Now when a user rolls their mouse over each hit target(size) I have some frame animations that make a box come over and an opposite animation for when they roll out...but now when the user clicks a button I am having problems. I would love to have it so when the user clicks a button the box stays around the button and then if the user were to click a different button it would play the out animation of what was selected before and then the begining animation for the button hit now.So if I clicked the button "S" and then decided to click the button "L" it would play the out for "S" and then play the in animation for "L"
I have an FLA that "erases" an image to reveal something below, at which point the cursor (an eraser bitmap) needs to be released in order for the user to use it to click a print button. You can click the print button with the erase function cursor, but I feel like it is not good user interface. The AS below should delete the eraser cursor and advance to another frame but it isn't.
is it possible to add multiple actions to the same button.e.g.on stage theres only one button, on first click it should make mc1 visible , on second click it should make mc2 visible and so on.
I have a symbol that is movieclip (symbol name switch) which has got a switch on/off image inside it, if u click it, the 'switch on' image comes (frame 5) and when u click again the 'switch off' image comes (frame 1) Nw i want the symbol such that when i press it not only does the 'switch on' image come, but also change the image of another movieclip (symbol name 0bit) which is in the root timeline and not inside "switch" symbol
Underlined Text On (rollOver) Is there an action script to do on (rollover) underline text? It would be on a button that would also, on (release) gotoAndPlay a frame. I know you can have a movie with AS like this:
But when I add the on (release) to the movie it doesnt advance the timeline on (release). And when I change the file to a button instead of a movie clip it doesnt do the underline on (rollOver).
So I have the following Actions for my button:b1.buttonMode = true;b1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER,onButtonOver);b1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT,onButtonOut);
b1 is my MC button Instance name. I want to add several other MC button names to this ActionScript (b2, b3, etc). How can I add the other MC button names without just copying and pasting the whole code with new instances?
I have a project where I need my button to have more than one function.the link to my flash file is:(tried to upload but it keeps saying invalid file)I have a countdown within frames 1-90. I didn't convert it to a movie clip because I have a flash movie that needs to run after it, which I put in frame 90.The way it runs right now with my rollover/out actions is perfect, BUT IT'S REVERSED from what I need. so close! grrr!
I need the countdown to stop if you move the mouse away.Then when the video starts (after the countdown), I need the rollout action to disable. If I can get this to work, I will be putting an exit out button on the flv movie so the user may exit out, using the button instead of the rollout action of the mouse.
Brief summary: countdown frames - rollover/rollout flv movie - no mouse actions
I am fairly new to Flash and I am wanting to create a virtual tour through a house. I DON'T want the panoramic views; I want to be able to have the buttons walk the user forward through the house and look side to side. I have successfully made the left, right, and forward buttons look side to side and move forward for one sequence, but once I add multiple "If" scripts for the forward button it messes everything up. Furthermore, when I want the forward button to go back to its screen when on the left screen it doesn't want to seem to work.
All this is to say how do I get a button to do different "if" functions from frame to frame.
The code I currently have looks like this:
stop(); up_btn.onRelease = function() { if (_root._currentframe == 4) {
it seems to mess up the entire button. It will only do the first command in the structure. All of it has been VERY frustrating and I don't know how to structure it so that it will go to the desired frame but also go back to the frame I want when looking left or right.
how to group objects together so that you can change their parimeters all at once. Like if I have a 7 boxes on screen with the instance name box1, box2, ect..... and i wanted to do change them via action script, like make them all partailly invisible when an event happens. How would I do that. I've tried stuff like
In the first frame of an fla I have the code below, only the functions in red works. When rolling over the second only the first function in blue works but the mouse freezes when attempting to rollout (green). But if I remove the code from the first frame and code each seperate button the functions work.
Any reason for this stop(); btn_shopping.onRollOver = function () { gotoAndStop(2)_root.main_mc.gotoAndStop(1065); } btn_shopping.onRollOut = function () { gotoAndStop(1)_root.main_mc.gotoAndPlay(162); } btn_pen.onRollOver = function () { gotoAndStop(3)_root.main_mc.gotoAndStop(1066); } btn_pen.onRollOut = function (){ gotoAndStop(1)_root.main_mc.gotoAndPlay(283);}
want to simplify coding and wondered if there was a way to write a script that could be used on multiple objects without having to write it to address each object individually. I am building a simple menu where I want the menu link to rise and scale up when the button for it is rolled over and then return to its original position when the mouse rolls off. I know I can write this per button and per item, but wanted to see if there was a way to write it once and then apply the action to everything. EX. My menu consists of 5 items (and respective buttons) home_mc (home_btn), menu_mc, dining_mc, contact_mc, specials_mc.If I write the code
home_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, homeOver); home_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, homeOff); function homeOver(MouseEvent) {
I am creating a "Kiosk" to be used in flash using ActionScript 2.0 with individual scenes. At the end of each scene is an outro and the beginning of each is an intro to give the impression of them all appearing seamless.So on each button I have added the following [code]Frame 180 is where the outro plays to enter the selected scene of that button. I would then like add to this piece of script that I want that button to go to that scene after the outro is played. So it would have something like gotoAndPlay(scene xx);The only other solution I have at the moment would be to make an outro of each scene for each button to jump to but this having 8 scenes it would end up adding up to 64 outros in total.So would there be a solution to simply have each button jump to the one outro then jump to its own scene?
What i want to do is assign actions to each individual movieclip using a for loop.. let me explain Say i have 5 MovieClips on the stage... With instance names clip1, clip2, clip3.... Now what i want to do is assign a OnRollOver and OnRelease to each 1 So individual code for each would be something like this.
I'm working on a small application that uses some throw physics to fling items around the stage. Everything is working as it should, apart from when I test it on my touch screen, the throw physics don't work. I've tried all sorts of things, in in those tests noticed that AS2 release and release outside do work on the screen perfectly, whereas mouse up and mouse out do not!
So, is there a way to emulate the AS2 mouse events in AS3, as I have to stick with AS3 this time.
I have a series of frames one the timeline. Each frame has a graphic and a mouse click leads to the next frame. Think Myst.
When the middle frame is returned to, clicks no longer change anything. I believe that the actions of the 'left' frame are replacing the one's in the middle frame so then it is told to gotoAndStop to itself.
I'd like to know if that is indeed what is happening and how I can make it stop.
1. Can i put another set of actions in frame 2 of the actions layer?i tested but it doesn't seem to has 836 rows of code and it's getting annoying when tryin to search for a function..
2. I am not that familiar with classes, i usually put all the code into movieclips or in actions layer.. i am not sure if i can call a function from a actionscript class..
3.I am curios if there is any way i could specify an alternative for the if statement like in this pseudocode:
if ( apple is not clean BUT is tasty) { eat(apple) }
I'm making a menu, which moves buttons out of the way for other menu components, and also alternates backgrounds to make way for various external movieclips. So the stack of buttons have various instructions that differ, depending on where they are in the time line at that particular point. Does that make sense? What I'm having problems with is the changing of backgrounds. I have the various options on frames 1-4 on the main timeline. Everything works fine until the movie happens to already be ON the frame it is being told to go to. It gets confused and goes to a different frame instead. How can a tell the button to go to a particular frame on the main time line, but, if it is already on that frame, to do nothing?
I am developing a complete AS3 based corporative website. Everything is nice and cool, except that seems to be impossible to release memory... I have read tons of articles referring memory management on AS3, and applied all the techniques on my code: I'm using weakly referenced listeners, removing them when I am done, setting to null all my objects when I want to release them, using the method unloadAndStop whenever I want to unload one of my external SWF files, disposing my loaded bitmaps using bitmapData.dispose()...
And no way, the memory continues increasing to infinite and beyond... One thing that calls my attention: If I minimize my browser and only on that situation, the memory goes down on my task manager to a reasonable amount.
I've got a movie control which loads different .swf files into a blank movie when the user click an image below the main view. In windows it works fine and also in Safari 5 for Windows but I've been told it will just not work on a Mac in any browser.
Actions for Frame 1 loadMovie("movie1.swf","mainView"); bnt1 Actions for bnt1
The frame 1 action works on the Mac but the mouse will not interact with the buttons to load the other movies when the user tries to click them.
I have other similar controls which work on the Mac but they are using on release get url functions for the interaction. All the swf files are loaded from the same directory as the control on the web server.
Im trying to get this code to work ... The idea is the when I press the "w" key, the MC will move up Y_axis and when I release the "w" key the MC eases a little bit further
My company has a application developed by flash. We must encrypt it before release. So is some can tell me how to do it? Is there some very simple but efficient way? Or are there some good sofe for encrypting swf?
I've made 2 swf's. One is navigation with a movieclip named "connn" where another swf of content being loaded into it. The second swf is the content consists of a scrollable bar of thumbnails at the bottom, loading particular content on the stage. For the contents swf, I've this script on each of the thumbnail
PHP Code:
on(release){ _root.gotoAndPlay("framename"); }
which framename is marked on the top level of the flash, with a movie clip of a couple of images swaping. And this work perfectly. [URL]
PHP Code:
which load the content into the movie clip named "connn". It got no problem loading the swf in but I discover that after it is loaded, the thumbnail script of the content failed to work. (please see: under WEB/INTERACTIVE > websites)
I guess that is the problem of the _root. thing and perhaps changing this I can have it work as perfect as it can be even being called in another swf.
It controls a collection of 6 "slides". Each slide has a corresponding button, and it also slides every x seconds when the mouse is still. I'd like the buttons (b1 through b6) to change once they are pressed (to a similar image, just with a black dot in the center, which shows it is selected) and then return once another one is selected. I have a very minimal knowledge of actionscript
i had 2 Timeline in Same Line Scripting.[code]In Example 2, "it doing " output is correct.But In Example 1 ,"it doing" output of Event is wrong , because i no need use that Event anymore...
When stop streaming, i close NetStream, close NetConnection, clear video, and remove any event listoner on camera. After these actions, the camera is still in used.
I have a number of tabs which can be dragged around the screen.. I've constrained the movement to a rectangle using startDrag(false, rectangleName) but when I ROLL_OUT or MOUSE_UP outside of the constrain rectangle the tab does not register it, thus defining itself a new startX and startY once clcked on a second time..
private function tabOver(event:MouseEvent):void { event.currentTarget.scaleX = 1.05; event.currentTarget.scaleY = 1.05;}private function tabClick(event:MouseEvent):void { event.currentTarget.scaleX = 1.05;