ActionScript 2.0 :: Filters Won't Work With Random Images?
Feb 18, 2009
I am trying to load random images from across the web through my movieclipLoader class, and then apply Bitmap.draw and Blur filter to the loaded image. I have this bitmap.draw and blur filters happening inside my onLoadInit handler. I find that the filters and bitmap.draw work fine only if th images are uploaded in my domain, but doesn't work with random images from across the web.
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Jun 28, 2007
i have inserted on stage through attachmovie a mc and copied 6 times through the cycle for. . now through the class filter I have assigned for everyone the effect always through the cilo for, but I do not succeed to assign transition that is to the effect movement of the filter glow to all the mc for all the rollOut and rollOver works (this is looked at from the small hand and trace) but the every time that step small hand on whichever only mc to a part the transition of the effect�now i show the code of my fla files that is in first frame...
import flash.filters.GlowFilter;
/*import flash.filters.*;*/
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
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package {
import flash.display.Loader;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
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May 3, 2010
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Apr 7, 2011
I am trying to implement a random slideshow type thing which would be fine if all of the images were in the one folder, but i want to randomly display them from multiple folders... if I define each path as a variable, is that the easiest way?
ActionScript Code:
var pathaURL:String = "folder1/slideshow/";
var pathbURL:String = "folder2/slideshow/";
var pathcURL:String = "folder3/slideshow/";
and then somehow implement the randomness with the image variable...?
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Mar 10, 2003
I'd like the tutorial on randomly loading images to go one step further...Anyone know how to have the images load randomly and have a button that ALSO draws from the images randomly...?
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Nov 10, 2010
AS that is retreiving info from a config.xml file (the number of logo's per slideshow).
The flash movie needs to show 4 different slideshows in one flash movie. For this i'm using a AS 2.0 code. 2 of the 4 slideshows work perfectly. however the other 2 are not? I'm expecting there is a limitation to the code, because only the first 2 slideshows that are adressed first in the code are working fine. I'm using the exact same code, but with other variable names but it won't work...
Below is the actionscript code:
import mx.transitions.Tween;
//load xml
xmlData = new XML();
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Aug 7, 2003
Is there an easier way to display random images, for example I want it to display an image or two and then three or four second�s later change to another. I have over 100 images to display and don�t really want create each frame and place a new image on every 5 or so frame. There must be somewhere out there some action script that can do this, c
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Aug 31, 2010
I do have a problem to make jpeg images random in a swf movie.I have found a tutorial which explains people to apple a single lineofcode:imagenes_mc.loadMovie("ima00" + (1+random(5)) + ".jpg");to the first frame of the movie which contains an empty mc "imagenes_mc" which should load a diferent JPEG each time someone gets into the website.Thing is: ON my published swf nothing happens with that code and on the output windown i get "1120: Acess of undefined property mages_mc" and also "1180: Call to a possible undefined method random"
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Nov 25, 2010
I have a button and onMouseOut I need my flash to load for example4 images horizontally, one after another with a sort of a fade in effect (or let's say a simple 10-frame animation that I desire), BUTwithout repeating the images. Images go through a .xml file (max 50 images)
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Feb 12, 2010
I'm trying to get a simple random SWF loader to work. and I'm close...I have 10 movies saved as movie1.swf to movie10.swf saved in a directory.For my index file (swf file that will load one of the 10 movies randomly) I have one single frame with this in the actions:
var movieArray : Array = ['movie1','movie2','movie3','movie4','movie5','movi e6','movie7','movie8','movie9','movie10'];
var loader : Loader = new Loader();
loader.load(new URLRequest(movieArray[Math.round( Math.random() * movieArray.length-1 )] + '.swf'));
For the most part it works. But every now and then the screen comes up empty on a refresh. My guess is the math might be slightly off and is calling a file that is not there.
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Nov 6, 2003
This works with having normal gradient fill with color:
color_red = 0xFF0000;
color_blue = 0x0000FF;
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Jan 12, 2010
i am using a slideshow template that I purchased and I wanted to get the images to load randomly, I contacted the author but he wants me to pay him extra for this and I have no money left for this project.basically, I'm looking to add a line to this as2 file that would make the images load randomly without repeating and then start over when the cycle completes. I tried putting in an array but it caused all kinds of errors.
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Nov 8, 2010
I have been looking at tutorials online and I havent found exactly what I need.I have a folder of jpegs that I need to fade in and out at random. One movie clip, not triggered by anything, just fadeing in and out different jpegs from an external folder
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Mar 21, 2009
I have a set of images on the screen that is 5 x 5 rectangles. My objective is to constantly have images fade in on top of the existing images in one of these random positions. I have 200 images/movieclips that these will be pulled from.
I figured the best way to do this would be to have 25 pre-placed instances on the screen and have the script choose one randomly and then load a random movieclip into it.
The problem that I am having is that after it draws the first box it is not persistent, it disappears just before the next one
appears. I want them to stay forever or least until that particular image is completely covered up.
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Jun 8, 2009
I am using a random slideshow on the homepage of my website. It worded perfect when I was testing it locally, but now that I've uploaded it to an external server which is a bit slower, and there is a delay between loading images. Here's the work in progress site: [url]... I know it has to do with the way the actionscript is written, and the order in which functions are carried out. I just cant seem to get it to function the way I would like it to. I would like it to immediately load the first image and display it, then while that first image is displayed I would like it to load the second image. Right now it waits until the first image finishes displaying to load the next image.
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Jun 29, 2010
how to make a random image viewer in flash from scratch as in click a button then it will take you to a picture then click it again and it will take you to a different oneso the images dont come up twice, or does anyone know any tutorials with the same sorta thing
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Jul 26, 2010
Is there any ready built images gallery as shown in this link? [URL]. If I were to build it by retrieve from database contains links to images and display on each containers, would TileList be useful as I'm will be using it for displaying Classifieds images.
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Jun 28, 2009
I'm using some nifty code which randomly loads a movie clip with jpegs via an XML file and an image folder. Everything is working great, except, the random function doesn't seem to make it through the entire batch of photos before it repeats images. I did notice their is a method which loads an array but I wasn't sure how to incorporate that.
ActionScript Code:
var oldVar = 0; // keep track of previous random number
var newVar = 0; // used to load the next image
var si = 0; // interval variable
[Code] .....
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Jul 14, 2009
what i thought was a fairly straighforward loop to work correctly.i want to display 6 pictures (which are selected randomly from a group of 5) to stack on top of one another function executes without errors, but it only seems to work for the last image.I don't mind that the stacking images may repeat.[code]last line traces 6 times as "child # 6 is added"...
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May 19, 2010
I have 5 pictures that I want to randomly fade in and out on a loop, the problem with this is that there's not really anything to trigger this action. An animated intro comes in on load (all done on the timeline) and on a frame named "home" it stops, this is when I want to run this piece of Actionscript. When a button is triggered here, the images are going to fade, and it goes to several full page menus (laid out on the timeline), when clicked again it goes back to "home".This is the closest I've gotten so far:
import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;
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Feb 1, 2011
I have a script that loads a random image each time the page loads into an empty movie clip. I want to do this in 3 places on the page (3 random images load each time the page is loaded), but want to make sure that at no time do duplicates come up at the same time (so if one randomizer comes up with say the number 6, the other scripts will recognize that and if they come up with the same will get a different number).
Here is my script so far:
PHP Code:
myRnd = Math.round(Math.random() * (11 - 1)) + 1;
container_mcL._x = -368;
container_mcL._y = 0;
[Code] ......
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Jul 17, 2003
To make the random image display completely before continuing with the rest of the movie. I want the random image as a background and display the loading progress of the image.So far:I have managed to crete random image displays but on theinternet the movies continues on while the image still loading in the background.The goal:TO display the random background image completely while showing its loading progress. Only once the image is loaded the rest of the movie can continue.
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Jul 23, 2008
I have one folder which contain few images. I want to pick RANDOM images from it through my code. How do i go in this.
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Aug 6, 2008
I've created a flash slideshow with a fade-in fade-out effect that pulls a random image from a file containing a bunch of images from an XML file.Now what I'm trying to do is create some type of array that would generate those random images but maybe only 10 or so and just play those 10 images so that there aren't any duplicates one after another from pulling a random image from the file every time.
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Nov 19, 2009
I've been using the following script to randomly display options for a quiz similar to who wants to be a millionaire:
var answersArray:Array = new Array("Geography", "Maths", "English", "French");
var correctAnswer:String = answersArray[0];
View 2 Replies
Mar 7, 2005
do you know a tutorial on how to load different background images into the flash movie, so that they appear randomly (each time a different image, not in the same order). I would think to put the imgs into external swf and then load them into my main swf, but how do I get the random effect?
View 4 Replies
May 19, 2010
This movie is supposed to start on a random frame, but the code seems to get ignored in Firefox. I also have some weird behavior when i test it locally, but it works fine in IE8, Safari, and Chrome: [URL]
Here is the code:
i = Math.floor(Math.random()*3385);
//trace("Current Frame: "+this._currentframe);
The .fla can be downloaded here: [URL]
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