ActionScript 2.0 :: Loop Video But Play Audio Once Only?
Apr 13, 2012
I need to create a flash video for a website of a product rotating through 360 degrees - looping seamlessly. This will be 100 frames long. I then need to add a 500 frame voice over.
I need to optimize file sizes so what is the best way to tackle this?
Is there a way to loop the video with actionscript but not the audio? i.e. rather than extend and repeat the video phyiscally in the timeline inlind with the audio length - as I assume this will increase the file size?
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on (release){
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Feb 27, 2012
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Aug 11, 2010
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May 14, 2009
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Jul 18, 2011
The stop button plays as expected. The play/pause button plays as expected. The issue is when you press pause which will cause the play button to appear, then press stop. the video automatically plays and it shouldn't. I have bolded the control button script for convenience.
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Sep 18, 2009
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Jul 31, 2009
Why does my swf's skin referenced by a simple component FLA work locally but NOT live? There's no AS3 in the component FLA. It's just a one-layer component referenced to the the FLV. When I test locally, IN FLASH CS4 ONLY, and click on "Animalia - Verse From the Zoo" the FLV and skin load and the video (source FLV - "Sequence01.flv") plays. But the same thing live only loads the swf for the FLV file area but NO SKIN. Try it yourself, please:Has anyone had this problem and knows the solution? All files are in the SAME FOLDER on the web server. I've tried every URL and path combination I can think of on the website. I've tried referencing the whole URL.
Yet whatever path combination I try, either nothing happens, or I just get the FLV box but no skin. Which is what's happening now. Publish settings are set to Flash Player 10 for all files. And I've tried the component SWF WITH and WITHOUT the package (import*. No difference. Why does the skin load and play locally but not live? It's all AS3. No AS2. And it does not seem to be a "publish settings" issue as far as I can see. The relevant code in my API is:
var AnimalFLVLoader:Loader = new Loader();
AnimalFLVLoader.contentLoaderInfo.addEventListener (MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,fAnimaliaVOn);
Animalia2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, fAnimaliaVOn);
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Jan 6, 2010
I have a project where I am bringing in one video with a cue point at the very end with the name of "End." I'm trying to have the next video play when the first video reaches that cue point. I keep getting this error: 1046: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: MetadataEvent. Here is the relevant code I believe:
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Apr 26, 2010
I am wanting to play a number of movie clips and flash produced video clips. On the main timeline I have a frame for each clip I want to play. In that frame is a flash movie that contains the video that I have embedded onto the timeline for the movie. The filesize for this project is massive and I am struggling to work on the file. I want to be able to play the video files with the playback component in each of the frames where the video was.
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