ActionScript 2.0 :: Make An Object Ease After Another Object That Is Easing Like A Motion Trail

Aug 20, 2004

i wanna make an object ease after another object that is easing... like a motion trail. but the objects just go to the corner of the screen....and won't ease after each other.

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Actionscript :: Flash Cs5.5 - 2 Motion Tween For An Object, 1 With Ease And 1 Without?

Sep 21, 2011

I have encountered an interesting situation, I would like to simulate a ball thrown by a goalkeeper from top. Ball is going to move from right to left, it is small at the beginning, getting bigger at the half, because it gains height, and small again at the end. The scenario is this. And I do not want to use any actionscript code because of the performance loss caused by the event listeners.

How can I simulate two different kinds of tween (horizontal move is without ease and vertical move is with easeOut and easeIn) in the design environment of Flash cs5.5

By the way, I have already tried using actionscript code however, because there so many concurrent event, a little lag is occured at the beginning of each tween start.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make An Object Decelerate / Ease Into Position?

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I am trying to find out a nice simple way to make an object decelerate / ease into position.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Spinning Object And Easing Stop?

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I am trying to make star spinning (mouse cursor rollover the star, it would be change direction. and if click the star, it would spin start spin slowly and getting faster and then it would be easing stop.)[code]

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Professional :: Make Each Object A Movie Clip Before Set It Motion Tween?

Jun 18, 2010

I have 10 objects in 10 layers to make a single logo. I have created them using flash drawing objects. Now I would like each object to come one by one on stage using motion tween. How can I go further? Do I need to make each object a movie clip before set it motion tween? Or do I need to make a single movie with all 10 objects as combined? Please note that I need each object to come on stage one by one (not a whole logo on once). Please provide help or any example tutorial link.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mouse Trail Effect For An Object?

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i am trying to create a trail behind an object - like a mouse trailer. i have found many mouse trailer scripts but do not know what to adjust so that it will follow an object/symbol...



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ActionScript 2.0 :: Spin Object With Ease On It's Axis?

Jul 16, 2009

wanna spin an object on its axis 45 degrees each time by pressing 4 buttons, so 1st button moves it 45 degrees, 2nd button moves a further 45 degrees and so on...I've got the sliding of an object left to right or up and down nailed to this code

onClipEvent (load) {
_root.newposition = "null";


View 7 Replies

ActionScript 2.0 :: Object Follows Mouse With Ease Only When Moused Over

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i have been trying to figure out how to make an object move when its moused over.
once moused over, i would like for it to move with an ease (penner), but once the mouse is off the object, i would like it to ease into a dock position.


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Professional :: Animation - Object To Fly In Smoothly And Ease To Stop

Feb 22, 2011

[URL]. Link to my problem .swf file. I am trying to get the bullet to fly in smoothly and ease to a stop. Also there appears to be some audio trying to play, but I have no audio in the library, or the stage! I can't get this animation to play smoothly at all. This was originally exported from an After Effects project (CS4) and there are only 8 layers - 1 for the bullet, 4 for button text, 1 of the main title, 1 of the dude standing (I'm hopefully going to have the title fly in from behind him) 1 of the bg and other text together. Why this animation won't play right? (I'm using Flash CS4 to do this).

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IDE :: Alpha Tween (ease In From 0 To 1) An Object On Stage Over 25 Frames?

Apr 29, 2010

I want to alpha tween (ease in from 0 to 1) an object on stage over 25 frames. And after the tween is over i want the object to persist on the stage and in the timeline. How can i do that?afaik i have to extend the tween in the timeline beyond the keyframe with 1 alpha. But when i do that this also extends the time of the tween from 0 to 1 and it actually lowers the alpha 1 in the keyframe automatically to some figure that fits with the ease in which apparently spans the entire tween.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Cs4 - Motion Trail Out Of Synch

Sep 8, 2010

I have created a bouncing logo (similar to a screensaver). The MC loops and I have added some motion trail using dupe mc's, however when the main MC loops back to the start, the motion trail seems to go out of synch and fall behind in its positioning. I have attached the FLA to show you what I mean and you can see the AS that I have used.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: BitmapData Motion Trail ?

Feb 7, 2012

I've been experimenting with the following tutorial (scroll down to "Eye Candy 1: Trails"):[url]...........I can get it to work like his example, but I would like to apply it to my game which works a bit differently. Rather than having a player-controlled mc move around on the stage, I place the player's character in the center of the stage and have their actions control the level around them (tl;dr the player doesn't move, but the level does).My approach was to determine the location inside of "level" that matched up with center stage where the "hero" is located. Then, rather than place the trail effect on _root, I would place it at this location inside of the level.See below for my code:

_root.level.attachMovie("trail_sprite", "trail_mc", 8000);
trailbitmap = new flash.display.BitmapData(1000, 800, true, 0x000000);
_root.level.createEmptyMovieClip("trail", 1);[code]..........

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Spin An Object In Clockwise And Anticlockwise Direction With Ease Via Press Of A Button?

Jul 16, 2009

i would like spin an object in clockwise and anticlockwise direction with ease via press of a button.tried using,

on (press) {
this.testmovieclip._rotation += 45;

just to get the object to turn... What i wanna do is have 4 buttons, 1st button turns the object 45 degrees, then 2nd button turns it next 45 degrees and so on... Have attached .fla of what im trying to achieve.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Object Deceleration / Easing Into Position

Nov 20, 2004

I am trying to find out a nice simple way to make an object decelerate / ease into position. I have seen that there are loads of different ways of doing it but I wondered if there is a good simple function that can do the job??

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Actionscript :: Flash - Make An Object Snap To Another Object Then Follow Its Path?

Apr 15, 2011

I am currently trying to create an app using flash AIR.I would like to find some more information on how to make an object snap to another ojbect then follow its path, eg. a person object is already on the stage, then drag an arrow to the object which snaps to it, then on play button it follows the arrow path. all in pure actionscript, no guide layers.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Moving Object Grip Onto And Spin Around Another Object?

Apr 13, 2011

Im working on a small project and it involves a guy which you move with the arrow keys. The arrow keys add to his x, y velocities and his position is updated accordingly. How can i get this man to grab onto an object and spin around it (like when you grab pole and letting your momentum swing you around) . I can make him grab the object but I dont know how to modify his x,y speeds to simulate the arc.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make An Object Point In The Direction Of Another Object And Move Towards?

Aug 19, 2009

I'm still new to AS3, and I was wondering how to make an object point in the direction of another object and move towards it if they are a certain distance from one another. I haven't been able to find out how to do this from the Adobe devnet, so I thought I'd ask here.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make A Class Object Interact With An Object On Stage?

Aug 2, 2010

The following is that long only because I gave examples of what I want to know, not because it is complex .I have three basic questions regarding AS 3.0 classes.

1. How can I make a class object interact with an object on stage?

For example, when I have a square (mc_Square) with class "square" attached to it and I want it to trace "Colliding!" and print the X and Y of the mc_Box on contact with an on-stage *hollow* box (mc_Box) that has no class attached to to do it vice-versa would also be awesome .

2. How can I make a class object interact with the same class object? For example, when I have two squares (mc_Square) that both have the class "square" attached to it and when they collide, it prints the X and Y of both of them.

3. How can I make a class object interact with a different class object?

For example, when I have two squares mc_Square1 with class "square1 (that also has a variable Primary=true written in it)" and a mc_Square2 with class "square2"; When they collide, the one with Primary=true would be removed and it's X,Y position traced.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [Flash8] Changing Colour Of An Object And Easing

Jun 21, 2008

Im designing a simple menu. As the user roll overs a word, a simple bar slides under the word. I have that working fine, however I want to add a simple piece of complexity in that as it sliders under the word, the bar changes colour.

on (rollOver) {
// slider - Movie Clip's Instance Name. button_1 - Button's Instance Name.
slider.xMove = button_who._x;


It continues to slide under the word, but it stays the same colour.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Easing Function - Increasing Speed Of Object With Arrow Key

Nov 5, 2006

I'm working on this "game" and I currently have a ball that increases in speed as you hold down the arrow key. What I am now trying to accomplish is I want the ball to ease to a stop when the user let's go of the keyboard key (onKeyUp). Here's the File. <---Link

Here is my code so far:
var speed = 10;
ball_mc.onEnterFrame = function (){
this._x += speed += 1;
} if(Key.isDown(Key.UP)){
[Code] .....

So once you let go of the Keyboard Key I want the ball to slow down to a stop.

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Applying Ease To ONE Motion, Not All?

Nov 10, 2009

on a project in Flash CS4 for Windows. I have an object on a layer that moves separately at different times of the animation (all one large motion tween). I'm attempting to apply an ease to just one leg of that motion, but instead, when I choose an ease setting in the motion editor, the ease is applied to the entire tween (so it affects the stationary frames too!). Is there a way to apply an ease to a single span of motion instead of the entire motion tween?Alternatively (if it's not possible), is there an easy workflow for breaking-up a motion tween in to separate motion tweens while maintaining the position of the object in between the motion tweens? (I don't want to use the frame-by-frame animation conversion option I've seen.)

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Actionscript 3 :: Make Object Snap To Another Object

Apr 22, 2011

I am still trying to come to grips with how make an object snap to another ojbect, then follow its path with pure ActionScript (snap an arrow oject to a circle, then the circle follows the direct of the arrow when play button in hit).I am trying to create an application aimed towards something like this url...I have got my drawing line working but do now know how to make the object follow the line, here is how I have drawn my line on the stage.[code]

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Ease Control In Motion Tween

Aug 4, 2009

I have a motion tweened layer that uses 445 frames. However the actual property change occurs from frames 1 - 360. After fr 360, there are no property changes. When I create a simple ease - ease out, set at 100. This ease shows that it takes 445. When I apply the ease to my properties (x and y specifically). The ease appears to be applied and the movement stops at fr 223. So between 223 and 360 there is no movement. The dash line of the ease in the properties motion editor goes diagonally to 223 then flattens out at the top - indicating no movement. How do I get the ease to apply to all 360 frames, and slowing down up to 360, rather than earlier than that?

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Professional :: Using Ease In The Motion Editor?

Apr 23, 2010

I really like the motion editor in CS4. A lot is easier than before, particularly working with ease. But I wounder how you use the custom curve when having a complicated motion with a lot of keyframes. In programs like AE it's easy to select a key and tell if it's going to be a easy in/out or both, and then I select next key and tell how that key should ease. In Flash CS4 I allways get a easy curve that range the entire tween. Is the workflow to brake everything apart so you tween every single motion, or is it another way doing it?

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Professional :: Motion Ease Not Working?

Apr 1, 2011

I have created a motion tween in Flash and want to slow the speed of the tween towards the end, so my image doesnt stop suddenly. I applied a slow ease which was working previously but has now decided to stop working and I cannot get it to work again. The strange thing is when I change the ease value from 100 to -100, so the ease is applied to the start of the motion, that works fine, but when I change it back to 100 the ease wont apply to the end of the motion

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mathematics And Easing - Make A Slowing-and-stop-easing Effect At Anytime The Command Will Arrive?

Jan 15, 2009

I've built a code to cyclically move a scene on the bottom of my stage; I've done this to make a slowing-and-stop-easing effect at anytime the command will arrive. The entire scene mc is _x long something like 6000 px. The whole code goes in this way:

1) importing on the stage (with attachMovie) a mc with this code inside:

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {
_parent._parent.fondo_mc._x -= countermovement;
if (_parent._parent.fondo_mc._x <= -5800) {[code].....

The code goes right, but I need to improve it.Now there is just a variable, I tought to use two vars to implement the whole code in a setInterval, but maybe it's unuseful, and actually I can't use it in the right way.

Second issue: actually when slowAndStop function is called the scene slow too fast, if I take it to 15 it slow better but the scene is running too fast...

The best would be that the scene slow down and stop following: A) a temporal variable (and I can try to implement it with setInterval, that for istance is a cycle)

B) an indipendent moving variable, so that on one side I set the speed, on the other side I set the slow-and-stop in a matter of time with countermovement.I also tried to use a second variable:

var counter:Number = 15;
// set the _x increment
var countermovement:Number = counter/2;

but the scene slow and goes backward a bit

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Motion Blur Per Object?

Sep 27, 2007

Motion Blur per object, does anyone have some new examples for as3 ?

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Professional :: Motion Tweens That Don't Stretch The Object

Jul 29, 2010

I am still making some language flashcards. there are about 20 on the page. when i click the card it is supposed to 'flip' so you can see the translation. the first card does pretty well but then as I continue to the next cards, the tween becomes worse and worse. for some reason as the card flips, its dimensions get thrown off and it becomes really wide or really tall. I want the flip to be a strictly horizontal flip over the y axis. What am I doing wrong?

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