ActionScript 2.0 :: Object Deceleration / Easing Into Position

Nov 20, 2004

I am trying to find out a nice simple way to make an object decelerate / ease into position. I have seen that there are loads of different ways of doing it but I wondered if there is a good simple function that can do the job??

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Easing To A Position?

Apr 12, 2006

I am creating a vertical menu with sub-links, which expand out once the main link is pressed, pushing all the buttons below them downwards (with easing). Except when i give one of the links a _y position to ease to, it never fully makes it to it, by under 1 pixel, leaving it slightly blurred.For example, i want to ease one of the buttons below the clicked-on button to _y = 300. but it eases to 299.5.

the equation for this is..

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
dist = _root.link_03_pos - this._y;
travel = dist / _root.speed;
this._y += travel;

_root.link_03_pos is passed a new _y position when any button is pressed.Why, when the dist is smaller than 1, does flash stop moving the mc?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Relative Mouse Position With Easing

Jul 20, 2004

Here is my cool code....

_x -= (-20) - ((0.1 * _xmouse) - 60);


How can I make the easing start fast then go slow? Right now it starts slow and speeds up. Well not really, because it speeds up and then slows down once it gets closer to the mouse position. But becuase the mouse position is greater than that of the movement, it seems like it speeds up then just stops!

Here is the effect I am after....

look at the images inside of [URL]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Scroll MC Up And Down With Easing Depending On The Mouse Position?

Jun 22, 2005

I'm looking to a menu that scrolls vertically depending on the mouse position.I know that voetsjoeba has a cool scroller that does this, but loads XML and such. I'm just looking to scroll an MC up and down with easing depending on the mouse position.I like the way that the new XML thumbnail gallery that Kirupa put up scolls along the bottom, how about something like that?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Move The _y Of Several Movie Clips Using The Easing Transitions - Position

Apr 1, 2007

Using the easing transitions I simply move the _y of several movie clips. It is ok but their starting positions are always from the top of my stage, even if I fix their positions at the bottom.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Sliding Menu - Buttons Can Still Be Clicked While The Mc Is Easing Into Position?

Nov 25, 2003

I've created a sliding menu that has a left button and a right button. Each button slides a background movieclip to the left or right. The background mc eases into position when one of the buttons is clicked. Problem is that buttons can still be clicked while the mc is easing into position. This throws off my x coordinate positioning of the mc. I've tried disabling the buttons and enabling them again at a few different points in my code. I've also tried using a time delay to enable the buttons but my logic isn't working.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make An Object Ease After Another Object That Is Easing Like A Motion Trail

Aug 20, 2004

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get Contents Of Swf To Re-position Itself In Relation To The Resize Of Any Browser Window With Easing?

Jan 16, 2006

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Adding Deceleration To Scroll Panel?

Oct 7, 2009

I've created a scrolling thumb panel in As3. Everything works fine except that when you Roll out of the get bounds section it removes the enter frame function and stops immediately.

I would like that when you Roll out of the get bounds section it has a deceleration instead of a sudden stop.

ActionScript Code:
var midPoint:Number = 400/2 + 90
var b = panel.getBounds(stage)


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Deceleration Of An Infinite Menu On Mouse Out?

Jul 1, 2011

I've been building an "infinite menu" using script from a tutorial that I found and modified. The original script allows users to scroll through a series of pictures (contained in a movieclip) by moving their cursor either to the left or the right of the center of the menu- the farther from the center, the faster the menu scrolls.I added functions that cause the menu to stop scrolling when the cursor leaves the animation. However, I want the menu to decelerate smoothly, starting from whatever rate it was moving at when the mouse out event occurred and finishing at a stand still, and this is where I'm having some Serious Issues.

I've managed to make it work correctly for the first time the mouse out event occurs, but whenever I mouse on and then mouse out again the images move at (apparently) random speeds and directions. At this point I don't even have a guess at what could be causing this, much less how to fix itI realize my code is probably not as clean or streamlined as it could be- I'm still pretty new to this whole AS thing. I hope it's clear enough for you all to understand easily enough.

ActionScript Code:
var xcenter:Number=425;
var speed:Number=.03;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: MX Acceleration/deceleration Of A Movie Clip?

Feb 19, 2003

I have a movie clip (1). When I click on 1, I would like to move a second clip (2) to another position along the x axis. This I know how to do. What I'm not sure of it how to code it to decelerate as it approaches it's final position

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Spinning Object And Easing Stop?

Feb 20, 2012

I am trying to make star spinning (mouse cursor rollover the star, it would be change direction. and if click the star, it would spin start spin slowly and getting faster and then it would be easing stop.)[code]

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [Flash8] Changing Colour Of An Object And Easing

Jun 21, 2008

Im designing a simple menu. As the user roll overs a word, a simple bar slides under the word. I have that working fine, however I want to add a simple piece of complexity in that as it sliders under the word, the bar changes colour.

on (rollOver) {
// slider - Movie Clip's Instance Name. button_1 - Button's Instance Name.
slider.xMove = button_who._x;


It continues to slide under the word, but it stays the same colour.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Easing/Tweening - Incorporate Easing Into The Movement Of Each Movie Clip?

Feb 25, 2011

im trying to create this custom menu a bit more efficiently. As written, it operates fine glitch free. However, id like to incorporate some easing into the movement of each movie clip.


how to incorporate tween classes and then easing?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Mathematics And Easing - Make A Slowing-and-stop-easing Effect At Anytime The Command Will Arrive?

Jan 15, 2009

I've built a code to cyclically move a scene on the bottom of my stage; I've done this to make a slowing-and-stop-easing effect at anytime the command will arrive. The entire scene mc is _x long something like 6000 px. The whole code goes in this way:

1) importing on the stage (with attachMovie) a mc with this code inside:

onClipEvent(enterFrame) {
_parent._parent.fondo_mc._x -= countermovement;
if (_parent._parent.fondo_mc._x <= -5800) {[code].....

The code goes right, but I need to improve it.Now there is just a variable, I tought to use two vars to implement the whole code in a setInterval, but maybe it's unuseful, and actually I can't use it in the right way.

Second issue: actually when slowAndStop function is called the scene slow too fast, if I take it to 15 it slow better but the scene is running too fast...

The best would be that the scene slow down and stop following: A) a temporal variable (and I can try to implement it with setInterval, that for istance is a cycle)

B) an indipendent moving variable, so that on one side I set the speed, on the other side I set the slow-and-stop in a matter of time with countermovement.I also tried to use a second variable:

var counter:Number = 15;
// set the _x increment
var countermovement:Number = counter/2;

but the scene slow and goes backward a bit

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Easing Function - Increasing Speed Of Object With Arrow Key

Nov 5, 2006

I'm working on this "game" and I currently have a ball that increases in speed as you hold down the arrow key. What I am now trying to accomplish is I want the ball to ease to a stop when the user let's go of the keyboard key (onKeyUp). Here's the File. <---Link

Here is my code so far:
var speed = 10;
ball_mc.onEnterFrame = function (){
this._x += speed += 1;
} if(Key.isDown(Key.UP)){
[Code] .....

So once you let go of the Keyboard Key I want the ball to slow down to a stop.

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Flash :: Click And Drag To Spin The Wheel Complete With Acceleration And Deceleration In AS3

Oct 28, 2010

In my Flash File I have a wheel. The user is able to rotate the wheel by using arrows to jump to the next "segment" (think 20 images attached to each other forming the circumference of the wheel).


However, what I want to be able to do is, click and drag to spin the wheel, complete with acceleration and deceleration and even settling on the nearest image when the wheel reduces to a certain speed. I have no idea how to go about doing this: I'll need to kinda detect a before and after position of the cursor and translate this into a speed for the wheel which then decelerates over time and also detect which image is closest at a certain speed and "snap" it, both scrolling up and down. (it'll only affect the Y-axis)

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Trace The Path Of An Object By Using SetPixel On The Object's Position Every Frame In A BitmapData/Bitmap Pairing?

Feb 16, 2011

I'm trying to trace the path of an object by using setPixel on the object's position every frame in a BitmapData/Bitmap pairing. These pixels aren't showing up normally and I suspect I have a fundamental misunderstanding of the BitmapData class. Here's what I'm doing:

public var contrailBase:BitmapData;
public var contrail:Bitmap;
private var contrailColor:uint;[code].....

Using this code, the red pixels don't show up. If I initialize contrailBase to 0xFF000000 instead then I get a black screen on which the red pixels DO draw, but I need the bitmap to be transparent except for the contrail. What am I doing wrong?

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Oop :: Manually Setting Object's Position Or Have The Object Do It All?

Jun 11, 2010

I'm stuck thinking about the best way to go about setting a line segment's position, I have a class Line(length, angle, previous) being called from a class Polygon. Right now I have:

public class Line extends Sprite {
public function Line(length:Number, angle:Number, previous:Line = null) {
if (previous != null) {
this.x = previous.end.x;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Easing Out AND Easing In Using Math?

Jan 12, 2009

I'm familiar with how to ease something in using motion math. Easing out would not be that bad either. But how would I script something easing in half way, then easing out the second half? It would start slow, gradually move faster, then slow to a stop at the end. - almost like a sine wave I guess?

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Display Position Of X And Y Of Object

Apr 19, 2009

hey guys i have 6 moveable objects, what i want is to be able to click a button and a text field appears that displays the x and y co-oridinates off each object, is this possible and if so is there a way also i could have another button where the user inputs the numbers he wants from x and y and the objects will go to that posisition

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ActionScript 3.0 :: X, Y Position Of Object?

Oct 29, 2009

I am wondering about the x, y position of objects. I place a shape at a the bottom of the stage, but then when i check its x, y coords its at 0, 0. Is this correct? so when i start to move it it starts from where i want it on the stage (at the bottom) but the x,y coords are starting at 0,0 also.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Move Object To A Certain Position?

Feb 3, 2009

The following code works fine when mouse is pressed at any position on the screen ,object moves that position...but what if I want the object move that position at a certain speed..say+10 using setInterval...I mean I want my object move slowly to any position I click on the screen..[code]...

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Mouse X Position Altering Object?

Nov 20, 2009

I want to do something which is probably pretty simple but I've got absolutely no idea how to do it!What I want is for the Alpha value of an object (movie clip) to change depending on the x position of the mouse. So when the mouse is at 0 the alpha of the object will be 0%, and when it's at 100 the alpha will be 100%

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Flash Object Keeps Moving Position?

Jun 3, 2010

I came across a problem where my flash timer keeps changing position as the browser window is resized or if the user scrolls down the page the timer will move with it?It also changes position on different monitor screens.Is there an easy way without too much code to position it at a certain position on my page :[URL]As you can see its too low and should be in line with 'Comming soon'Im also using Dreamweaver if that makes a difference.

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Find The Position Of An Object On Stage?

Aug 29, 2010

I have built a site in AS2 and would like to know the position of a ball so that I can move a sign to it always.The whole website is in AS2, but I think I have written an incomplete code below for AS3. I need it for AS2 because the whole site is in AS2. The get position of ball is wrong, but I just wanted to throw in some ideas eg.


// get position of ball
ball_mc.addEventListener(<what goes here?>, ball_pos);
function signMove(Event:MouseEvent):void{[code]..........

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Box2D - How To Get Position Of Static Object

Apr 14, 2011

I'm using sensors in a Box2D project. On a collision with a sensor, I'd like to know the sensor's position in the world. I'm detecting the collision with a contact listener, but the sensor's position is always 0 0.

From my code: (edit, added the whole class)
public class MyContactListener extends b2ContactListener {
public var onSensorEvent:Function;
override public function BeginContact(contact:b2Contact):void {
if(contact.GetFixtureA().IsSensor()) {
var ud1:GameEntity = contact.GetFixtureA().GetBody().GetUserData();
[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Moving Object To A Certain Position?

Feb 3, 2009

The following code works fine when mouse is pressed at any position on the screen ,object moves that position...but what if I want the object move that position at a certain speed..say+10 using setInterval...I mean I want my object move slowly to any position I click on the screen..

PHP Code:
onClipEvent (mouseDown) {
this._x = _root._xmouse;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Get HitTest Position Of Th Object?

May 26, 2010

My Question is how i deduct the position of the hitTest Objecti mean to say which angle he hit X Y and after hiting it must be goo that angle

here is my code
import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;


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IDE :: Change Xy Position Of An Object Using Buttons?

May 9, 2009

I started using Flash again after a "brief" hiatus (the last time I used it, Flash was on it's MX version ).I am trying to create an animation in which I can move across the stage a simple object (a circle, a square or a star, for example) using buttons (left, right, up and down)This was fairly simple using AS 1, even when I was no expert. The thing is that those simple ways are no longer working with AS 3.I spent a few hours doing some research until I found this nice tutorial on this same site:

Code: http:[url]....

I followed the tutorial, and all was working nicely, but when I attempted to do the animation from scratch, it simply didn't work .I even used the same names for all the objects and instances, but still nothiing.

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