Arrays :: Flash - Data Being Lost Outside Of Loader Function

Nov 4, 2011

Trying to make a grid based question answer game and load variables from a text file using for loops into an array. I wanted to reduce redundant code and use for loops to populate my arrays. The issue I am having is with my arrays being lost/destroyed outside of the loader function.

I understand that if an array is declared inside the function, naturally the array would be destroyed upon exit of the function. However I am declaring the arrays outside of the function so the arrays should remain intact after I exit the function.

BTW - I'm not having an issue with the loading of the data. The data is loading correctly. The array is simply being destroyed after the data has loaded.

//Create the arrays to hold the
//categories, questions, and answers
var categoryArray:Array = new Array();
var quesAnswArray:Array = new Array();


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function CSVtoArray(csv:String):Array {
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var field:String = "";


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In particular, there's class I have called RPCSocket that extends the AS3 Socket class so I can serialize data structures before sending them across a socket.  At one point, this RPCSocket class calls super.writeBytes and super.Flush.  It is the point at which I send all data out of my client. The data is binary data in AMF3 format.

public function executeRPC(serviceName:String, methodName:String, methodParams:Array):void {               if (!this.connected) {                    log.write('RPCSocket.executeRPC failed. ' + methodName + ' attempted on service ' + serviceName + ' while not connected', Log.HIGH);                    throw new Error('RPCSocket.executeRPC failed. ' + methodName + ' attempted on service ' +


Can someone recommend a way for me to store without corruption, conversion, or filtering or translation of any kind *all* of the information sent across this socket? I'd like to write it to a file.  I'm guessing that keep a global ByteArray var and storing the info there might work, but I'm wondering how I might get the contents of that ByteArray into a file so I can inspect it.
Also, I'm wondering if I might be able to inspect what flash actually sends out on the socket?  I have a sneaking suspicion that data I supply to super.writeBytes may be sent out of order or may not actually get sent across the socket.  This bug I'm talking about only seems to happen under high-stress situations when I'm sending dozens of messages per second across this one socket.

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import mx.controls.Alert;

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//check events between 2 objects
function CheckEventsEnemyFighterFighter():void


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//var jsonObj:Object = JSON.decode(;[code].....

captions: undefined

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Shouldn't this last output be the number 1? I want to use this number to call the correct node for each clip,

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When receiving a textfile from a URL, the function to set the text will either look like this:

function completeHandler(event:Event):void {
var txt:String = URLLoader(event.currentTarget).data as String;
tf.text = txt;


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var slideDataArray:Array = new Array();
var slideShowDataArray:Array = new Array();
slideDataArray[0] = xmlData.SlideShowParameters.SlideShowImagesDirectory;[code]........

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//set values for XML data file
private var XML_URL:String = "";
private var locXML:XML = new XML();
private function getXMLdata():void


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var myXMLLoader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
myXMLLoader.load(new URLRequest("XML_NOTES.xml"));
myXMLLoader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, processXML);


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Nov 2, 2009

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<!-- ... -->
<item><!-- ... --></item>


I get an array named item beneath the element children when there is more than one item sibling. If there's only one, the conversion can't distinguish it from a scalar.

What do I need to change to have Flex convert all item elements to an array with 0 or more elements?

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Nov 29, 2010

Something like[code]...

Since I have to loop through all of them. I can convert them to an array inside the function, but it would save me 10 lines if I could just enter them as an array in the function parameter (as I have 10 variables 1-10...)

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Feb 9, 2004

the sort() function for arrays in Flash MX. How efficient is it? I am currently developing a flash application that will need to read in hundreds of records from a database and sort them.speed is crucial. Which is better? to use the built in sort() function or to create my own shell-sort?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pass X Arrays To A Function?

Nov 12, 2007

I'm trying to pass an array of X arrays as parameters to a function such as :

var someArray = [0, 1, 2];
var someOtherArray = [A,B,C];
array = [someArray, someOtherArray,...];

The problem is that the function doesn't see where the 1st array stops, it's like passing a big array such as

myMC.someFunction(someArray,SomeOtherArray, ...) becomes
myMC.someFunction(0,1,2,A,B,C) instead of myMC.someFunction([0,1,2],[A,B,C]);

I even tried to make a string such as str += "[array[0]]"+","+"[array[1]] ..but it still passes everything as one big to pass X arrays to a function??

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Created A Method Which Parses The Data And Returns Various Arrays?

Oct 9, 2009

I have loaded an XML file in the class LoadXML and have here created a method which parses the data and returns various arrays: an array of background urls (i called the array: hintergrund[]), an array of image paths (pfad[]), an array of website urls (website[]) and so forth. In the main class I would now like to load the backgrounds and images. I must have made a mistake in my onBackgrLoad() because I keep receiving the error msg:Error #1084: Syntax error: expecting rightparen before colon.Here are the relevant sections in my Main class:

package { import flash.display.Sprite; import*; import flash.display.*; import*; import flash.display.Loader; import flash.filters.DropShadowFilter; import; import flash.text.*;// import de.container.text.Container_Text; // To


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Display Data In Arrays In Sequence While Click Button

Jul 6, 2004

i m doing a program which contain few text. When i click a button,'step 1' text will be view. When i second, 'step 2 ' text will be load out and 'step 1' text is still in the stage.. the method i m using is array.i put my text in an arrays.

View 9 Replies

ActionScript 3.0 :: Link Between Scene - Some Time The "next" And "previoyus" Function Will Lost?

Oct 19, 2010

now my project have 3 scene and i want to link between all scene.this common i use to go to next page and previous page for each scene,

function nextscene1(event:MouseEvent):void

my problem is i can success with the next/prev function if i only click the "nex/prev" button, but when i click the "page2" button to link to particular page, it only can function 1 time and at some time the "nex" and "prev" function will lost

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Flash :: Professional - Lost The Control Bar In 8

Dec 6, 2011

I have created a video with a control bar in Flash 8. When I run the .swf file by itself (in Flash player or IE) the control bar is there but when I add it to my web page the control bar is missing.


View 4 Replies :: Flash - Values Getting Lost From Controls?

Aug 5, 2011

I know the title may be funny for you but I am actually facing it. My page has a checkbox and textbox. I have a flash control (not developed by and so I don't have it's code) and a button inside that control. When the button is clicked inside flash control it causes redirection(or may be postback) to the same page but the values typed the user in textbox and checkbox are no longer available. They are lost! How can I handle this stuff? I am pulling my hair apart. I don't even the source code of that control

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