ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash 8 For Loop With Nested Tween
Nov 2, 2006
Having a problem trying to get the balls to return to their original positions because the tween is inside the for loop.
HTML Code:
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
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Jan 25, 2010
I am facing a problem in one of my animation with flash CS4 - I have nested a Shape Tween in a Motion tween to get more control over the easers and effects, unfortunately I am not able to view on the timeline of my Motion Tween the action of the Shape tween nested inside.
It only show the first shape of the Shape Tween during the entire Motion Tween and that is really a problem for me because I need to see the final frame result of that Shape tween to be able to position it in a precise way on my scene according to other instances.
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Feb 19, 2007
Basically, I have data organized by date in an XML file. I'm trying to make a website application that will allow the user to click on a date (in a text field) to see another textfield populate with all the data under that particular date. So far, all the information loads into the textboxes at the same time. How can I get it to only load information under a particular date when somebody clicks on that date?
Before I started this project, I was convinced I could do this by manipulating the [j] (see code below) in the myFunc2 function. Currently, it's set up to increment blank_mc._y by whatever value is returned by [j]. But for some reason this doesn't work. I feel that if I could atleas get this part to work - I could probably do the rest.
AS code:
function loadXML(loaded) {
if (loaded) {
var nodes = this.firstChild;
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Oct 23, 2009
flashCs4I have an owl in 3 parts, body & 2 wings all are symbols (movie clips)I have the bird flapping from making motion tweens of the wingsI would like to connect the bird....make it fly across the stage & increase in size (free transform)
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Oct 6, 2009
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Feb 13, 2012
When calling a tween with actionscript in the root timeline, everything works fine[code]...
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Feb 18, 2009
For some reason I can't get this nested set of functions to work, it executes the first tween and the tween invoked after motion of the first is finished but it doesn't ever get to the third!
ActionScript Code:
var t1:Tween=new Tween(p1,"rotationY",Strong.easeOut,90,0,50,false);
var t1x:Tween=new Tween(p1,"x",Strong.easeOut,-900,0,50,false);
View 3 Replies
Nov 30, 2006
just completed a little test for making a treecomponent with custom icons / bransch.However, i can only get my first branch to show customicons.(links - document) I figure I need to make a nested loop to Iterateover nextSibling?. I tried ALOT, but i guess Im doingsomething completely is code for my tree so far:
my_xml = new XML();
my_xml.ignoreWhite = true;
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Jan 6, 2010
I received word that my code was such a mess that it was confusing people. So I'll try to simply post my xml and then explain what I've been tasked with doing. [code]...
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Dec 9, 2010
We have found that if you skip over frames that include nested movieclips with embedded timeline sounds, those sounds loop endlessly.For example, if you gotoAndStop(20) from frame 2, but frames 5-10 have a CLIP A that embeds CLIP B, which has a timeline sound, you hear that sound over and over again (even though the playback head never touched the frames with that clip).Does anyone have a convenient workaround (other than the obvious -- playing sounds dynamically, etc). For animation-sync reasons we need to use timeline sounds in this particular case.
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Oct 15, 2009
i'm a newbie to AS3 and i'm trying to update a website from AS2 to AS3. i can't get a for loop to work properly for me. i create the button movieclips initially, name them properly, and drop their titles into a textfield within the button movieclips.i am able to change the textformat on rollover/out and on click to a third state. i want the on click to change all the other button's text box format's back to the base, when i write a second for loop to run through the other buttons, i keep getting an error.
when i test trying to change the text like this: parent.getChildByName("mbtn" + i + "_mc").getChildByName("title_txt").setTextFormat(T extFormats.mmbase_fmt);
i get this error: 1061: Call to a possibly undefined method getChildByName through a
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Feb 7, 2008
My nested loop works fine, but I don't know how to call out a node or set of nodes in my code. Here is what I have
knobCC = [];
knobCCC = [];
var hardware = this.firstChild.childNodes;
View 2 Replies
Dec 6, 2010
I have an animation of a dog running across the stage and a movieclip called "legs" which is the legs moving. I want to loop the dogs legs for a certain amount of frames and then make it stop on a certain frame within that same nested "legs" movie clip.
Can anyone tell me how to do this and where the actionscript should go?
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Mar 2, 2012
The below function does not work probably due to the path being typed incorrectly. How can i fix it?
ActionScript Code:
function ChangeTheme(Thistheme)
for (i = 1; i <= 218; i++)
with (this["sector" + i])
Also worth mentioning: On each of those frames, i have defined a local variable to label the sector. the label's name will be the same as the movie clip that is visible on that frame, as described below:
Actions for Frame1 of WallNorth: fLabel = CementRoad_mc
actions for frame2 of WallNorth: fLabel = DirtRoad_mc
P.S. "Thistheme" is just a way of advancing the frame of "Cementroad" (to display the cement road as wet or dry or muddy or w/e)
View 3 Replies
May 25, 2011
i'm running a simple nested for loop (code below) that when you go over a tile makes it change its color, so far so good but i also want to make it so that when you go over a tile you can then continue only on the tiles connected to it
for (var colum = 0; colum < field_h; colum++)
for (var row = 0; row < field_w; row++)[code].....
i think i should be able to do it using arrays but i can't seem to understand how after the tiles are placed and the array updated accordingly to update the tiles with the new array value (enter frame event ? )
View 5 Replies
Apr 27, 2004
I have the following code to control the x position of one single movieclip (company_mc) with five button mc's (btn_corporate, btn_dimitriou, btn_cars, btn_cycles, btn_hertz):
function movoClip(x) {
company_mc.onEnterFrame = function() {
this._x += (x-this._x)/5;
[Code] .....
Now I also want to control tha alpha fade for 5 photo_mc's (photo_corporate, photo_dimitriou, etc etc) So if btn_corparate is pussed photo_corporate should go to alpha 100 and the others to alpha 0. I think it has something to do with a nested loop, but I'm not sure and also don't know how to implement such a nested loop insite the existing loop.
View 14 Replies
Mar 4, 2007
im having problems with a nested loop. i found some post here, but they didn�t help me. i need to extract the individual values from a nested xml node. i simplyfied the xml.
this is the code:
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Aug 28, 2008
If the subject isn't entirely clear, it's because I'm not sure how to describe what I want to do. What I have currently is a large group of ComboBox components which trigger an event handler, which uses a Switch...Case statement to determine the selection, and then uses another Switch...Case to figure out which ComboBox actually called it so the function called can use the appropriate arguments. The way I have it written has bloated the code, so I'm wondering if there's a shorter way to do this.
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May 25, 2009
when I create a new Tween/Graphic symbol it turns into an old tween I already used (Ex: Two tweens, when trying to use the second one it reverts back to the first one). Both of them are on the same layer called "Text", also it seems to be fixed when I put the second tween on a new layer. But if I do this I will have at least a good 50 layers of text :S.
Second problem is I want my background music to loop throughout the whole video, my project has multiple scenes and I am baffled as to how to make the music play throughout.
EDIT: my project has to be 45 seconds and the music loop I'm using is about 17 seconds.
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Jun 10, 2009
Trying to use a tween in a loop and apply it to each dynamically created movieclip, not as a block after the fact. here is the sample code:
import fl.transitions.*;
import fl.transitions.easing.*;
import flash.display.*;
The actionscript code works fine, except for the tween, which is applied on all the sample rectangles at once. I want to fade in the rectangles (or any other dynamically created movieclips in loops) one at a time.
View 9 Replies
Oct 16, 2010
I have a loop in the flash file. it gives me a number of X & Y as the to & from coordinates and places a movieclip on the stage. I then have the tween class moving each clip as it is placed. the example is below:
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Mar 31, 2011
I have a MovieClip called item with the same linkage set and my first task is to display 10 of these items on the stage nested inside a movieclip called MainItem. I have dragged MainItem to the stage and have the following for loop:
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Dec 5, 2009
I have created 4 movieclips and named (instance) them box1, box2, box3, box4 and shuffled them with the following code:
var vector_name:Array = new Array("box1", "box2", "box3", "box4");
function shuffle(a,b):Number {
var num : Number = Math.round(Math.random()*2)-1;
return num;
} var shuffled_vector:Array = vector_name.sort(shuffle);
How can I tween the instances using fl.transitions.Tween with a loop. I tried the following but did not work..
btnPlay.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, startMotion);
function startMotion(me:MouseEvent):void {
btnPlay.visible = false;
for(var j:int = 0; j < 4; j++) {
var twSlide:Tween;
[Code] ......
View 2 Replies
Mar 17, 2010
I have been trying to assign tween function in an array through a loop in as3.I have 20 mc on stage, the instance names are obj1, obj2 and so on.I want to assign a tween function to each of them, the function looks like this :
Actionscript Code:
function startTween(e:TweenEvent = null):void {xTween = new Tween(obj1, "x", None.easeNone, obj1.x, Math.random()*20, 0.2, true);
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Sep 24, 2009
The following Actionscript loads an XML file. Using the XML file, it loads an image - fades in the image - pans the image - and then fades out. I have then attempted to make a loop which loads the next image from the XML file and perform the same series of tweens. It would then load the next image, infinite loop. It appears that instead of loading each image one at a time, it is overlapping the mask with all images in the XML file. I then only see the last image in the XML file being tweened on the stage/mask. I do not believe that I can use a Timer to time the loading of each image. This is because the width of each image will be different so the duration of the pan from one loaded image to the next will be different. I believe that I need to use onMotionFinish in some manner after the image Fades Out in order to move to load the next image - but I can't seem to identify how to integrate that within the loop. Most likely my loop is not written correctly. [code]...
View 4 Replies
Aug 12, 2010
If I put an if else statement in a for loop it will stop the loop till the if else statement has completed. I'm trying to run something else during my for loop. How do I do that??Here's my for loop:
ActionScript Code:
for (var i:int = 0; i < testArray.length; i++) {
chickletMc = new chicklet();
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Sep 13, 2010
so on my main stage I have clips that are placed with AS.
and so on....
I am trying to add children to these and tween them with a loop in this function.
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Nov 19, 2010
I have an problem whereby I have created a Frame by Frame dancing human figure and now I want to move it across the screen as well as scale it using a Tween.
I have spent quite some time slightly adjusting the upper arms, forearms, hands, legs etc and creating a new keyframe for each movement. All the movements are all in one layer... ie the forearm doesn't have it's own layer etc. I am running the animation at 24fps so there is quite bit going on.
I now realise that I should have created a symbol/movie clip from the first image I created and then scaled and moved the image first before animating it's limbs but I only realized that after hours of work and I would hate to start all over again.
So basically what I have is a dancing human figure in the one spot moving it's arms and legs and I want it to move across the screen and become larger by scaling it using a Tween. I could of course re-edit each keyframe by slightly scaling and the slightly moving the figure but that will take quite some time to get right as there will be a fair bit of trial and error doing it that way.
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Mar 4, 2008
I have 10 mc's on my page which I want to load from alpha = 0 to 100, one at a time, but in a random order each time the page is loaded. I have code which uses an array to loop the mc's and I can then load the array into a tween using as2, but I don't know how to randomly create an array, then load these answers into a tween and play them one after another until the loop is complete.
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Dec 22, 2009
I have 10 mc's on my page which I want to load from alpha = 0 to 100, one at a time, but in a random order each time the page is loaded. I have code which uses an array to loop the mc's and I can then load the array into a tween using as2, but I don't know how to randomly create an array, then load these answers into a tween and play them one after another until the loop is complete.
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