ActionScript 2.0 :: If Press The Tab Button In Form All Breaks Loose

Jan 5, 2006

i just created a basic form in flash nothing too fancy it works perfectly well but when your inputting data and hit tab to go to the next one it randomly picks a box to jump to if you press tab again it jumps out of the flash movie and goes into some random symbol has this ever happened to any of you guys?

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Flex :: Loose Coupling Achieved By Using Interfaces?

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Ive looked this up in a few different locations, but to be honest, i dont really get it. I get what loose coupling is, but not how interfaces in Flex?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Combobox Doesn't Loose Focus?

Jan 20, 2010

im using as3 and components. here i make a combobox.editable=true; i type something inside.. then click outside, the combobox doesn't loose focus. i tried to write stage.focus=null;. but i got d following error

ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.
at flash.display:isplayObjectContainer/removeChild()
at fl.controls::ComboBox/close()
at fl.controls::ComboBox/fl.controls:ComboBox::onStageClick()

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get The Form To To Go To A New Frame Once The Form Button Has Been Submitted?

Dec 11, 2009

I'm struggling to get the form to to go to a new frame once the form button has been submitted. [URL]Using ActionScript 2.0 The submit button is at this following path:

Scene -> txt8 (MC) -> t8.1 (MC)

The button has the following code on:

on (release) {
share_form.loadVariables("pay_per_click.php", "POST");

The onClipEvent(data) is held on the movieClip txt8, as this is the clip that holds the all the form components.


The next from frame that i'm asking it to go to, is directly after the txt8 MovieClip. Both the the txt8 MovieClip and NextFrame have stop(); code on them.The form submits all the info into the database, I just can't get it to load the next frame.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Detect Loose Groups In Tile Game

Sep 16, 2011

I have a tile based game à la Scrabble where tiles are placed on the board.. during the game the tiles must all be touching, and there should be no groups of tiles anywhere else on the board..I can find single loose tiles and check for surrounding tiles easily enough but how would I go about checking if every tile is touching on a horizontal or vertical axis and if there are loose groups of tiles on the board ??

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ActionScript 3.0 :: CS3 - Button With NavigateToURL Breaks With Stop()?

Jul 27, 2009

I have a small movie with a stop() on the last frame to prevent the movie from looping. On the last 10 frames or so a button appears that when clicked, goes to an external web site. The button will work until the timeline hits the last frame with the stop(), and at that point no longer works. The user is left sitting at the last frame of the movie, trying to click a button to visit another website and nothing happens.I have the button's actionscript in a separate layer starting from the same frame as the button (named buttonMBP) appears in the timeline:

buttonMBP.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, urlJump);
function urlJump(event:MouseEvent):void{
if( == buttonMBP){[code]...

If I add trace commands to the function, I can see them work as I click the button when the last 10 frames are playing, but once the last frame appears with the stop(), everything goes into a dead stop. I guess the stop() stops everything and not just the timeline? I'm fairly inexperienced with AS3 (trying to learn).Is there a better way to have an active link appear on the last frame of a movie? I went with using a button because the standard text-tool doesn't support a mousehover (or not one that I could see) that would indicate that the text was an active url.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button Loop Breaks Rollover?

Sep 29, 2011

I've got a Next button with a rollover that works fine. However, when the user reaches the end of the page, the button needs to flash to let the user know they need to click it.

I set this up the way I would have in AS2, with an up state in frame 1, rollover state in frame 2 and frame 3-10 has the animation for the flashing state. In AS3, as soon as I put the animation in, the rollover no longer works and I think it's tied to my animation layer since it works if I remove that layer. I tried putting the layer under my normal button layer, thinking it's not recognizing the animation as part of the button. I tried using classic tweens and the new tweens and nothing seems to work...

I attached the file. You can see that the rollovers work, if you click the pause button, it triggers the flashing animation and then, I get the following error if I try rolling over:

TypeError: Error #1010: A term is undefined and has no properties.
at buttonRO_fla::MainTimeline/BtnIn()

and tracing the target name no longer shows the button name (as it does before you do the flash)...

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Button Component Breaks Tabbing?

Jun 15, 2009

I'm building a complex movie using MX2004 and ActionScript 2. Problem: I can't get text tabbing to work, no matter how closely I control the situation using tabIndex, tabEnabled and tabChildren.

While working to simplify a reproduction case, I've ended up with a movie that works, just having four Input Text TextFields hand-added to the timeline, no code involved. But, when I drag a Button from the Components window to the library, tabbing breaks. This is without even placing the Button on the timeline. Remove the Button from the library and it works again. Needless to say my project uses Buttons, and I'd rather not have to re-implement them.
Let me say it again. In a generic, timeline-based movie with no ActionScript included, tabbing works between Input Text fields. But the mere act of adding a Button instance to the library, without the Button ever appearing in the timeline, breaks tabbing. I'm flummoxed: why would something being present in the library, without any appearance in the time line (nor any Actionscript to add it), have anything to do with the movie's functionality? True, adding the Button increases the size of the published .swf from 177 bytes to 27kB, but why would it break things when I'm not even using it?

I've attached the broken movie. Open it and test it: tabbing won't work. Delete the Button from the library, test again: tabbing will work.

Attachments: (45.4 K)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button Breaks Preloader Script?

Oct 14, 2011

I have a preloader bar and percentage in my first frame.Once it has loaded, it goes to frame two.Frame two contains a "play" button that sends it to frame three, where the actual movie begins.I managed to script the preloader without a hitch.However, when I added the button script to the second frame, errors appeared in the preloader script.[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Snap - Press Button To Detect The Last Button Pressed And If The Shapes Match

Jan 12, 2009

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Jan 29, 2011

i'm designing a website in flash8... now i have created some buttons, and i want that when i click on the button stars will fly from them and there will be a sound... i have already created the animation of the stars seperatly and it's in the library, i have also the sound file.... i just can't remember how to put everything together.... when i'll press on the button the stars will be flying from the button and the sound will play?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing The Function Of A Button Depending On Previous Button Press?

Mar 14, 2007

I'm loading in 5 jpegs from an external file using "loadMovie" and i have 5 corresponding buttons (1-5) to load them with.

I want to change the jpeg the button loads in depending whether a separate navigation button has been pressed -


navigation buttons:

-motorbike pics
-car pics
-lorry pics

If a user clicked on "car pics" then the loading buttons 1 to 5 would load "car1.jpg", "car2.jpg" and so on...

similarly if the user clicked on "lorry pics", the same loading buttons 1 to 5 would load "lorry1.jpg" and "lorry2.jpg"

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Rotate On Button Press Or Button Hold 180 Degree

May 14, 2010

here is my code,
This is running on Enterframe but  I want to ratate 180 degree and on button press and hold button

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Simulated Button Press Of A Dynamically Created Button

May 29, 2008

i have a set of buttons cranked out from and XML file. how can i emulate, in code, a press on one of those buttons? i'd like to 'press' one of them for an initial state so that the list it controls will load first off instead of waiting for the person to click it manually and THEN show the list it's connected to. thing is, the first loaded list is going to be random, so i need to 'press' what on another day/load would be a button that the user would press themselves.

in other words, i have 3 buttons. on random, i have to 'press', say button 2, to start. users can press 1 or 3 and then 2 again if they like. another time, it's button 1 that gets 'pressed' on load, etc. make sense? i have a sneaking suspicion it might be easy... or stupidly convoluted.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Disabled Button When One Of The Button Being Press

Dec 20, 2005

I have 6 button call m1-m6...ok my problem is how to disabled button when one of the button being press...and also stt.text will display crrently selected button...coz currently when I press the button it never stated and also 'stt.text ' also show nothing.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Disable Button By On Press Another Button

Dec 1, 2010

I have a button which on press will go to next frame. I want to disable this button by on press another button.[code]

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Php ::HTML Form -> Flash Submit Button -> Set A PHP Variable In Flash Button -> Submit Form?

May 8, 2010

I have an HTML form that I want to upload to MySQL with PHP. That part's easy, but the thing is I want the submit button to be a Flash object. Somehow I need the Flash button to submit the form, but I think I can figure that out. The tricky part is that I need it to set another PHP variable before submitting the form. The variable will be determined by a bunch of stuff, but I can code that in actionscript later. I just need to figure out how to pass the variable back to the webpage. A $_POST variable would probably be fine.

edit: What if the flash object returned some javascript and set a variable that way? making it submit the form as well while still catching a variable?

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Press On Button And It Goes To The Next Scene?

Jan 19, 2012

I know how to make a button and all.. but what do I do to make it go to the next scene?

scene 1: Startsidan
scene 2: Sidan

I made a frontpage and when I click on the picture I want it to go to scene 2, where it enters the inside.

the button is called PortalenKnappen, I want to be able to just press on it and it will go to the "sidan(scene 2)" that's empty at the moment.

what would I have to write? I've tried "portalenKnappen.onPress nextScene("sidan", 1"); but it doesn't work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Press Button With It?

Jun 12, 2006

I know theres a way to do to press a button with AS[code]...

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Play A Sound On Button Press?

Aug 11, 2009

OK, say I have a button that does something, like go to the next frame, is there anyway to have it play a simple sound located in the library without looping?

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F8 :: When Press On Button / Will Go To Another Frame Of Layer?

Apr 28, 2010

How can i do that when you press on a button you will go to another frame of the layer?I am using Macrome6dia Flash Professional 8!

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Motion After Button Press Navigation?

Aug 1, 2011

i want the main page to drop off after button press

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Press On Button And Hold Down

Apr 15, 2010

when i press on Button and hold down i want to increment.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add Key Press To Button Listener?

May 20, 2010

I'm still struggling with a move from AS2 to AS3 so please be gentle with me I have this code for a submit button used with a log in form and I'd like to allow users to press the enter key as well as clicking the button.


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Flex :: Button To Simulate Key Press?

Mar 2, 2012

I have a TextArea with undo/redo which is performed via ctrl+z, ctrl+y. My app is a mobile app with no cntrl on the soft keyboard so I want to make an undo and a redo button which simulates the keypresses. How do you simulate keys in Flex?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Run A Php Script When Press A Button?

Sep 19, 2010

how can i run a php script when i press a button in flash? i have a php script that save data to database.. and i want to control this script by a button in the flash.. so the data saved only if i press the button in flash.. what function i must use in AS3?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loads Different Swf's On Press Of A Button

Mar 1, 2011

I am developing a application which loads different swf's on press of a button. I am using flash.display.Loader class. This works fine in normal scenario. When the network is slow, and the user clicks on the button several times, it tries to load many swf's. This results in ambiguous results such as showing up a different swf. How do I make sure only one swf is loaded at a time?I found a method Loader.close() which closes the connection, the problem I face with that is how do I know if the load is happening. There is a property connected in URLStream, which I cannot use here since i am using display.Loader.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Automatically 'press' Button?

Jul 9, 2005

I'm using a movie clip as a button, and I want actionscript to 'press' this when the site loads. I've searched the forums and have only come across using onPress to do so, but it doesn't work.



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ActionScript 2.0 :: Button Press Not Registering?

Mar 3, 2008

I was wondering if anyone could take a look at my movie, and tell me why this code is not firing:

this.selectRoute.presenter_btn.onRelease = function() {


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