ActionScript 2.0 :: Fighting Game Camera Angle Position
Oct 4, 2006
I am making a fighting game and I have made an attempt to make a kinda moving camera effect. Bascially two movieclips are inside a container movieclip. When one movieclip moves back the container scales down ( zooming out ) and when the two movieclips are close together the container mc zooms in. The containers _x is inbetween the two movieclips.
This is the best iv tried to explain it - sorry its probably hard to understand what im doing. Here is my attempt at doing it but its not very good i was wondering if anybody has got a better way of doing it.
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container.x = ( ( (tile.x + (tile.width / 2) ) * container.scaleX) * -1) + (mask_width / 2);
container.y = ( ( (tile.y + (tile.height / 2) ) * container.scaleY) * -1) + (mask_height / 2);
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Sep 23, 2009
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to explain the context, I'm trying to design a mock up of a circular interactive table Dynamically placing movie clip at the angle and global position of a mouse click (button) which is constantly rotating.when someone comes up to it and clicks on one of the buttons that are moving, it reads where the person clicked it and opens up a new box (movie clip) where they clicked it (at the angle) so its not upside down if you are at the top.
I've included my .fla file which shows the four buttons moving and a little diagram explaining what I'm trying to do.
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Sep 23, 2009
Does anyone know the code for finding the global positioning of X & Y co-ordinates of a click of a button which is constantly rotating, and then secondly the code for when you click on the button it displays a movie clip on top of it -(position of x & y when clicked) at the angle that you clicked it, so underneath the buttons are still rotating so other people can click them where they are?
I'm trying to design a mock up of a circular interactive table when someone comes up to it and clicks on one of the buttons that are moving, it reads where the person clicked it and opens up a new box (movie clip) where they clicked it (at the angle) so its not upside down if you are at the top.
I've included my .fla file which shows the four buttons moving and a little diagram
explaining what I'm trying to do.
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Does PushButton have it out of the Box?(I searched for it and didn't find, hence the question here).
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Aug 27, 2009
im trying to make a new version of my game mad world check it out at [URL] Ok so basilcey what im trying to do is make it so when you go to a new frame, the new lv that the camerea resets to the new spawn place beacuse currently the camera stays were it was.
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Sep 23, 2009
Does anyone know the code for finding the global positioning of X & Y co-ordinates of a click of a button which is constantly rotating, and then secondly the code for when you click on the button it displays a movie clip on top of it -(position of x & y when clicked) at the angle that you clicked it (so underneath the buttons are still rotating so other people can click them where they are)to explain the context, I'm trying to design a mock up of a circular interactive table when someone comes up to it and clicks on one of the buttons that are moving, it reads where the person clicked it and opens up a new box (movie clip) where they clicked it (at the angle) so its not upside down if you are at the topI've included my .fla file which shows the four buttons moving and a little diagramexplaining what I'm trying to do.
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Feb 9, 2005
Ive made this rotation with AS. But Id like to make the bar to move from angle A to angle B smoothly.
How can I do this?
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Jul 27, 2009
Everything going well so far except for camera control. I want the character to always be in the center of the screen. only when the side boundaries are reached, the character should leave the center of the screen to be able to reach the sides of the screen.Somewhat like this: http:[url]....I've tried 2 ways but both without succes:
- move the character using the keyboard, but somehow keep it in the center of the screen (have no idea on this one)
- move the entire area except the character to simulate movement.
This seems kind of ineffeciant but it worked out better that the previous attempt, the only problem is that the character doesn't return to the center of the screen when he leaves the boundary.The .fla's are available for download here http:[url]....
the actionscript is all in the first frame.try not to be too hard on the crappy visuals Ignore the comments too, theyre only there to help me understand what I did.The boundaries seem to be a bit sketchy aswell when moving to the sides, but that's not a big problem right now.
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Apr 1, 2012
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Oct 11, 2010
From a Flash object, I would like to be able to detect the presence of a webcam that the user might grant access to, without actually asking the user whether they want to grant access. This is to streamline a large application that has extra features if a webcam exists — if there is a webcam, the application will present several dialogs that lead up to the normal cam-security prompt, but if the user doesn't have the hardware, I want to skip over them altogether. Requesting access to the cam before those dialogs won't make sense to the user.
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Jun 10, 2009
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Oct 20, 2010
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when you use attachMovie how do you set its position on the stage?
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Oct 4, 2004
How can I place my letters in a different position everytime the game starts and the letters will not appear in the same position? Right now I can make them appear in different positions but sometimes they will appear in a same position. I got the fla file attached here.
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Feb 25, 2010
I am developing a game like this. [URL]. I just start this game And stuck in a problem. Moving arrow of game according mouse moveing like Given URL just check out. I know it is just a mathematical calculation. I have done according X position of mouse moving. But confuse something With Y position also. So I am not getting proper solution of X & Y position Both Togather.
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Oct 18, 2005
I want to create a sidescroller game in which the characters arm rotates according to the mouse position(for aiming). I am no stranger to flash, I've been using it for years.
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Mar 7, 2012
I am going to develop a very simple game for android and for iphone/ipad I have the option to develop it in cocos2d or in adobe flash air (i am not a developer, but i have 2 developers who are offering me the service)I have a developer that states that cocos2d is better and other one that states that adobe flash air.I want it in cross platform.the cost offered by both developers is the same..i have heard that adobe air has the flaw that it is very slow, is this real? if you had the 2 options which will you use to develop your game and why?
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Apr 24, 2011
I'm making a game that populates user-designed cards into the game using an external xml file. My main class loads the xml file and then calls to the "Card" class, which wants to use the xml file. I've tried using this.parent and it just gives me a null object reference error. This is what I have so far:
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