the hotspots (such as a menu that appears/disappears with a button press), the outline appears to be over the top movieclip. The second issue I have is if that movieclip contains a hotspot within it, the outline appears elsewhere on the screen instead of around the movieclip.[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Drawing API - Attach MovieClips And Draw Lines Between Them

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square.fla is the original file
lineCurve.fla is the file in which I tried to add curves.

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Actionscript 3 :: Random Point Between Two Rectangles?

Jan 16, 2011

I'm making a top view zombie survival game in AS3. I want to spawn the enemies in waves defined by "frames", or the difference between a bigger rectangle and a smaller one within it, like a picture frame. Right now here is my code, which is pretty inefficient. I was wondering if there was a better way. This code doesn't work right either, all the enemies spawn in the bottom right of the screen:

public static function waveOne():Point {
var inner:Rectangle = Waves.WAVE_ONE_RECTANGLE_1;
var outer:Rectangle = Waves.WAVE_ONE_RECTANGLE_2;[code]....

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Actionscript 3 - What Is The Box Model For Flash Rectangles

Jun 29, 2011

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When you set x and y both to be 0, where does the border lay? Is it off the screen? Is it being cut in half by the origin? Or is it completely visible?When you set width to 100, is the fill 98 wide or 100 wide?What happens to the 1px thick border when the rectangle is not positioned at whole number coordinates?


var sh:Shape = new Shape();, 0x00FF00, 1.0, false, LineScaleMode.NONE);, 1.0);, 0, 100, 100);


I tried to create a 100x100 square at x:10, y:10. When I measured the total width and height in Photoshop, it came out to be 101x101.One would either expect the final dimensions to be 100x100 (border on inside) or 102x102 (border on outside).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Contain Rectangles With Scrollable Container?

Jan 17, 2010

I created a small rectangle and made it into a symbol movie clip. then I went inside of it and added a small 100x100 image on the left side along with a description of the image on the right side filling up the rest of the space.

I now want to somehow put it in a container that will automatically add a vertical scrollbar on the right side and somehow add more rectangles on top of each other. perhaps the scroll bar wont be initially on the screen until the container fills to have more than 5 rectangles in it or so.

Is there a component I can extend somehow to add this kind of functionality or does one already exist that I can use?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamically Add Rectangles To The Stage?

Jul 21, 2010

I'm trying to develope a simple game, but i'm facing a problem, that I think it is simple for yours who have experience in AS3.I trying this:

var dynamicObj:MovieClip = new MovieClip();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Multiple Rectangles Size And Pos?

Mar 22, 2004

I have 5 rectangle mc's. All different sizes and different positions.

I have a final size and position.

I want to click on 5 different buttons and make the corresponding mc grow and move to the desired final size.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: BitmapData Draw() Method - Draw The Bitmap On The Stage At Design Time?

Mar 18, 2009

I am using the draw() method of the BitmapData to encode a jpeg of part of the image. Now this should be easy enough given the object I want to draw to the bitmap is on the stage at design time so I know its location and dimetions exactly! Heres the code I have in place.

var myBitmapSource:BitmapData = new BitmapData ( street.width, street.height, false, 0x333333);
myBitmapSource.draw(street, null, null, null, new Rectangle( 96, 5, 571, 450 ), true );

I know for a FACT that no part of the street clip I am drawing out is in negative space, and it's registration is (0,0). However, it cuts off A lot of the top of my image. y=5 in the above rectangle is where I need the top to be, but it cuts the top off of the image... even if I change it to 0, it has no effect.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Youtube Api Draw - Error #2121: Security Sandbox Violation: BitmapData.draw

Jun 30, 2011

I'm making something that requires me to draw() the youtubeplayer Giving me this pretty error:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: BitmapData.draw() Failing To Draw Entire MovieClip?

Dec 15, 2009

I'm trying to do some lean blitting for an object that rotates by rotating it once at startup and capturing a BitmapData snapshot of each 5 degrees. The problem I'm having is that the draw() method of the BitmapData object is only picking up pixels in the MovieClip that are below and to the right of the registration point. If I change the MC so that the registration point is in the top left corner, I sometimes get what looks like most of the pixels, but the entire object rotates into and out of the frame, since it's rotating around the corner and not the center.

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Professional :: Drawing With A Pencil - Circles And Rectangles?

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Professional :: Rectangle With Arbitrary Number Of Rectangles?

Mar 27, 2012

I'm trying to figure out how to tile a rectangle (the stage) with an arbitrary number of rectangles. Simple tiling where all the tiles are the same size and simply stacked in a grid.I'm doing this with a resizable layout and a number of tiles that is arbitrary and will change over time.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating A Series Of Solid Rectangles?

Jul 13, 2009

Fairly new to ActionScript 3. I am creating a series of solid rectangles which will be acting as butttons for my site, a new rectangle is created by looping through an XML List, 1 rectangle for each title in my List. They will be displayed 1 above another down the left hand side of my screen.

What I want to do, if possible, is create a vanishing point on the right hand side of my screen which the rectangles will use to alter their perspectives.Obviously the rectangles with a far different Y position to the vanishing points, will display with a greater perspective.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Find If Two Rectangles Are Intersecting When Rotated?

Aug 9, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Removing Rectangles Drawn Using Code?

Aug 11, 2011

I have written code to draw a rectangle around each movieclip on the stage when the user clicks a "Show Hotspots" button in the movie. However, when the user (me in this instance) clicks the button a second time, I want those drawn rectangles to disappear. How do I clear a rectangle that is created through code?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: XML Drawn Rectangles To Movieclip Array?

Dec 27, 2007

I am using an external custom class to draw xml driven shapes in a movieclip. take a look at [URL] for a better idea of what I am working on. I am looking to turn each shape (which would be a booth) into a that I can click each booth and have some info come up about it. I am having a hard time calling the array from the main movie.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Making Rectangles & Collision Detection

Mar 28, 2011

Although, The amount of material online is quite confusing, As there usually is more than one way of doing a task. The part that i am up to is making collision detection work. Let me explain some background first, so you can understand how im trying to make it work. Steps


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Multiple Rectangles Size And Position?

Mar 22, 2004

I have 5 rectangle mc's. All different sizes and different positions.I have a final size and position.I want to click on 5 different buttons and make the corresponding mc grow and move to the desired final size.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Drawing API - Rectangles Replication / Echoing

May 11, 2004

I have a pretty simple script that allows you to draw multiple rectangles using the drawing API in MX. I need to create multiple MC containers, so that I can later do other functions to these areas. Now, why the rectangles are drawing in the way they are. If you copy this script into a blank file and run it, you'll see what I mean. Why is it duplicating/replicating/echoing as you draw? If you debug and list Objects, it is creating the MCs properly, so where are these other lines coming from?

drawLevel = 0;
drawOK = "yes";
this.onMouseDown = function() {
if (_root.drawOK == "yes") {
this.createEmptyMovieClip("rect"+drawLevel, drawLevel);
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Slice Image Into Random Number Of Rectangles?

Jun 21, 2010

I want to create animation. I want to slice image into random number of rectangles (it can't be squares) and I want to animate all of this rectangles at once.

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Actionscript 3 :: Better Pack Rectangles Tangent To A Sphere For A 3d Gallery?

Mar 16, 2011

I am creating a 3D sphere gallery with ActionScript 3 and the Flash 10 3D (2.5D) APIs. I have found a method that works but is not ideal. I would like to see if there is a better method.


To see this in action, click here. alternate link. Notice that with the default settings, the number of items actually in the sphere are less by 13. I believe is the error introduced by my approximation in the first step.

I am not able to figure out a method for determining what the exact radius of such a sphere should be. I'm hoping to learn either a better method, the correct method, or that what I am trying to do is hard or very hard (in which case I will be happy with what I have).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Randomly Place X Number Of Rectangles On Stage?

Aug 13, 2009

how could I randomly place x number of rectangles on stage so that they dont overlap?
not tween, just place?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Split Rectangle Into N Smaller Rectangles And Then Recombine?

Aug 23, 2010

We have a 100 by 100 px square.

How would one split this up into N number of random x/y rectangles?

And more crazy, how could you then position these back in order?

I checked out 2d Packing but its not really what im after.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Filled Rectangles That Have Been Created By Attached Lines?

Dec 14, 2005

I have a fla wher you in a rectangle can put in columns and rows by clicking buttons. Now I want that if you click in one or the smaller rectangles created by the columns and rows, this rectangle shal be filled with a color. I also want to know how many of the rectangles are filled.The meaning is that the user shal visualize a fraction and the as shal be able to know if its right.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Use Image Instead Of Plain Rectangles By Modifying The Code?

Aug 19, 2011

It is a wonderful code. But I would like my own images instead of the rectangles that actionscript generates. How to modify the following code,This is whole code I have on my project:



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