ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Variables In TextBox / URL Of Image Into MovieClip

Dec 21, 2002

I have a textfile with:
1. Some text to be loaded into a textbox
2. an url of an image I want to load into a movieclip
loadVariables("mytextfile.txt", "_root");
urlpic = _root.urlintext;
loadMovie(urlpic, "_root.pic");
This doesn't work, and neither does: url1 = _root.url1.text;

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading A Image Into A Textbox?

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How can I load texts and images into a textbox with scrooll

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading An Image Into A Textbox?

Jun 1, 2004

How can I load texts and images into a textbox with scrooll??

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MovieClip - Variables Not Loading Properly

Apr 10, 2005

I found a script which loads text from a TXT file. Now the code worked fine on a button, but as soon I put that code on a MC it doesn't load the variables properly. That meas; I don't any script errors, but the text doesn't appear in the dynamic texterea.
on (release) {
loadVariables ("document1.txt", "");
Now I want this script to work on a MC!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading An External .swf Into A Movieclip And Exchanging Variables Between The Two?

Apr 27, 2006

i have a Main.swf within the _root of Main.swf, I load another external flash file called Timer.swf into a MovieClip titled 'container'Now, I lets say i want to share variables between the two. How would I do this? (Like lets say Main.swf wanted to know the value for Timer.swf's variable called xTime and Timer.swf wanted to know the value for Main.swf's variable xtimezone )

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Text Variables Inside Movieclip?

Sep 10, 2008

I want load text variables to the movieclip inside.heres the script.

on (release) {
_root.txtBox.text = "Messages"; \outside movieclip WORKS FINE


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Change Variables With Textbox

Nov 22, 2005

Right, is it possible to change the varaible of an object within flash (5) through the use of a textbox? The reason being we're doing a group project with Flash and MaxMSP and when a video camera picks up movement, numbers will be sent from MaxMSP through to flash.

Thus, when these numbers "arrive" in flash I want them to trigger certain events. For instance (where this code resides in the movie clip: 'tree'):


Here, the idea is that when '5' is sent to flash a tree will grow and when 4 is sent something else will grow etc... However, because I don't want stuff growing all the time I need to change the variable of an object. I presume a textbox would be the easiest way of going about it

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Load PHP Variables Into A Flash Textbox?

Nov 21, 2007

I have a file called content.php with the following code:

PHP Code:

<?php $phpcontent1 = "I want this text to display in a flash text field"; print("&swfcontent1=$phpcontent1");?>

Then I have a flash file with a text field that has both an instance name of "swfcontent1" & the variable name of "swfcontent1". The first keyframe in my time has the following actionscript in it:

contentVars = new LoadVars();

When I test my movie, my text box shows "_level0.swfcontent1" instead of the actual variable contents.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Loading Xml Image Into A Movieclip?

Sep 28, 2009

I am using an xml list to hold some data+image for different items. for each item im trying to display the text/images in a movieclip.So im taking the url thats store in the xml file and creating a url loader to load the url. which works fine. but how do i then load that image into a movie clip.Heres the code:

var imgLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
imgLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, insertLogo);
// do a for loop to get the xml data for the right item.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Image In MovieClip?

Apr 1, 2003

I want to load an image onto a Movie Clip when I press a button. So far, for the button on the stage I have:

on (release) {

I've created a movie clip on the stage w/ the instance name photo. My images are in the folder pics relative to the flash file. When I run the movie and click on the button, nothing happens.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Image In Existing MovieClip?

Nov 27, 2009

I have an existing MovieClip called mc1 on the Stage. That MovieClip has 2 keyframes, the first one has an image in it, and the second one is an empty keyframe.After compiling, I want to load an image (image1) from the library into the the firstkeyframe, and replace the existing image.

I know I need to right click on the image in the library, export it, give it a class name, and I need to assign an url to it which would be 'image1' in this case.I was thinking of this, but I cannot get the url right, and I dont know how to refer to the firstkeyframe after I've loaded it...

var Imagecontainer:Loader = new Loader();
var image:URLRequest = new URLRequest('image1');

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Scaling A MovieClip After Loading Image Into It?

Apr 23, 2009

I have a doubt regarding scaling a movieclip. I tried this method where I make a movieclip dynamically, add an image to it which I load from my desktop. The image appears fine. But when I scale the movieclip using the mc.scaleX and mc.scaleY properties the mc woudnt budge. There must be some other wat we can accomplish that. Can someone put in some thoughts on it. here's the code..


In the code I have not used the scaling codes since it doesnt work. And when I add the two line code, the image disappears, but the mc is on the stage which is clickable. maybe I should place my mc inside a container?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Image Inside Of Movieclip?

Nov 8, 2009

how would I LOAD an image.. into a movieclip.. then resize the movieclip to the size of the image..

now I know how to put the image inside of the movieclip with addChild(), but then when I try to resize the movieclip to the size of the IMAGE, it changes the size of the image inside the movieclip.. now I know that when a movieclip scales so does everything else.. so my question is.. how to go about modifying this to make it work no matter what

basically I have a editor so to speak and when you drag the blips it will resize it.. but the problem is actually LOADING the image into the movieclip because once it is same width/height as the movieclip (and shows that way on the screen) my script will handle it perfectly. is there a trick to this.. here is the code I've got so far..

function dispatch(e:Event):void {
var l:LoaderInfo = imageLoader.contentLoaderInfo;


the loader can change so I remove it from the movieclip when the dispatch function gets called, imageLoader is the loader which loads the image.. sizes just returns either max sized resized proportions or regular height of the image.. note "this" or rather the element I'm using is by default 100x100.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Attach Movieclip To A Image That's Loading From XML File

Nov 22, 2009

how to load photos from a XML file into flash. I have a movieclip (called PhotoMC) that has two layers, bottom layer is a square(is a graphic). Top layer is a blank MovieClip where I would like to place the image loaded from XML. I'm trying to have the movie clip(PhotoMC) load for each jpg in my xml. So basically a movieClip will be attached to the jpeg.

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Professional :: External Image Loading Into MovieClip On Stage

Oct 18, 2010

I am trying to load an external .swf (actually it is only an image that I published as a swf file, not a complicated movie) but I get errors. I am trying to load the .swf into a movieclip and the movieclip appears on the stage. I have put the code in frame 1 where the image should appear (in the movieclip). The code that I used is below and works fine with a .jpg and when I load it directly on the stage, that is to say, when I put the code in a frame on the stage. Why does it not 'work' right now?

I have added 'parent' in ' = 200;' in the first frame of the movieclip timeline, to make sure that it will appear on the (main)stage. The error that i get is this one:
TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
at galerie2010_fla::mcBallon1_11/frame1()

This is the code in frame 1 in mcBallon1:
var imageRequest1a:URLRequest = new URLRequest("images/SWFoverig/ballon1_702x368.swf");
var imageLoader1a:Loader = new Loader();
imageLoader1a.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete1a);
function onComplete1a(event:Event):void{ = 200; = 205;}

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Image Into MovieClip Then Into BitmapData (Renamed)

Nov 6, 2006

I am trying to load an image into a movieclip and then draw the contents of the movieclip to a bitmapData object.

Below is some sample code.
target.createEmptyMovieClip("loader_mc", 100);
target.loader_mc.bmc = target.jpg_mc; // movieclip where to load original image
target.loader_mc.tmc = target.bmp_mc; // movieclip with smoothed image
target.loader_mc.onEnterFrame = function(){
[Code] .....

For some reason it always draws a white box rather than the image. Has anyone ever seen this happen with the bitmapData class?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get A Movieclip To Reposition Itself Prior To Loading An Image?

Jul 12, 2007

using the following code i am trying to get a movieclip to reposition itself prior to loading an image. Then once the new image is loaded - the other movieclip will reposition itself. Currently, the functions are cancelling each other out - b/c the one function is within an onEnterFrame - take a look:

holderHitMC.onRelease = function() {
holderMask.newY = -854;
if (holderMask._y == -854) {


As you can see - i have a button with an onRelease command telling the movieclip to reposition - then onEnterFrame once the file is fully loaded the movieclip should return. The problem with this is that it does not allow the movieclip to move for the onRelease b/c the onEnterFrame is saying to go to the other position. If i add the delete this.onEnterFrame the movieclip - on future loads will reposition for the onRelease fuction but will not return.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Image To Movieclip - Security Settings?

Apr 1, 2008

I'm loading jpg to videoclip and it works on Flash IDE preview, but not in published .swf (IE)(It doesnt load images)How to make it work?I have tried adding"*");"*");

But no difference..*edit: I'm viewing the published swf in network drive, the images would be loaded from intranet http?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Image From Array Into Empty Movieclip?

Mar 6, 2011

I'm converting Kirupa tutorial for AS2/XML gallery to a AS3 image gallery that works with AMFPHP.I'm running into a output error:TypeError: Error #1010 After some searching I found out that the script says that there's a undefined propperty in the script below. It should load an image from the Array "Image" in a empty movieclip wich excists on stage called "picture" ["picture"+0] is also used in other parts but then as ["picture"+p]. P=0 with an increment based on button clicks (previous and next)

function firstImage() {
if (this.loaded == this.filesize) {
picture.alpha = 0;
var loader:Loader = new Loader();


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Multiple Image In Single Sprite/MovieClip?

Jul 26, 2009

I am having a killing problem in loading multiple images in single movie clip/sprite using a separate class. Here is the class


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Random Image Into MovieClip (Scale 100 Percent)

Oct 27, 2004

I am trying to load a random image into a movie clip that will scale 100%. Then have the content MC noScale and stay the same. If I insert a picture into the bg movieclip, it scales and shows up no problem. Soon as I try to load a random image into the bg movieClip the picture just does not show up!! But what is even weider, is that I have it set up that if the picture is 100% loaded for another MC to play, which it does! So the picture is there, but it's invisible? And no the picture is not progressive.

Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
Stage.align = "LT";
bg.onResize = function() {
this._width = Stage.width;
this._height = Stage.height;
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading XML To Dynamic Textbox?

Feb 26, 2012

I am trying to load data from an XML file to a dynamic textbox but only on a certain condition. I have tried both switch cases and if statements but they do not seem to work. When I play my SWF file WITHOUT using an if statement or switch case and just use:

my_xml = new XML();
my_xml.onLoad = my_function;


everything works fine. But when I place an if statement around it (if (day.text == "Sunday") ) then nothing happens at all and no syntax errors occurr either.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Including An Image Into A Textbox?

Jun 28, 2007

I'm struggling with something that is supposed to be so simple! I would like to add an image to an input text box. I have a guestbook where the visitors can leave their comments. Under the message box I have a line of different smilies. The user types in the text and clicks one smiley to insert it into the box. I'm doing it like this:

sm_01.onRelease = function() {
mcData.txtComment.htmlText += "<img src="images/sm_01.jpg">";

The smiley appeares but it breaks the line and the subsequent text will be placed before the smiley and not after it as it would be normal. If I'm inserting text on mouse release instead of the image everything seems fine.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Multiple Vars Into One Textbox?

Sep 29, 2003

i am having trouble loading multiple variables into a multline textbox. I am using asp which will output a recordset into flash. For testing purposes var0 should equal three names in my array. Flash is only reading 1. How do I set flash up to read that whole array(3 variables in one textbox)? I know Flash won't output var1 or var2 because I don't have those textfields with those variable names.

Here's what var0 outputs


Here's my Flash code


I have one flash multiline textbox with a variable name var0

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Multiple Vars Into One Textbox

Sep 29, 2003

i am having trouble loading multiple variables into a multline textbox. I am using asp which will output a recordset into flash. For testing purposes var0 should equal three names in my array. Flash is only reading 1. How do I set flash up to read that whole array(3 variables in one textbox)? I know Flash won't output var1 or var2 because I don't have those textfields with those variable names.

Here's what var0 outputs


Here's my Flash code


I have one flash multiline textbox with a variable name var0

Here's what flash reads


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IDE :: Loading External Document Into Dynamic Flash TextBox

Jul 20, 2005

How I can load an external .txt document into a designated dynamic text box in my flash document. I've tried the two tutorials I could find on and neither of them worked for me. I did everything as told and still the text file didn't load. When I enter the actionscript into the editor, I'll click check syntax and I get an error!

Here's the code I have in the first frame of my actions layer:
loadText = new loadVars();
//creating the loadVarsText function
loadText.onLoad = function() {
[Code] .....

Here's what the error is:
**Warning** Symbol=text, layer=actions,
frame=1:Line 2: The identifier 'loadVars' will not resolve to built-in object 'LoadVars' at runtime.
loadText = new loadVars();
Total ActionScript Errors: 1
Reported Errors: 1

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Dynamic TextBox Loading Fine But Will Not Scroll

Sep 20, 2004

[URL]. Skip the intro. Then - why this dynamic textbox won't scroll? It's just a normal old multiline, embedded fonts dynamic textbox fed from an xml file that reads a Notepad txt file. It is loading just fine but not scrolling?

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Flash 8 :: Loading Contents Of External TXT File Into Dynamic TextBox

Jul 28, 2009

I've got a movieclip with a blank dynamic textbox inside. On frame 1 of this movieclip, I have the actionscript to load the contents of an external .txt file into the dynamic textbox. The problems are:

1. I have an <img> tag in the external .txt that doesn't work (actually, the text does wrap around where the img is supposed to be in the dynamic textbox, but the img itself is not appearing.
2. All <p> tags don't work, but <br> does.
3. I have an ampersand (&) in the .txt file and all text is cut off at that point when loaded into the dynamic textbox. I've tried escaping it (&) and using & to no avail.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Why Dynamic Text Won't Show Up After The MC Which Contains The Textbox Is Loading In An External .swf

Jul 30, 2007

why dynamic text wont show up after the MC which contains the textbox is loading in an external .swf?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Hyperlinks - Embed Image File Into Dynamic TextBox

Jan 15, 2010

I'm new to flash as a whole but it is necessary for a project that I'm working on. How to make a scrolling dynamic text box through trial and error, and I'm proud of that feature. But now I need to know if two things are possible. Can I create a hyperlink (if I can call it that) that will pull documents off of the web? And if so what is a sample function. The second thing I would like to know is can I embed an image file into that dynamic text box? If so how can I do that.

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