ActionScript 2.0 :: MovieClip Custom Property Lost In OnRelease Function?

Nov 2, 2006

I'm trying to assign a custom property to an attached MC. In this case it's an ID number, but it's always undefined inside the onRelease function... What am I missing?

ActionScript Code:
function blablaMethod(){_root.attachMovie("bla", "bla"+someIncrementingId, _root.getNextHighestDepth());var mcReference = _root["bla"+someIncrementingId];// I've also tried the following:var mcReference = _root.attachMovie("bla", "bla"+number, _root.getNextHighestDepth());


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Custom Function - OnRelease Event Returns Undefined

Oct 2, 2006

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Well i have some labels at my timeline and i pass them as an array. The problem is at the onRelease event. It returns undefined. I cant figure out how to solve it.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movieclip.onRelease = Function() Without OnReleasing?

Aug 29, 2007

mc.onRelease = function(){
//Do something

I have this function on "mc".And I would like to call the function on ''mc" without clicking on "mc". How can I create the state where this "mc" is being pressed by script on a frame or another button?

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Checkbox Within A Movieclip That Has A OnRelease Function, Doesn't Check

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Deactivate MovieClip OnRelease Function Timer

Aug 9, 2010

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// function here
Is it possible to deactivate each one for 5 seconds when it is clicked, then reactivate it after 5 seconds using a timer or something?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: FLASH 8 : OnRelease Function Not Working For Movieclip?

Oct 9, 2007

the seven dots u see on the stage are 7 emptymovieclips. i've coded the action script to load the thumbnails in 6 emptymovieclips on left side arranged in grid.script is working fine till 6 thumbnails are loaded in the grid.(from externel xml file as i've coded)as logically u can guess that, when we click on a thumbnail, it's bigger copy should be loaded in the black square on he stage. but it is not happening ; i;ve coded for it also ;in the following script u can see that the last command is:

_root.thumb0.onRelease = function() {
trace ("clicked");

it should dispaly "clicked" on output window when thumb0 is clicked but it isn't showing anything. not any error even. the above line is in firstframe's action script; and it must should work from here only, not under the AS of thumb0 movieclip.

//////////////////////////////////////////////////////actionscript for the first frame of layer1///////////////////////////////////
xmlData = new XML();
xmlData.ignoreWhite = true;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: MovieClip - Stop All The Other Functions From Playing Once The .onRelease Function Has Started?

May 12, 2005

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leaf9.onRollOver = function(){

What I want is for all the other functions to go away once "shrink" has started to play, so that if the mouse goes over the button again, the clip doesn't start playing "rollover" etc etc. So how do I stop all the other functions from playing once the .onRelease function has started?

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What I want is for all the other functions to go away once "shrink" has started to play, so that if the mouse goes over the button again, the clip doesn't start playing "rollover" etc etc. So how do I stop all the other functions from playing once the .onRelease function has started?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: ADD OnRelease Method On Movieclip That Already Has A OnRelease Meth

Feb 10, 2010

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ActionScript Code:
mc.onRelease = function(){

I was thinking this, but it doesn't work


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Custom Function - Error #1009: Cannot Access A Property Or Method Of A Null Object Reference?

Jun 4, 2009

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PHP Code:

sendBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, sendMsg0,false,0,true);
msgOut.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, sendMsg1,false,0,true);

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function repel(mover2, mover) {
var xdiff:Number = mover2.x - mover.x;
var ydiff:Number = mover2.y - mover.y;
var dist:Number = Math.sqrt(xdiff*xdiff + ydiff*ydiff);


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//and then handle it later


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package components {
public class templateSelection extends VBox {
static public var tempSelectionBag:Dictionary;


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1046: Typ wurde nicht gefunden oder war keine Kompilierungszeit- onstante:Dictionary

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Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: Dictionary

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Flash - Lost Spaces In Strings With CSV To Array Function?

Oct 25, 2011

I am working with a function that converts csv data to a multi-dimentional array. I am then going through the characters to find specific situations in the way the strings are handled in the array. One example is if I have a string like - "this is a string, yeah" - then I make sure not to count the comma in the string because it is between quotes from that string. Anyhow In the following function I have some how lost my spaces in the results.Instead of getting "this is AS3" I am getting "thisisAS3". Spaces seem to only be available in the strings that have quotes.

function CSVtoArray(csv:String):Array {
var inQuotes:Boolean = false;
var field:String = "";


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Nov 4, 2011

Trying to make a grid based question answer game and load variables from a text file using for loops into an array. I wanted to reduce redundant code and use for loops to populate my arrays. The issue I am having is with my arrays being lost/destroyed outside of the loader function.

I understand that if an array is declared inside the function, naturally the array would be destroyed upon exit of the function. However I am declaring the arrays outside of the function so the arrays should remain intact after I exit the function.

BTW - I'm not having an issue with the loading of the data. The data is loading correctly. The array is simply being destroyed after the data has loaded.

//Create the arrays to hold the
//categories, questions, and answers
var categoryArray:Array = new Array();
var quesAnswArray:Array = new Array();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Call A Custom Function From Another Custom Function's Parameter?

Apr 1, 2008

I want to call a function from another function's parameter but I don't know how and don't know if it is possible.I've considered this as a solution but it didn't worked.

function myFunc(target_mc:MovieClip, nX:Number, nY:Number, cFunc:Function) {
target_mc._x += nX;
targen_mc._y += nY;
target_mc.onPress = cFunc;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: OnRelease For MovieClip Inside Draggable MovieClip [Flash Pro 8]?

Dec 3, 2006

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circle_mc.onPress = function() {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Custom Event Class If I Dont Need To Pass Custom Property With That Event?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: OnRelease After Using LoadMovieClip Function

Sep 15, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: For Loop OnRelease Function?

Jul 14, 2010

I am designing and coding a navigation menu at the moment, and so far I have got the button instances to duplicate for each of the menu items, and set widths, positioning values and RollOver/RollOut functions. However, I would ideally like to include the onRelease button functions in the for loop too - as they are all the same apart from the variable "i". Here is the code snippet:

ActionScript Code:
for (i=1;i<(_root.noofmenuitems+1);i++){
duplicateMovieClip("mc", "mc"+i, i);


Now my problem is that by the time the onRelease function is called, the for loop has been completed and the value of i returned is the last i value from the loop (_root.noofmenuitems+1). The this["mc"+i] part obviously works, because the trace function is called when I click any of the menu items.The problem is that I have 6 menu items, and when I click any of them, the trace function returns "test 7" - not the corresponding i values for each button.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Define Function Without OnRelease?

Mar 12, 2005

I need the following script to run as soon the as the play head comes on the frame. Right now it is activated through an onRelease...need to replace that:

myButton_btn.onRelease = function() {
function tweenBall(easeType) {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: #include For OnRelease() Like This Or Function?

Apr 5, 2006

im trying to make this code below as modular as possible. I would like to edit in only one place if possible, as opposed to every button.

onClipEvent (mouseUp) {
this.onRelease = function() {
_parent._parent.bg_pic_linkage = "im6";


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Add A 'onRelease' Function To Loaded Mc's?

Jul 21, 2006

take a look at my code. It only displays a square.

testClass = new Object();
testClass.childClass = new Object();


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ActionScript 2.0 :: OnRelease Cannot Trigger The Function?

Jan 23, 2008

a look/correct the attached file of why the onRelase function cannot triggered the loadImages function.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: OnRelease Function With Parameter?

Mar 10, 2008

why this doesn't work:

Code: = advance(1);
listContainer.prev.onRelease = advance(-1);
function advance(d)


I know I can reference a function onRelease without any parameters no problem, but what if I want to pass a parameter to the function?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Define This Function Without OnRelease?

Mar 12, 2005

I need the following script to run as soon the as the play head comes on the frame. Right now it is activated through an onRelease...need to replace that:


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