ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 Strings, Arrays, And Splitting Errors

Jul 18, 2009

the general goal I'm going for is this: user enters a bunch of text into a textarea. It's parsed word by word into an array, and then the array is gone through. If a certain word (from a list provided by me) is found in the array, then an event will happen later..


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Checking Two Strings Against Each Other For Errors?

Dec 2, 2009

I'm making a typing game that focuses on developing typing speed and accuracy. In part of this game, the user has to type a given word in a certain amount of time. If the user types the whole word within the time limit, the timer stops and it results in 100% accuracy for that word. However, if the user does not type the word within the time limit, I want to compare the typed word to the given word and find out how many errors they made.

I found this to be a lot more complicated that I had expected it to be. Fore example, if a letter was accidentally skipped or an extra letter was added, it will make all following characters seem wrong, even though the user only made one mistake.

How do I go about comparing the two strings?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Put Strings / Functions Into Arrays

Dec 6, 2010

When I experimented with it, I tried to push one string and one function named "moveRight" into the array,
_behaviours.push("1", moveRight);
trace("_behaviours: " +_behaviours);

But when I trace the content of the array, I get
_behaviours: 1,function Function() {}

Why is my function moveRight, being renamed to "Function", and how do I call the different functions if I have several of them in one array? The purpose of all this is to make a simple AI system for my game enemies. After the enemies are added to stage, a special function would calculate a random number based on the number of entries in the array and then make the enemy perform the chosen function.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 AS2 Display Strings From An Array?

Apr 5, 2009

I was wondering if I have an array that is made up of strings. The array is updated with new strings as the user drags and drops objects. Is there a way that I can have the array of strings appear continuously on the stage as feedback?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Getting Percentage Similarities Between Arrays/strings?

Oct 23, 2009

long time admirer of the wisdom on this board! I am having a little trouble thinking of a solution to this little problem.So in AS2 (will make the jump to as3 soon, i promise )I have some code that makes arrays of the formn, e, se, e, n they are only 5 elements long at mostI load in some XML with similar arrays, i would love to know if you guys have any suggestions on how i can work out the percentage difference between these arrays.It will be for a gesture recognition type app, but in essence i suppose this section of the code is a spell checker that gives a suggestion for the best match from a custom dictionary.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Name Arrays With Variables (strings And Integers)?

Apr 21, 2011

i want to choose one of these randomly, I have a loop way in which there is a loop searching for the index number which is inside an array like M1[1]=1 , M2[1]=2 and if I have a random number between 1 and 20 I can loop the arrays [1] element.
But is there another way with directly get the random array buy name. For example I have the random number 14 which directs me to M14. how Name of the array help me to choose M14 when I have the number 14....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Arrays/Objects/Strings - Attach A MC Instead Of Text In A Textfield?

Oct 25, 2003

how can i have an array of strings but also with mc identifiers in the same array and have it know the difference between object and string? RIght now i've got this array of strings that goes to a textfield, and if i change it to

portfolioSection(["section 01", "section 02", {linkage: "linkage_id", x: 530, y: 280}, "section 04", "section 05"]);


to try and attach an MC instead of text in a textfield i just get [object object] in the text field.

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Flex :: Combining A Multiple Strings And Arrays To One DataProvider For Spark List

Dec 21, 2010

what I need to do is combine 5 arrays with 5 individual strings (which have come from a JSON webservice) into one single list item in FlashBuilder Burrito. [code]I've pulled these out successfully and each one traces in the debugger, although as I need them all in the same list I'm struggling to establish them as a dataprovider together.If I push the strings and arrays together it is impossible to read properly, as the main Titles are at a different level to any descriptors for the products which are in the arrays.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 Previous Working Fla's Return Multiple Errors?

Dec 7, 2005

I've found out that when publishing with Flash 8 my previous MX's working fla files, I get multiple errors.I've had a look at the Export publishing settings and I think they're all correct: - Exporting version: 8- AS Version: 1.0So, I guess it must be a silly thing I'm doing wrong but after a long while I haven't been able to know what's wrong. Perhaps AS compatibility is not that accurate?The most common error I get is:"A ')' or ',' was expected" or"An unexpected '}' was found"(I'm using Spanish Flash 8, so I don't know if this is the exact message you're given in English Flash 8) The 'supposed to be wrong' code seems to be in lines like[AS].posicion = posicion+eval("abc" add i)+gap;abc=eval("" add _parent.n)[/AS]and I even get a "Declaration must be inside a on/onClipEvent controller" here:[AS]._xscale=abc*1.4;[/AS] ...while ALL of this code worked perfectly in Flash MX, I get up to 104 errors in Flash 8

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 Using Arrays For More Than 1 MC

Oct 10, 2009

i'm trying to use an array to attach up to 4 movie clips, using the same script. My code I'm using to attach looks like:

EA[t] = attachMovie("enemy", "enemy"+t, depth++);
EA[t]._x = random(300);


This part works fine, but what doesn't work is the script I try to add to the movieclips. If i add EA[t]._x += 10, then only the lastly created enemy moves. How do i make it so that all of the enemies move?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Flash8 : Search Multiple Arrays For A Value?

Feb 26, 2009

I am attempting to search multiple arrays (over 300) for a specific value which will then determine if that question is to be loaded. I have used these over the years as the quizzes simply loaded questions randomly. Now I am appempting to move this into a computer adaptive test format. I have most everything worked out except for this part which is the key to the project.

What I have is 300+ arrays like the ones below. Once a student answers a question either correctly or incorrectly a difcal value is assigned. It is that value I need to search for to determine which question to load.

For example if the student answered a question incorrectly and the difcal was calculated as -4.03 (difcal values are always in array element[0]) I would need to search the all arrays to find that value and then load that array into the question function.


var q1:Array = new Array();
q1[0] = -4.03;
q1[1] = 0.57;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Push Multiple Strings Into An Array, And Some Of The Strings Are The Same?

Aug 24, 2009

I work on AS3 one week, and then take a break for a few weeks, then work on it a day, take a break, etc.. So I forget some of the basics, and need refreshers. I think I need to stop taking breaks.

Problem: I push multiple strings into an array, and some of the strings are the same.

var myArray = new Array();
myArray.push (Snivvle);
myArray.push (Kirupa);
myArray.push (Snivvle);

I want to find out which element positions "Snivvle" hogs up. We can see that it would be using element 0 and 2, and if we do an "indexOf" we would only get to see element 0, and doing a "lastIndexOf" we would only see element 2. How do I find out ALL of the element positions "Snivvle" is located in, so that it returns: element 0, element 2.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX] - Splitting A Variable?

Apr 2, 2003

If I have a variable

a = 456

how can I get the numbers from it like

a1 = 4
a2 = 5
a3 = 6

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Splitting A Var By Length?

Sep 15, 2004

i have a var lets say 'x' x="i like cheese and want to eat it everyday" i want to split the var x by every 10'th character, assuming the 10 chracter is not in the middle of a word , then i want it to split it before that so that no words are not cut out...

x="i like cheese and want to eat it everyday"
arr[1]="i like " 7chars causs 10th char was inside 'cheese' and spliting of words is not allowed
arr[2]="cheese and " 10 chars exactly , splits at space
arr[3]="want to " 8 chars 10th char inside eat .. u get the idea by now i hope
arr[4]="eat it "

so its splitting the variable every 10th character.. if the 10th chracter is a space, if it is not it backs up to the previous space and for the next array slot starts from there

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Flex :: GWT Style Code Splitting?

Dec 22, 2009

I do a lot of work with GWT but don't have experience of Flex. I was talking to a guy today who was looking at moving some large Flex based applications to GWT due to the Flex application getting too big and using too much memory in the browser. This is a problem I have had before with GWT - browser apps using lots of memory as all the code gets loaded when it starts.

However, in GWT 2.0 there is now a code splitting feature to overcome the problem of the client code getting too big. This allows all the code (javascript) not to be loaded as one big file on start up but instead code split into different files that can be loaded when required.

I was thinking as to if there is anything similar in Flex. I assume the Flex application code all lives in one single SWF file which loads at start-up so this approach is not possible but thought there might be other solutions.

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Javascript :: Splitting A File Before Upload?

Nov 4, 2010

On a webpage, is it possible to split large files into chunks before the file is uploaded to the server? For example, split a 10MB file into 1MB chunks, and upload one chunk at a time while showing a progress bar?

It sounds like JavaScript doesn't have any file manipulation abilities, but what about Flash and Java applets?

This would need to work in IE6+, Firefox and Chrome. Update: forgot to mention that (a) we are using Grails and (b) this needs to run over https.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Splitting Up A Large Project?

Nov 4, 2009

I'm currently working on a little project of mine, where I have a character and a number of different items like clothing,hairstyles etc, which over time.. hopefully will grow into a tremendous amount.The thing is, if I have eveything in one fla file, there'll come a time where it becomes too bloated/large and Flash will eventually lag.So, is there anything way I can keep for example.. all the clothing in a separate fla/swf and the main character in another fla.But when I publish.. They all combine back together?I customise the character dynamically with references to linkage identifiers.. So I need a way which allows them to be split into different swfs, but still be able to call to the right clip.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: LoadVars Result Is Splitting?

Oct 8, 2007

I am always using LoadVars to load in data from PHP or whatever and it normally always works. But some times my result data is split into multiple variables when there is only meant to be one var. I think it always splits on ampersands ("&") which makes sense, as they are used to tell Flash when a new var is starting.

I was wondering if anyone knows more about this, and if there is a way around it. Usually I get around it escaping the characters on server-side, but I recently have a project where I cant change the data that is sent to me.

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Splitting Animated Shapes Onto Separate Layers?

Dec 1, 2010

Here's what I'm trying to do:

I'm doing some animated characters (I'm on CS5), and I'm trying to optimize the animation/rigging process to save time and manpower (there is very little of both).

The characters all have multiple animations, which are stored each in their own movieclip, which in turn is placed on a main movieclip where each animation verb (states) is stored on a frame, so we can switch between animations (the usual game character setup)

Each state movieclip has the entire animation on it's timeline. they have about 20 layers, each with as few objects as possible in them... The idea was that later, these layers could be moved onto movieclips of their own, to allow for character customization (changing colors and whatnot)... This seems like a pretty straightforward setup, but there is a snag.

Some objects that need to be moved onto movieclips are sharing layers with other objects that don't, despite my best efforts to plan ahead and prevent that (hence the 20 layers, which obviously weren't enough).

So my question is:

Is it at all possible to select shapes across all frames of a layer? I know you can edit multiple frames, but I haven't found a way to select a specific shape across all frames.

For a better unerstanding of the situation, imagine that a layer might contain the shaped for an arm. They're all at shape level, and the only separation between the different arm sections are the different colors each has, which makes it possible to select a single shape on a single frame just by clicking it (which will 'flood fill' the selection).

Now, with edit multiple frames on, clicking a shape will only select it on a single frame, and drag selecting will select a rectangular area across all frames.

What I'm looking for is a way to 'flood select' a shape across all frames, so I can select, say, the upper part of the arm across all frames, and then delete it, leaving me with a layer that only has the lower part (and a previously coped layer that can have the lower part removed, effectively separating them).

Shift/Alt/Ctrl/Right clicking won't work here... there doesn't seem to be one of Adobe's obscure shortcuts for this..

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ActionScript :: Splitting Flash Design And Coding?

Oct 14, 2009

Hi, I am brand new to Flash and I come from other development environments so I have a question about a possibility. I am aware that you can have a symbol (like a MovieClip) use a custom class to handle how it responds to the world, but I was wondering if it's possible to be able to set some values via flash without having to touch code. For example, I create a MovieClip called Crate, which has a class that lets it be destroyed, but then the designer wants to specify that certain crates have contents inside of them. Is there any way to do that in flash without having to create a new class for the crate?
In other words: the designer puts a Crate in the world and then sets a propery (for example: contents = TennisBall) and the Crate class handles the rest. Will this work? Also, am I right to understand that instances of symbols are all the exact same? So I can't have the designer create a new instance of Crate and then change it to be a little different (like draw a sticker on the Crate), but still have it be the same as all the other Crates?
I hope these questions make sense and I apologize if I asked this in the wrong forum. I'm very interested in developing games for flash, especially after the news that CS5 will let you export to the iPhone, but I'd like to keep the code away from the designer as much as possible,

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Actionscript 3 :: Splitting Values And Putting It In A Text Box ?

Mar 28, 2011

I enter a set of 4 values in one text box and i display it in a splitted way in 4 other small text boxes using this code:


But now I need to know how to do the same thing for any dynamic value that is entered.Say I have a text box tt1 and a button b1. When I enter any value (say 6) this number of text boxes are created (6 new text boxes with names t0,t1....t5)I have another text box tt2 and a button b2. When i enter a set of values in it (say 10,66,33,45,2,4) I need these values to get displayed in those text boxes t0,t1,t2..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Splitting A Mp3 (Sound) Into Small Segments?

Jan 13, 2009

I am looking for a way to split a loaded mp3 Sound into small segments. I have googled around but cannot find anyth on the matter. I am begining to think it is impossible. My approach was to load the mp3, then use the extract function to extract all the bytes. now for every small section when the user wants to play it it is filled using SampleDataevent with some values from the array. At first i tried to do my idea by loading an mp3 into a bytes array then writing it to a new file and playing that file but it does not work:

var snd:Sound = new Sound();
snd.load(new URLRequest("Burn.mp3"));


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Splitting Up A Class Into Multiple Files?

Jul 15, 2009

I've got a class that I create that extends the EventDispatcher class. My class has lots of variable declarations and getter and setter functions. I would love to split up the class into multiple AS files so that I can organize the variables and functions by category. Is there any way to do it and still maintain a relationship between all of the files so that one can easily call a function or a variable that exists in another? And so that other classes in my application can refer to one reference when accessing public functions in any of the AS files.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Splitting The Code Into Separate Files?

Oct 22, 2010

I'm looking for some help with the following script:

Main Class:

package {
// Flash Classes
import flash.display.MovieClip;


Now, I'd like to move the blue color coded script to the separate package. When I do that, I've got many reference errors. how the code should look like, when it's in separate package, with all the references to variables that work? And how to call this function from Main class?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Splitting An Array Into Multiple Variables?

Aug 8, 2007

i know how to use arrays in a flash file but i'm not sure if i can split it into multiple from an input text box:

getcode = [_root.colorskin, _root.coloreyes, _root.colorwing, _root.eyes, _root.mouth];


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Splitting String/textfield Into Movieclips?

Jan 26, 2010

I want to split a string into its individual characters and then put them in movieclips so that they can be individually tweened.

i was thinking i could split() the string into an array and then create an array of movieclips, each movieclip containing the corresponding letter in the split() array. would this be a good way to resemble a textfield? im looking to do something like the effect here: [URL] i just don't feel like spending $99 to get the package.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Splitting A Display Object

Jun 24, 2010

I have text field about in the center of my stage. When a button is clicked, I want this text to split and animate out and the new text to appear. What I thought was to use the Bitmap data object and draw the content movieclip using the .draw() method and then manipulate this pixel data. But I have only done very trivial things with pixel data in actions script.

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Professional :: Splitting Image - Increasing DisplayObjects X Positions

Sep 24, 2010

I'm new to ActionScripts and was tasked to complete a project. I'm trying to split a big image so I can send them to a http server in chunks. I'm using a recursive function below and increasing the DisplayObjects X position on every iteration. The problem is I get the same image in every iteration and checking the encodeByteArray string value is always the same.

var currentTileIndex:int = 0;
function renderNextTile(e:Event):void{
if(currentTileIndex < tilesToLoad){
loader = new URLLoader();
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Splitting A Large Project Into Pieces Easily?

May 26, 2010

Let me first say that the project I am working with was my first foray into AS3 as well as OOP. I wanted to be a grown up so I wanted to use classes and not rely on individual swfs.Unfortunately, I didnt quite understand the spirit of OOP, or at least I dont think I did, and I made each section of the site into a separate class. I then integrated the classes and their library materials into one large project. The thing works great - but unfortunately the file has gotten too big.What is the most straightforward way to now break this project back up? Do I need to load in external swfs

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Arrays :: Flash - Pushing Or Adding Arrays As Values Into A Multi-dimensional Array?

Jan 21, 2011

I am running into some trouble adding an array into another array to create a multi-dimensional array.The code appears as below:

var slideDataArray:Array = new Array();
var slideShowDataArray:Array = new Array();
slideDataArray[0] = xmlData.SlideShowParameters.SlideShowImagesDirectory;[code]........

I am looking for a means of placing the slideDataArray into a 'slot' or value of slideShowDataArray so that I can in the end pass the slideShowDataArray as a parameter to another function.As of now, the last slideDataArray appears 11 times (the loop runs 11 times) in slideShowDataArray and the way the code is written the slideDataArray is unique every iteration of the loop.

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