ActionScript 2.0 :: How To Clean Function Or Interval (Tweener)

Jan 11, 2011

how can i make this replay button? i need to kill the "delays" at function. how can i make this?[code]

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Code: Select allif (!gabChatBox.gabOp1.text == "") {
Tweener.addTween (gabChatBox.talkBubble,{height:200, time:1, transition:"easeOutElastic"});


I am assuming that I must pass some sort of parameter over to the other function that is calling the resizeGabHandler()

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import caurina.transitions.Tweener;
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public var Scanner00_mc:MovieClip;
public var Scanner01_mc:MovieClip;


Makes sense as for the sequence, what doesn't make sense is why Tweener fail to loop back to the "fade" function ? They are suppose to be calling each other in an astable/blinking manner.

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import mx.transitions.*;


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var maxCount:Number = 35;
useHandCursor = false;


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to something like this:

myInterval = setInterval(doFlip(1),2000);

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function imageLoaded(e:Event):void {
if (fn==1) { panel.estadoimg.addChild(imageLoader); loadImage(datosXML.localiza);}
if (fn==2) { panel.mapa.mapaimg.addChild(imageLoader); fn=0; }

The think is that i want to reuse that movieclip, how can i clean it?

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Sep 23, 2009

I have this code where I include Tweens in an array, and once the last Tween has run, I try to clean up the Array, but I get an error message: TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.k and let me know what's wrong

var coordCounter:int = 0;
var array:Array = new Array();


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Jun 3, 2009

I'm trying to make a rotating banner with buttons on it (check the uploaded FLA... I had to set the extension to *.zip to get it uploaded, so once you DL it, change it to .FLA). It sorta does what I want it to do right now, but my code is really... REALLY awful. The only thing I can say about my code is that the functionality is close to what I'm looking for. Basically, this is what I want it to do:

1) banner consists of 3 different banners that rotate out with an animation in a continuous loop.

2) little buttons in the lower right hand side will whisk you to the appropriate banner, but will NOT be clickable on its specific banner.

3) rolling over the main banner img or the button will also pause the movie

4) clicking on the main banner img will send you to a URL I have a very hard time finding a way to be able to call a function over and over again without remaking the function and renaming it. If you have some time, please take a look at the FLA and pass me some pointers. I am using Flash CS3 if that matters.


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May 13, 2011

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Clean Image Rendering In Flash Player?

Apr 3, 2011

We are building a flash based product where we need to create icons for various modules. we are having challenges in look and feel of the icons- what looks really good on Adobe Illustrator/ Photoshop looks jagged on flashPlayer. A challenge we have is that the overall screen aspect ratio and hence aspect for the icons which are relatively sized can change

we were told in discussions with some adobe folks that

a) we need to build icons which are square, and in multiples of 32 pixels.

b) use a png format

As per them, this way the pixelation is reduced and diagonal lines won't appear jagged- we still have an issue on rendering in flash player

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Clean All Existing Objects From Memory

Nov 30, 2009

I tried to include a free photogallery based on as 3 in to a free flash template site. Now, if u click photogallery, the photogallery have to build up!

I have following problem: -If u click the photogallery a second time, it doesnt work correctly! (I think it has something to do with the existing objects from the first call!.. The second thing is, it uploads the pictures for the gallery 2 times. So i have 40 picture instead of 20 (20 of 20 are the same :/)....

I tried this but with no succes: (i tried to remove the objects with remove child...Its the last part of this code)....

Created by Min Thu
AS3 References and Credits


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Clean Of Stage - Selector Screen As Well

Dec 15, 2009

im making an application that swaps out rims and tires on cars, there is a car selector screen as well car selection.swf ----> car mod.swf ---> car selection.swf you can go back and forth between the different cars, swapping rims... so ... here is where I'm at so far with what I'm doing. calling in a new swf file, and it pops overtop of the one im using... all the false hidden stuff, seems to stay in memory, i need to wipe it clean, so m animation is still smooth.. code :


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Is there a way to set up a method to clean browser cache every time user visit your website?

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