ActionScript 2.0 :: Make An Object Decelerate / Ease Into Position?

Nov 20, 2004

I am trying to find out a nice simple way to make an object decelerate / ease into position.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make An Object Ease After Another Object That Is Easing Like A Motion Trail

Aug 20, 2004

i wanna make an object ease after another object that is easing... like a motion trail. but the objects just go to the corner of the screen....and won't ease after each other.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Ease Objects From One Position To Another?

Jun 24, 2009

I know how to ease objects from one position to another etc, but how do you make it ease position as well as transparency? so it fades in while moving to it's new position?

var WelTween:Tween = new Tween(welcome, "x", Strong.easeOut, CurMarkXPosWel, 277, 2, true)

is there a way to add like 0% opacity to 100% opacity in the same line of code or do you do seperate?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Ease Back To Original Position?

Apr 30, 2003

I'm playing around with mac os x-like dock in flash, but I've got a problem with it. I found this at, see it here. For your convenience i'll post the entire code below (it's quite long though).

Now what i want it to do: if the mouse is not 'on' the menu, i want the buttons to ease back to their original position instead of just spawning there. How can i do this via AS ? The _xscale and _yscale values should also ease back to original state.

Actions applied on the first (and only) frame:

[AS]startDrag ("_root.drag", true);
stop ();[/AS]

Actions applied on the control movieclip:

[AS]onClipEvent (load) {
function checkOffset (coffset) {
if (coffset<-175) {


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Flash :: Ease Rotation And Position Of MovieClip To Mouse?

Jun 25, 2010

Essentially what I'm trying to do is nearly the same as this: http:[url].......However I'd like to ease/tween the movieclip position and rotation to the mouse position.The main issue I see is trying to get the current movieclip rotation and the target rotation,then tween it cockwise or counterclockwise from current to target.The way a movieclips rotation uses positive and negative numbers throws it off.If you just want to lock the mc rotation to the mouse rotation its fine, but once you try to tween it you run into difficulties. So the end effect would be like if you were to draw imaginary clockwise circles around the object, it should just keep rotating clockwise towards the mouse. Then if you started going counter clockwise it should just keep easing counter clockwise to the mouse.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: OnClipEvent - Get Movie Clip To Ease Into Position

Feb 27, 2005

I'm trying to get my movie clip to ease into position with the below AS and then delete the actions, but it's not working. What am I doing wrong?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Ease Rotation And Position Of MovieClip To Mouse

Jun 25, 2010

I'd like to ease/tween the movieclip position and rotation to the mouse position.The main issue I see is trying to get the current movieclip rotation and the target rotation, then tween it cockwise or counterclockwise from current to target. The way a movieclips rotation uses positive and negative numbers throws it off. If you just want to lock the mc rotation to the mouse rotation its fine, but once you try to tween it you run into difficulties. So the end effect im looking for would be like if you were to draw imaginary clockwise circles around the object, it should just keep rotating clockwise towards the mouse. Then if you started going counter clockwise it should just keep easing counter clockwise to the mouse.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Ease Arrow Movie Clip To The Mouse Position When Clicked

Jun 11, 2003

I have an MC that contains a menu. Within the menu MC I have a little arrow movie clip that I would like to ease to the mouse position when clicked. I have this code on the little arrow, copied from many easing tutorials:


Also, I want the arrow MC to start at a particular place. But when I put _y = 30 (for example, which is where I would want it to start from) it is still at 0,0 - even when I change _y to this._y. What the heck?

View 12 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: OnClipEvent - Get Movie Clip To Ease Into Position And Then Delete The Actions

Feb 27, 2005

I'm trying to get my movie clip to ease into position with the below AS and then delete the actions, but it's not working. What am I doing wrong?


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Button That When Pressed It Resets/changes The Position Of A Object?

Nov 6, 2010

button to reset position (action-script 3)  how do you make a button that when pressed it resets/changes the position of a object yes i am new to action script 3 but not to flash i want button to change the x y coordinates back to the original but dont know how?     

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Generated Object Return To Its Initial Position

Dec 12, 2011

The issue i'm having is that i want to have dispersed code-generated stars, and then they form a form (reindeer, santa, etc).

The idea is how i make the stars disperse and then return to their previous positions, knowing that the initial positions were randomly generated as well.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Spin Object With Ease On It's Axis?

Jul 16, 2009

wanna spin an object on its axis 45 degrees each time by pressing 4 buttons, so 1st button moves it 45 degrees, 2nd button moves a further 45 degrees and so on...I've got the sliding of an object left to right or up and down nailed to this code

onClipEvent (load) {
_root.newposition = "null";


View 7 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Object Follows Mouse With Ease Only When Moused Over

Feb 12, 2006

i have been trying to figure out how to make an object move when its moused over.
once moused over, i would like for it to move with an ease (penner), but once the mouse is off the object, i would like it to ease into a dock position.


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ActionScript 3 :: How To Make Tween Ease In And Out

Feb 24, 2011

I've set a hover on and hover off tween to a certain element in flash, where you hover over an element, and an informational window slides in off the bottom, and when you hover off it slides back. Hover, when I hover off before the hover on animation is over, the given object jumps to the end of the first animation and back. How do I make the animation ease in and out when someone hovers over something?

function initialPlacement() {
block1.x = (-814);
block1.y = (stage.stageHeight - 100);
} initialPlacement();
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Manipulate An Object's Rotation To Ease In Toward A Specific?

Dec 21, 2009

How can I manipulate an object's rotation to ease in toward a specific rotation?[code]...

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Professional :: Animation - Object To Fly In Smoothly And Ease To Stop

Feb 22, 2011

[URL]. Link to my problem .swf file. I am trying to get the bullet to fly in smoothly and ease to a stop. Also there appears to be some audio trying to play, but I have no audio in the library, or the stage! I can't get this animation to play smoothly at all. This was originally exported from an After Effects project (CS4) and there are only 8 layers - 1 for the bullet, 4 for button text, 1 of the main title, 1 of the dude standing (I'm hopefully going to have the title fly in from behind him) 1 of the bg and other text together. Why this animation won't play right? (I'm using Flash CS4 to do this).

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Actionscript :: Flash Cs5.5 - 2 Motion Tween For An Object, 1 With Ease And 1 Without?

Sep 21, 2011

I have encountered an interesting situation, I would like to simulate a ball thrown by a goalkeeper from top. Ball is going to move from right to left, it is small at the beginning, getting bigger at the half, because it gains height, and small again at the end. The scenario is this. And I do not want to use any actionscript code because of the performance loss caused by the event listeners.

How can I simulate two different kinds of tween (horizontal move is without ease and vertical move is with easeOut and easeIn) in the design environment of Flash cs5.5

By the way, I have already tried using actionscript code however, because there so many concurrent event, a little lag is occured at the beginning of each tween start.

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IDE :: Alpha Tween (ease In From 0 To 1) An Object On Stage Over 25 Frames?

Apr 29, 2010

I want to alpha tween (ease in from 0 to 1) an object on stage over 25 frames. And after the tween is over i want the object to persist on the stage and in the timeline. How can i do that?afaik i have to extend the tween in the timeline beyond the keyframe with 1 alpha. But when i do that this also extends the time of the tween from 0 to 1 and it actually lowers the alpha 1 in the keyframe automatically to some figure that fits with the ease in which apparently spans the entire tween.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Preloader Move With Ease?

Sep 11, 2003

wanted to make my preloader move with ease. How could I make my load bar mc move with ease to a percent? Will this make the preloader not accurate?


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Actionscript 2.0 :: Make A Box Which Is A Movie Clip To Ease Alpha Out

Feb 17, 2009

I have a button and when this button is clicked, I want it to make a box which is a movie clip to ease alpha out.

newsButton.onRelease = function() {

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Rotating And Ease - Make It Loop (go Back And Forth)?

Nov 28, 2005

I'm trying to animate some leaves that rotate back and forth to simulate leaves blowing in the wind. I got to animate the leaves one way, but i couldn't figure out how to make it loop (go back and forth).Here's the code: on the movie clip named "leaf" witht the following code attached to it:

onClipEvent (load) {
_root.leaf._rotation += -15

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ActionScript 2.0 :: On Press, Make This MC Go X/y Coordinate And Move There With Ease?

Feb 27, 2005

How would i make it so that i can make something move at an x/y coordinate and have it move there with ease?

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Professional :: "Anchor" For Objects - Make The Position Of One Object Dependant On (the Size Of) Another?

Jan 9, 2010

is there a way to have (the postion of) objects be dependant of another one? I have attached a simple .fla file with two boxes (MovieClips) that grow in height. Since the position of the bottom box is constant, the top box soon expands "into" the one below so that parts of it are hidden. What I want is that the gap between those two objects stays constant (in this case 50px). So, is there any way to make the position of one object dependant on (the size of) another? Or is there any other "workaround"/tip you can give me?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make The Animation Ease Out So It Starts Fast And Slows Down At The End?

Mar 12, 2010

I'm creating a thermometer with the mercury animated as donations come in. I haven't touched flash in a long time, so be gentle. How can I change the code below so the animation is faster without increasing the framerate?

ActionScript Code:
var maxMercuryHeight = 192; // Mercury height at 100%
var currentDonations = 80; // Percentage of donations taken
var currentHeight = (currentDonations / 100) * maxMercuryHeight;


How can I make the animation ease out so it starts fast and slows down at the end?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Spin An Object In Clockwise And Anticlockwise Direction With Ease Via Press Of A Button?

Jul 16, 2009

i would like spin an object in clockwise and anticlockwise direction with ease via press of a button.tried using,

on (press) {
this.testmovieclip._rotation += 45;

just to get the object to turn... What i wanna do is have 4 buttons, 1st button turns the object 45 degrees, then 2nd button turns it next 45 degrees and so on... Have attached .fla of what im trying to achieve.

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Increase The Ease In And Ease Out Effect?

Nov 4, 2009

Is there a way to increase the ease in and ease out effect? It will only let you choose -100 to 100, and I've messed around with the length of the tween, and the FPS of the movie, but I want the acceleration to be greater.

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Get The Ease To Match / Ease Out To The Last Keyframe On 52?

Aug 5, 2009

I have a simple motion tween from fr 1 - 52 (x and y property movement only). I create a custom ease - standard 100 ease in and then a 100 ease out. When this ease is applied to the motion, the ease "happens" after fr 52. So the object does not stop until fr 63 (eased out at 63. How can I get the ease to match / ease out to the last keyframe on 52, rather than 63??? See the attached image of the motion editor.

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Actionscript 3 :: Move With Acceleration And To Slowly Decelerate Over Time?

Jan 1, 2011

This may be a big ask, and I am just a beginner in coding - but can someone tell me what is wrong with this code? (it is fairly short. The intentions of this code is to make the predefined object hero to move with acceleration and to slowly decelerate over time.


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Using Smooth Motion Tween - Decelerate To Stationary?

Dec 7, 2003

I have an icon of a railway train which pulls into a station. At the moment it is a motion tween, and I have had to edit every few frames, modifying the train's position, so that it slows down as it enters the station.

This is messy, and time consuming. Is it possible for someone to give me guidance on how to slowly decelerate an object? The train is almost isometric, so doesn't actually move horizontally; but "south-westerly" across the landscape:

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