ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Scrollbar Size - Area And Place?

Nov 24, 2004

I'm making a scroller that scrolls movieclip (text inside). It works quite good but I want to put the final touch on it. I want that my scrollbar is dynamic in its size (just as browser scrolls or windows scrolls). Then my biggest programming problem comes up, maths

The values that I have is
- How tall is the area there the text shows.
- How tall is the movieclip that the text is shown in
- How tall is the place there my scrollbar is shown.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Place On A Particular Area Of The Stage?

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I want to place my duplicates about one third down from the top and in a small bit from the left.  Roughly centre them on stage.  My code so far:
for (var i = 1; i <= 6; i++){ duplicateMovieClip ("fish_mc", "fish_mc" + i, i); _root["fish_mc" + i]._x = 500 * Math.random (); _root["fish_mc" + i]._y = 350 * Math.random ();}

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Randomly Place Mc On Stage EXCEPT For One Area?

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I want to load some mcs randomly on the stage, except for a footer area at the bottom of the stage. Is there a way to exclude just a certain part of the stage using something like Math.random()*Stage and then specifying the bottom 300 pixels as off limits?

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onClipEvent (load) {
x = this._x=Math.random()*Stage.width;
y = this._y=Math.random()*Stage.height;

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This is my first time skinning a scrollbar and I ran into a issue. The button I click and hold to scroll up and down changes in size depending on how much content there is. Is there a way to keep the button from changing in size?

More Details:

For example if my scrollbar button was a smiley face and I didn't want it to stretch. I am changing my scrollbars globally by creating an instance of my custom scrollbar and applying it via the style manager in my code.


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package classes
import flash.display.MovieClip;


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stage.stageWidth = 200;

stage.stageHeight = 100;

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I know this is basic, but I lack the terms to use to search for the solution. I can do some advanced stuff in Flash, but when it comes to basics like this, I'm at a loss.

I'm trying to have two movieclips call the same function but pass to it a different argument to then process accordingly. What I've learned is that even though the MCs are small rectangles on the stage, their clickable area seems to span the entire stage. In this code example, when I click on one MC, the trace gives me both 1 and 2, as if both MCs had been clicked. What am I missing? Attached is the stripped-down FLA.


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1) Select the component on the Stage and use the Free Transform Tool or any of the Modify > Transform commands.
2) Use the setSize() method or applicable properties of the CheckBox class.

According to this same site, if you increase the size of the instance, you also increase the size of the hit area.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Finding The Size Of The Stage/Viewing Area

Dec 18, 2009

How do I determine the pixel size of the stage or viewing area defined in Flash CS4? Isn't it just stage.width and stage.height?

Okay now the long version:

I'm working on a script in AS3 and Flash CS4, and I'm doing some art by code.

I wanted to make a progress bar for a preloader, so I made a Preloader MovieClip and on that movieclip I drew a white rectangle, and I told it to appear at stage.width / 3 and stage.height /3. It drew it at the top corner instead, and after a lot of experimentation, and reading the ActionScript 3.0 Language and Components Reference I found that a display object's width and height are defined by their contents, and you can't manually alter them to be bigger. So I figured that I could make an invisible rectangle the size of the stage in the background of the preloader MovieClip and that would make it the size of the stage, but I realized that I would still be stuck manually setting the stage size to match what I wrote in ActionScript. Untill the MovieClip containing the Preloader was added as a child object to the stage, which would then set the stage.width and stage.height to match those of the contents.

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Javascript :: Flash - Scrollbar Based On Browser Window Size?

Feb 24, 2010

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Add A Scrollbar To A Text Area That Swaps Out Xml Text Files

Nov 29, 2005

I'm building a site and I would like to add a scrollbar to a text area that swaps out xml text files. Currently, I have up and down arrows to scroll the text, but I would like to have an actual scrollbar instead since there is a lot of text in some of the sections. Here is a link to the current version of the site with the up and down arrows: [URL]

I can make the scrollbar work just fine if I put the text in the first frame, but whenever I set it up to call on text files, then the scroll bar won't work. Obviously, I'm pretty new at Flash. I've attached an FLA with the text box.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Fit Text To Area - Font Size Increase/decrease ?

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Flex :: How To Get Size / Coordinates Of Content Area Of Container Objects

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Published To Match Movie Size In HTML Options, No ScrollBar

Dec 22, 2010

So I published my Flash Movie using the HTML settings of Match Movie Size, rather than Fit To Screen (fit to percent, I believe it is) under the publish settings options. This way it works great, but there is no scrollbar on the browser. So my stage size is pretty big, lets pretend its 1200x1200 lol. So, now I want every monitor in the world to be able to see the entire page. I do not want it to fit to their screen, but I want them to be able to scroll down using their browsers scrollbar rather than a scrollbar within the SWF itself.

So imagine you are on a 15 inch monitor, and you are browsing my 1200x1200 HTML page, calling the SWF. You need to be able to scroll down to see the bottom, and scroll right to see the right side. Why is the browser scrollbar not appearing? Is there anything I must do?

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Flash :: Find The Size Of The Area In A Bitmap Which Has Been Filled Using The Bitmapdata.floodfill Method?

Sep 27, 2011

I am using the floodfill method to colour-in sections of a bitmap image. That part is easy enough but the issue comes in with the way I am adding an effect to the colour fill routine.

To add the effect, first a copy of the bitmap data is created and floodfill is used on that instead of the original bitmap. Then the method is used to set the alpha value of everything apart from the filled-in section to 0 and the result is saved in another bitmapdata. After that, a 1 px radius circle sprite is added to the stage and is being tweened to the image dimensions and its mask is set to the sprite which contains the result of the compare operation.

This works perfectly except for the fact that the fill sprite has to be tweened to the complete image dimensions irrespective of how small the area is being coloured-in since I am not able to find a way to get the dimensions of the fill area. I am doing an bitmap image update at the end of the tween and I have to disable user interaction till the tween is complete to avoid the errors which come in if another fill-in operation is started before the base image has been updated. If I could somehow get the dimensions of the fill area then the time during which I have to disable the user interaction will go down considerably.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Stop A Dynamic MC In Its Place By _xmouse?

Feb 21, 2008

My website has a ring of images arranged in a loop in 3d space and the ring's rotation is controlled by the _ymouse value. The problem is that anywhere you go on the page, the loop keeps spinning and is ridiculously distracting.I'd like the spinning to stop dead in its tracks when the _xmouse value is greater than 100, but I can't get it to do so. I can stop it, but it doesn't stop at the moment where the _xmouse value exceeds 100; it goes tricks itself into thinking _ymouse position is 0, going back to the same place every time _xmouse >100. If you want to see where I am so far, the site is [url]....

I'm still new to all this so if you have any suggestions please be thorough or alter the code for me so I can learn through a little bit of reverse engineering.Maybe I need a listener of some sort? I don't know. Here's the section of code dealing with the _xmouse & _ymouse controls:

panCamera = function(){

spin += this._ymouse/4000;
if (_xmouse >= 100){[code]....

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Dynamic Text Box Scrollbar Disappears?

Jan 9, 2010

I'm using Flash MX to create a website. The user navigates between different scenes/frames using buttons, just like moving to different pages in html (except the "pages" are different parts of the main movie's timeline).The problem I'm having is that on two embedded movie clips there are text boxes which dynamically load html-formatted text files (news updates for different topics). When I run the movie, both of these "pages"/"frames" work beautifully, but after the first time, when I come back to either of them, the dynamic text boxes' scrollbars have disappeared and the up/down scroll buttons don't work. By clicking on the loaded text and dragging I can force it to scroll, so all the content is there, but the controls are gone.

I've been searching forums for a couple of hours on this now and the only thing I found was someone found a similar issue on CS3 which required giving scrollbars instance names (which I did) and then inserting Actionscript telling them to update--and that is a bit beyond me. Is there something I have to type in when the text loads to get it to do that?The script I'm using to load the text into the fields is as basic as it gets (and obviously cut and pasted from somewhere else):

loadText = new loadVars();
//creating the loadVarsText function


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic Textfield With Scrollbar

Nov 19, 2009

I want to make a textfield where I load my text in (via txt or xml?). Depending on how much text I load in the textfield, the textfield will get longer and Therefore the scrollbar will get smaller/bigger.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scrollbar On Dynamic Textfield?

Jan 25, 2008

So I have a dynamic text box and I need a scrollbar on it.Not only that but I need it to scroll to to the bottom when i calla function.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scrollbar For Dynamic TextField?

Jul 5, 2011

So I have created a scrollbar for a dynamic textField by using the following code:

scrollBar = new UIScrollBar();
scrollBar.scrollTarget = lobbyChat.incoming_txt;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create A Dynamic Image Scrollbar

Nov 5, 2009

I am trying to create a dynamic xml driven video playlist, that will display the thumbnail, title and time duration of the video (quite similar to the one on youtube). But I don't know where to begin and I have been googling for some helpful tutorials but cant find anything resourceful. guide me if I shall use the Flash component for scrolling purpose or I shall learn to develop my own scroller with scrollbar. If someone knows the link of some recommended tutorial, that would be great.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Dynamic Text With Custom Scrollbar

Dec 18, 2008

I am trying to adopt Lee Bremelow's OOP Scrollbar 2 to load external text. So far without luck. This tutorial uses three classes. In fla file there are movieclip scrollbox, inside of which are dynamic text field (txtField) and custom scrollbar ( consisting of two clips: thumb and track). If I copy some text into text field, everything works. If load external text into text field, text is loaded but it doesn't scroll. Below are codes from all classes:

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