ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash 8 Blur Tweening (movieclip) Items In An Array

Jun 29, 2008

I am trying to animate a navigation menu so that when you roll over an item (say "Contact Us"), it moves up a bit, and the rest of the items blur.

I allllmost have it working but there is one piece of code that is no longer working (blurTween.onMotionChanged) since I put it into a for each loop in order to go through the array and apply the blur filter to each item.

So my code is as follows:

import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
import flash.filters.BlurFilter;
import mx.transitions.Tween;


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Flash :: Actionscript Tweening With Motion Blur

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So i have several items on a page, each of which tweens out or in depending on a mouse event. So far i can do Easing on them when they are going out/in but how do i also set up a tween so that it blurs as the come in and out (motion blur) like the ones in the motion presets. I want to accomplish the same motion preset settings but with Actionscript.

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Tweening An Image With Blur Filter?

Jun 17, 2009

I'm currently producing my first website in Flash CS3 and have just encountered a problem with a transitional effect I'm experimenting with: Transitional effect uses the Flash Blur filter set to 10 (X andY) on the first frame to 0 on the last frame (Medium quality). This is used with an alpha setting of 50% on the first frame to 100% on the last frame.
The .fla is using the default setting of 12fps. When I preview the transitional effect, various multi-coloured horizontal lines appear randomly on the images during the tween, and some remain visible once the tween is complete. Would this be because the blur filter cannot be used effectively together with different alpha settings?
Maybe the frame rate for the animation is set too low?

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var gloArr:Array = new Array();
var glow:GlowFilter = new GlowFilter(0x00aaff, 0,
12, 12,


I have traces set up which seem to show that until I declare that Tween all is going as expected, but the last trace there shows -1, and when I check the values of each individual filter in the array they are all increasing and decreasing together.

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Flash :: Empty Space After Tweening Movieclip?

Aug 19, 2011

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I tween this movieclip, therefore making the array of textFields animate on the stage one by one. There are two sources of XML, one from an actual site, and another from a XML stored in the hdd. First i fill the arrays of textFields, and then animate the movieclip. I do this for the first one, then animate it, do it again for the 2nd one, animate it, again for the 1st one, animate it, so on so on.

myTween = new Tween(mc,"x",None.easeNone,sizeOfStage,0 - mc.width,mcSpeedAuto,true);

my tween ends at 0 - mc.width, the problem is, if i tween first the
"bigger" XML, when the next one which is smaller gets tweened, there's loads of empty space before it tweens the big one again (tweening whitespace?).

myTween.addEventListener(TweenEvent.MOTION_FINISH, onFinish);

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if (OrderModel.getInstance().orders[i].time == hour){
OrderModel.getInstance().orders.splice(i, 1);[code]....

it deletes all the items but 1. I allways have one item left wich should be deleted but it isnt.

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IDE :: Tweening Multiple Mcs Using Array?

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import gs.*;
import gs.easing.*;


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for (var j:uint = 0; j<interiorCallouts.length; j++) {
featureTextArray[j].text = interiorCallouts[j];
featureArray.length = interiorCallouts.length;


See the showCallout function. I'm using the interiorCallouts array to match the frame label in the callouts_mc, but I'm only getting the first match. None of the others.

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import flash.geom.Point
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[Code] .....

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for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
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ActionScript 2.0 :: On Rollover Blur Movieclip

Mar 12, 2007

i have some buttons and movieclipss. when roll over to the buttons i want to make some mc's alpha 30.

here is my code for buttons


ok this is working but this set the alpha property very fast (instant) how can i make them to change their alpha by level, level (like motion tween)

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for (var i:uint = 0; i < arrayMC.length; i++) {
var tweenBonusY:Tween = new Tween(arrayMC[i].mcPower, "scaleY", Strong.easeInOut, pct,


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A. items so far selected
selected items are: 0
A.,C. items so far selected


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Jun 21, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: HitTestObject On A Tweening Movieclip?

May 11, 2011

I'm trying to make a fish controlled by direction keys catch some random color shapes thats falling on screen... i made the fish move and the shapes fall but when now i cant do it catch the shapes.. looks like it doesn't make the hitTestObject

there is my code:

import fl.transitions.Tween;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import fl.transitions.TweenEvent;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tweening A Movieclip In The Parent?

Mar 19, 2011

I have a main.fla and few movieclips inside it.Lets take t1_mc for instance which has a button called next inside it

next_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goNext);
function goNext(event:MouseEvent){


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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Apply Motion Blur To Rotation Of MovieClip

Aug 2, 2006

I want to apply a motion blur to the rotation of a movie clip. I am currently rotating the movie clip 540 degrees via actionscript using the tween class below:
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
var targetRotate:Tween = new Tween(_root.target_mc, "_rotation", Regular.easeInOut, 0, 540, 3, true);
[Code] .....
This seems to be a good start, but I need to change it to apply to the _rotation of my movie clip. Lets say for the sake of argument, my movie clip has an instance name of target_mc as well.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Get Blur Effect For Stage Except Loaded MovieClip

Nov 30, 2007

I am creating one movieclip function to use filter inside it. Scenario is I have alert_win (movieClip to show alerts). By default I disable its visibility and then call on some function. Now everything works fine except one thing. I want to draw blur effect on loaded background under that movie clip "alert_win". How can I blur the whole stage except loaded movieclip? Also "alert_win" movieClip is dragable. And on close button of that movie clip I am removing its visibility off.

Here is my code.
_root.alert_win._visible = false;
if(System.capabilities.screenResolutionX > 1024){
import flash.filters.*;
var dropShadowropShadowFilter = new DropShadowFilter(2, 45, 0x000000, 0.3, 3, 3, 1, 10);
_root.alert_win.filters = [dropShadow];
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tweening With Dynamic Movieclip Referencing?

Oct 22, 2009

First of all: this is my first post at *happysound*. I'm working on this flash gallery since a couple of days and something is drinving me crazy in actionscript.

The concept: in this part of the flashfile i'm loading thumbnails in dynamicly created movieclips on stage (1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg). Everything is working fine, but now I wanted to add some fancy fading when the loading of a single thumb completes. For some reason I can not get the tweening class working and I'm sure it's a problem with the referencing to the clip. I know this cause when I change "thumb"+i to thumb1 it is working. Googled for hours without result..


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tweening Graphic Instead Of Movieclip, Dynamically That Is?

Mar 31, 2010

the mouse_over state im doing tweens the alpha of a button to reveal more buttons underneath.The only problem with tweening the alpha of a MC is that I cant click on the buttons underneath, only a graphic. However, I cant figure a way of just using a graphic symbol instead of a movieclip.And I really dont feel like using more than one frame, that is accepting defeat in my oppinion. ha

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing MovieClip Height - Smoothly Like Tweening

May 7, 2005

I would like to make a movie clip's height change when it is clicked. However, I can't figure out how to do it so that it smooth like a tweening.

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Professional :: New Tweening In CS4 - Every Time Enter A Numeric Value To Position A Movieclip It Changes It

Feb 4, 2010

Is anyone else having trouble with the new tweening in CS4? Every time I enter a numeric value to position a movieclip it changes it! I'm getting very frustrated trying to do the simplist things - even when I move the clip manually it puts it back where it was. Am I missing something here?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tweening Large MovieClip - Moving X / Y And Scaling Image

Oct 7, 2009

I'm trying to tween a large image 6917x1500px. I'm moving the x,y and scaling this image. It's a jpeg, and the image really chuggs at certain sections. Has anyone tweened an object this large before? Should I be trying tween lite? I don't think that will work, because it just has less settings.

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