I am entirely new into flash. Never ever written even a line of action script.I am triying to develop an image editing tool to be embedded in my webpage.The key features I want in the tool are: I have a fixed background image. The user may chose to over lay text or images over the image, with resizability, etc.My questions are:
1) can I consider Flash with action script and javascript a platform for this?
I have been asked to create a photo canvas website that allows users to upload an image, then apply several effects such as re-sizing/cropping/desaturate, then viewing the updated image on a generic wall and going to check out to buy the canvas.Similar site that has the features i want is this : http:[url]....
I am pretty new to web developing/designing, i am confident with html,css and actionscript to an extent, but have only used small parts of php before.how to go between html > php >flash >back to html again.From what i understand i need to create the following functions:
1. Create a general html website which will store the upload form and flash photo editor swf on, when the user first access's the site i start the php session...
2. The user then uploads there image to the server using a simple php upload form which will store the file and create a unique named file also on the server...
3. The flash editor swf will then load up on the html page. Inside the actionscript of the swf i will tell flash to continue with the php session by calling it again and call users image on the server with the 'file reference' command. The editing functions such as cropping, canvas size will all have variables to mark what the user has chosen and these varaibles will get ent back to the html page using php to keep track of them for the checkout process...
4. Once the editing has finished the user will click 'finish' in the swf taking them to the php shopping basket/checkout which will call the variables sent in flash to determine final cost depending on what effects chosen.
Is the above correct and more importantly is it possible? The main part i am struggling to get my head around is editing in flash (say changing the uploaded image to 20 x 26) and then saving this back to the server and sending the new settings back into the html/php page.Is this all possible without using database and tables such as MySql?
I'm currently making a polaroid image viewer working off of this tutorial: [URL] It's my first time working in Flash, so I'm kind-of on the verge of a mental breakdown. Anyways, to my own surprise I've actually gotten it to work and look great. My issue? I'm making the overall project larger and with more images (800 x 600 with seven images). Anyways, when I publish preview the flash document it shows up 800 x 600 but all of the polaroids are squished together as though it's still 600 x 600. Is there a way that I can space them out a bit? Or, even better, is there a way that I can have each of the polaroids sit in a specific spot on the flash document?
I'm looking for something that will support image rotation, multiple image layers, cropping, etc., and allow the client to customize which features are to be shown.
I have an aplication which brings up an image for editing in flash. Here is what happens. I click on A tool and insert 2 text boxes on the image and type something. Then I click on the Arrow tool and double click on text in Text box 1 to select it. Then try to change the font color from the font menu icon. It does not work. But after selecting the text in text box 1 and trying to change the font size from the menu seems to work fine.
I have a page that needs simple image editing within the page. It can be either in flash or Java. Are there any open source tools that you can recommend? I am looking for a flash or Java tool that can do the following: Cropping Resizing Nothing else required but simple features like this will be a plus.
I'm teaching a bunch of kids to use flash at school using CS4. One of the kids is having problems with the image that he is moving with the bone tool. After about eighty frames the image disappears but the bones stay. How do we get the image to stay?
I downloaded an image from the web and brought it into Flash. I then created a new layer and began tracing over the image with the pen tool. When all was said and done, I went to use the paint bucket tool to fill in the sections of the paths I created. My only problem is I can't fill the image. I click and click and no color is being filled. I tried converting the selection to both movie clip and graphic symbols and I still can't fill it in.
This code works properly in IE7 but in Firefox I have discovered that the images are loaded after than the swf. This swf file needs some parameters to work with the images, but if the images are not loaded previously then the swf does not work properly. In firefox, a page refresh is needed if the images are not yet loaded in the cache.
I have resolved the problem partially preloading the images in the previous page link using: <img src="imagebig.jpg" style="display:none;" alt="" width="781" height="1051"/> With this solution, the images are loaded prior to the swf loading.
I am trying to build a simple tool tip information for anchors on an image.I have about 50 of these anchors and I can figure out how to code each of them but I figure there is a simple way of doing this, I just dont know how.If I code them like I have done now, I will end up having endless line of code.
I want to create a line tool exactly like flash line tool. But the code that I am using shows the line when we release the mouse button. How can I show the lines while it is drawing
I've been playing with the Jpeg encoder now for a while and haven't come much further than just realising how to turn an image into a ByteArray of numbers. The code below is incredibly useful at turning a movieclip on the stage into a Jpeg and downloading it to the user. Unfortunately I need to amend the Bytearray first with a crop tool before creating the jpeg. e.g. delete the array value if the image is outside of the rectangle? And a rotate tool, e.g. all the values in the array switch places 90 degrees!? (the X and Y values switch over).Also it downloads to the user, but I need it to save onto the server so I can keep using it in flash, before then emailing the jpeg to a known email address.
(E.g. if a 10px x 10px bitmap, would have 100 values in the array, to crop it into a 5 x 5 image, I would delete array entries where X < 2 and X > 7 and Y < 2 and Y> 7. Or to rotate it, X for 1st pixel becomes the Y for the 1st pixel and vice versa)....
I found that .fla files do not save in Flash CS4 when the Deco tool or Spray Brush tool is selected. Is this a bug? Or is there a workaround to this issue.
Working with senocular Transform Tool - How to remove/disable tool for objects Im new to AS3, and i have to use it for my current project. I have used the AS2 Transform tool extensively, but needless to say, the AS3 version works entirely differently. The way i understand it, the tool applies to and every Sprite , movieclip on stage
I have a free transform tool simulator that rotates an image when the middle top button is clicked and held. The image rotates to 180 and then stops. Does anyone know why it is getting stuck?I have enabled viewsource for the code. the method is in WidgetEditor.as
im making a bone animating system in flash but then i want to give it a more vital animation by manipulating its z y x position how is it possible using the 3d tool?im doing everything needed but when i get to that point nothing seems to work,i dont get 3d tool options.
I'm having trouble with loading in an external image that I can transform with the Senocular Transform Tool class. I have managed to load in the picture but the transform class doesn't seem want to grab it. Eventually I want to us the FileRef to upload the image but I just need to figure out how it works first. Here my code to load in the external image
The transform class can grab the other movieclips but it doesn't want to grab the new image loaded in from the code above.
Is there a way to edit an imported movie into Flash (CS2)? I try to remove frames, but then it seems to remove them from the end of my movie and not where I specified (in the middle).
I tried editing the movie in another program and then importing that into Flash, but Flash loads my entire clip again.
I want to duplicate a flash website (no copyright issue, work assigned by the owner of the website). The only change I am required to do is to change each and every text in language A to language B.
I am a web developer with the knowledge of PHP,HTML,DHTML,XML,CSS,JavaScript but no flash .
Is it poosible to store the site as ans .swf or .fla file and then edit it? Or can it be edited and used or I need to create a new one from scratch?
I have two questions (I'm a photographer and flash novice):
1) I just bought this flash template (URL...) and I need to edit it. Rewriting the text is easy, I just rewrite it in XML files, but I cant figure out how to change the font, font color and font size. Could somebody tell me how to do it?
2) I also bought this template (URL...) and I cant figure out how to edit name in the header and text in the top menu. I really cant find it anywhere (I dont see it in Adobe Flash and I dont see any jpeg or PSD file in the flash directory...)
My friend wants to be able to update the sites text himself. Is there a way he can easily edit the basic text online without having to use Adobe Flash (it would be even better if he could add photos as-well). I was thinking I could get flash to read an XML file but I don�t know how he could easily edit that as heis not techie at all.