ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Make MovieClip Play With TellTarget Command

Oct 7, 2003

I have a movieclip in the mainframe that on a button release gets moved to the center of the screen with some set_property stuff and then I want the clip to play. So I added a tell_target on release, the target is /movieclipname and I then Go_To_and_Play the first frame. I have a stop action as the first frame of the movieclip as to keep it from running when I dont want it. I want that tell_target to make the movieclip play but sofar no luck.

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Jan 17, 2012

I Have a flashmovie thats almost done and will soon hit the internet, but I want to add some animations into the website it�s two gears that I�m about to put at the bottom of the page and when a button releases in the main flashmovie the two bottom gears will turn a few frames and just stand still.These three movies are all separate (main movie, first gear and second gear).

It's a homepage designed in HTML and flash that has this "main flashmovie" in the middle of the screen, the size is about 1500(width)X800(height). And the gears is about 800wX200h placed at the left and right side bottom of the page. Dont worry the site is easy to apply to any screen resolution.I have been looking everywhere for any soul out there who suffering from the same problem but no success. Is it possible to script a button in the main movie to launch two separate movies in their own contents?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make An "Ignore Command If" Command?

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I'm new to Adobe Flash and especially new to Actionscript. Could somebody give an example and explain how to make and "Ignore *this* command if..." style command. Here's what I want to achieve:I have made a button (I may have done it in an odd way but it works) that moves when the mouse hovers over it and then moves back when the mouse moves away. I plan to put the finished product into Dreamweaver and have tried what I've done so far and it works. The problem is that if I move the mouse away before the first animation of the button has finished. It doesn't reach the *Mouse Out* command and then just sticks/stops in the bit where I have put a *stop* command.Basically, what I want is a way to ignore a command if something happens earlier on (such as the cursor being moved away).I've tried to explain the best I can without actually screenshotting it and copying commands.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Can't Make A Movieclip Play?

Dec 14, 2007

I'm really gettin wound up now by this. I have made the navigation for my site, and here's some sample code for making the button animation work;

on(rollOver) {
if (!(_global.about_a == 1)) {


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Make A Movieclip Play Only While A Key Is Pressed?

Mar 21, 2012

this is the code i am using, i get what flash is doing, after i release the key it starts to play the "walking" frames- only i include the gotoAndStop("idle") so it doesn't get to play "walking".but what i am looking for it to do is play the  walking only when the key is pressed and stop when released.

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
if (Key.isDown(Key.RIGHT))//68
this._x += moveSpeed;


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Make A Frame Become Visible And Play / When Click On A Movieclip

Apr 27, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Make Nested MovieClip Play Once Then Stop

Nov 4, 2010

I have a nested movie clip (image sequence) that I use the code snippet from Flash CS5 to GoToAndPlay. The Movie Clip loops continuously. How do I get it to play once and stop. I've tried the snippet for GoToAndStop, I've tried stop(); in my 'Actions' layer. I've tried a stop(); in the last frame of my nested sequence. I've tried a stop at the end of the function but nothing stops the darn thing. It keeps going and going and going.

Here is my typical code that loops....
btn3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, cd_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame);
function cd_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame(event:MouseEvent):void {
gotoAndPlay(1); }
btn4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, ef_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame);
function ef_ClickToGoToAndPlayFromFrame(event:MouseEvent):void {
gotoAndPlay(10); }

There are two(2) buttons on the page, basically and back and forward button, and the image sequence is nested in a movie clip in this case at frame (1) and another nested movieclip at frame (10). How can I make it play once and stop on the last frame of the nested clip?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Movieclip Display And Play When Click On A Button?

Jul 23, 2009

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(something like this???)  
message_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, goMessage1);
function goMessage1(evt:MouseEvent):void{    ???(play message movie clip here)???;}

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Make Flash Play Movieclip For Rollout Effect On Button

Oct 21, 2010

I have a movieclip within the "over" section of my button, which contains both an roll over and a roll out animation. My problem is that I cant seem to get flash to play the rollOut animation.
I placed the following code in the button itself

on (rollOut) {  this.start_mc.gotoAndPlay("mouseOut");}
I tried setting up a function to find when the user rolls off the button but it didn't work either.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Buttons Within A Movieclip Play From A Specific Frame In Scene 1?

Aug 30, 2011

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At the moment, this is the code I'm using in scene 1.
I'm getting the error below but have no idea what I should be doing.

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Sep 27, 2011

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Button Do Two Things / Play A Movieclip And Goto Frame

Aug 27, 2005

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IDE :: How To Make Text Command Terminal

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Mar 21, 2011

I have a movieclip, that inside it's timeline I have a function that after loading an image into stage, call a function to fullscreen the stageWhen I open my swf file alone , it just do fine but when I open it in html file , it doesn't go fullscreen.(It doesn't relate to allowFullscreen or something like that, cause if move my fullscreen command before loader complete , it goes perfect, but if i use in onComplete event , it doesn't do anything when viewing in html.side my movieclip i have this that doesn't work :

import flash.display.Loader;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make The Trace Command To Return 2 Instead Of 1?

Nov 25, 2010

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_global.x = 1;
var xml_attributes:XML = new XML();
xml_attributes.onLoad = function(succes){


How can I make the trace command to return 2 instead of 1?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Advanced Button - Change The On.Release Command To Goto And Play Another Frame Into Movie Instead Of Opening A New Url

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I'm new to Flash and am looking to use the following tutorial to create an advanced button. I know it is probably a very simple fix, I just cannot figure it out. [URL] In the tutorial the rollover and onrelease has the following script this.onRollOut = function(){ rewind = true;} this.onRelease = function(){getURL [URL]); } I have tried to change the on.Release command to go to and play another frame in to movie instead of opening a new url. But I'm not getting it to work correctly.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Slideshow - Make The Text Of The Slides Appear On Command?

Jan 2, 2009

I'm making a presentation and want to make the text of the slides appear on command.This is what I wrote on the actions layer.

1.) First frame

bg_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, playSlide);
bg_mc.buttonMode = true;
function playSlide(event:Event):void[code]........

On the actions layer there's a stop "stop();" before each new layer starts. But it doesn't work. I tried to paste the code in any order but still nothing. I works on a sample fla file I got.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make The For Each Command Create And Populate Textfield?

May 15, 2010

I have an XML feed coming into my application. What i would like to have happen is the for loop that adds an index number to each item in the feed, also create a text box for the description and title and then assign the item text to those text areas

for(var i:uint=0;i<il.length();i++){
var mySumm:TextField = new TextField();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: [FMX] Make A Couple Of Movieclips Hide On The Holding Down Of A Key - Command

Jan 20, 2003

I am trying to make a couple of Movieclips hide on the holding down of a key such as Page down ive used this:


it hides the MC but doesnt return visible on release of PGDN. Ive had a go at trying to fix this but i cant find the right command in the actionscript dictionary. Also is it possible for the MC to hide only on the holding down of multiple keys.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make LoadMovie Work From Both Button And Next / Previous Command?

Feb 13, 2006

I have a photographer's portfolio site in the works. I'm using loadMovie connected to thumbail buttons of each photo to show a larger version of the photo. Here is the script[code]...

Now the photographer would also like to have a next/previous arrow buttons so the user can click through like a slide show. Is there a way to have Flash know what movie is currently loaded and based on that information go to the next or previous?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: AttachMovie Command - Changing Value Name In Each MovieClip

Jun 14, 2006

I've used the command attachMovie to add custom movie clips to my flash document but now I want to change the value name (that I defined inside the movie clip as a text) in each movie clip. I found something like :
this[uniqueclipname].value.text = "Name";
But I couldn't use it clearly. Is there an alternative for that? Or is there any wrong part in my code?

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Flex :: Command To Pause, Stop And Close Vlc Player From Command Line?

Aug 5, 2010

Well i have an adobe air which runs vlc-player at background as service. i check that in Windows Task Manager , the service runs when air application launches.
here is the code

processArgs.push("rc"); //Remote control
processArgs.push("--rc-fake-tty"); //Use terminal as output


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Flex :: Caringorm Calling Multiple Command In One Call (Queue Command)?

Mar 2, 2011

I want to call 3 commands one by one , the relation between each commands are command should execute one by one in the previous command result. How to Queue Command's? What is the best practice to handle Queue command , my requirement is adding n number of commands and execute them.Main -> Execute c1c1 got the Result - Execute c2c2 got the Result - Execute c3

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Tracking Movieclip Location - Set Up A Command In The Loop?

Sep 11, 2009

I've set up an associative array and then loop through each object in the array to animate it.Later on, however,I have a function that will manipulate these objects.How do I set up a command in the loop that will track the location of each object for later use in the next function, as each of the objects will continue to move around the stage until user presses key to send them to another location? (the final location for the tween is known, but not it's original location as it's free to move around until the tween function is activate).I'm looking into getChildIndex, but can't find enough info to understand how this works and whether it's what I need.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Use The Attachmovie Command To Load And Position A Movieclip?

Aug 10, 2010

Im triyng to use the attachmovie command to load and position a movieclip. It doesn't show anything when playing movie. I'm using Flash MX.

_root.attachMovie("Symbol", "mcp", 0);
_root.mcp._x = 100;
_root.mcp._y = 100;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MovieClip - Rollover / Rollout And Press Command Not Working

Jan 25, 2011

I made a movie clip, with a button inside. When you roll over the button it takes you to frame 2, and on roll out back to frame 1. On press you go to frame 3. Similar to a button. It also attaches a white fading shape over the button on roll over. This button/movie clip works fine.

But when I try to add:
(playbutton_mc_inst = the movie clip button)
playbutton_mc_inst.onRelease = function() {
The roll over, roll out and press commands don't work when I add that.

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