Professional :: "Anchor" For Objects - Make The Position Of One Object Dependant On (the Size Of) Another?

Jan 9, 2010

is there a way to have (the postion of) objects be dependant of another one? I have attached a simple .fla file with two boxes (MovieClips) that grow in height. Since the position of the bottom box is constant, the top box soon expands "into" the one below so that parts of it are hidden. What I want is that the gap between those two objects stays constant (in this case 50px). So, is there any way to make the position of one object dependant on (the size of) another? Or is there any other "workaround"/tip you can give me?

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var xInitial:Array = new Array();
var yInitial:Array = new Array();


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And this is what I want to achieve using the Delete Anchor Point Tool:
Then this is as far as I'm actually able to get:
Because for some reason, if I delete the 2nd anchor point, the 3rd will be deleted too. I can, however, delete the 3rd without deleting the 2nd.
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