ActionScript 2.0 :: Multiple Sound Files Combined?

Jan 15, 2007

The quick question is I can only get this to play sound once - then it won't do it again I am making a math game for my young kids - it adds numbers from 1 to 5 the variables A & B are randomly generated and make C

The sound reads out a string A + plus + B + equals + C (5 sound files)It does this the first time the flash is played, however, when the flash movie goes back to the previous frame, and generates new variables - it will not play the sound files anymore.


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Multiple Sound Files?

Jul 28, 2009

I am trying to put a few songs on a website, not as an .mp3 player, I just want to be able to assign individual buttons to control them.ow, and it works great. I would like to now how to add more and assign them to their own buttons seperate from the other songs.This is the code I have for one song

var url:String = "";var urlRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest(url);var sound:Sound = new Sound();sound.load(urlRequest);var sc:SoundChannelvar startTime:uint=0;


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Flash :: IDE - Multiple Sound Files In Timeline

Jun 24, 2009

I'm having a little issue with the sound on my flash website. The way my site is set up so far is that after the preloader, i have an enter site page that holds there until the user clicks on the "enter site" button. Once they click that button it takes them to the site. I would like to add 2 different sound files to this. One file for the enter site that loops over and over until the user enters the site and then that sound file will stop and the other sound file will start.

When I tried this I could not get the first sound file to quit playing once you enter the site. So basically when I am on the "enter page" it's playing the looping file fine but when I click "enter site" it plays the other audio file on top of the one looping. I hope this makes sense.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Possible To String Multiple Sound Files Together Using Code?

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Say I recorded and imported sound files of my voice saying "Two",  "Four", "Equals", and "Plus"Would it be possible to have Flash on click string together those sound files like a string so that the user would hear:

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Flash :: Multiple Audio Files One Sound Object?

Nov 11, 2010

Is it possible to play multiple sound files using a single sound object? (I've looked into this back when I was using Flash CS3, but I want to know if anything has changed.)

(I'm trying to make a playlist which will play music in the background of my SWF movie and then have a frame where users can change the song and the volume.)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Multiple Streaming And Sound Files Manipulation

Sep 3, 2004

I have a site where as you click links, you move forwards through a city. I want to fade sound files in and out, overlapping, depending on where you are in the city. (The site is [URL]). As yet, I can't have two sounds playing at once. I have found a site with the effect I want, it's at [URL]. (Great site, by the way)

My code is as follows. I have two sound loops at the moment, one of cicadas, one of a city at night, both saved as separate .swf files, which I have loaded onto the main timeline on layers 14 and 15. The code for the two loops is:

cicadas.swf, FRAME 1
var volPercent = 20;
cicadas = new Sound(cicadas);
city.swf, FRAME 1
var volPercent = 20;
city = new Sound(cityMC);

Once I load these two onto different levels, I get no sound. If I delete one, the other will play. I have tried loading the sound objects into empty movie clips, but then the entire file has to load before it will start playing. I need a way to stream multiple sound files, and have control over their volume.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading Multiple Sound Files With A Single Class?

Nov 11, 2009

I am working on a simple game for kids. The game revolves around the alphabet and it is all voiced. So I have a good number of sound files that I need to call on at any given moment.In AS2 I would just link all of the sound files to variables at run-time and have them ready to play when the interaction dictated it.... with the way "linkage" has changed in AS3... I feel like it would be a bad idea to have over 50 different class files (one for each sound file) so I am looking for a cleaner solution... that and I am guessing that having redundant class files misses the point.I haven't had much luck finding a forum post or tutorial that talks directly about this type of issue but the idea is a little foreign right now so I am sure I have stared directly into the gold mine and not noticed. I am very interested any thoughts or links on the subject.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Multiple Sounds - Creating Separate SWF Files To Represent Each Sound

Sep 20, 2002

I've created a small application that links various Sound Clips to corresponding Sound variables, and the individual start and stop commands work fine. However, when I try altering the volume, the controls affect all the sounds in the movie. I'd like to refrain from creating separate SWF files to represent each sound, but I will if I have to.

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Professional :: Combined Different Animations?

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Javascript :: Can't TouchDown And MouseDown Be Combined?

Feb 26, 2012

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Wouldn't it make sense to have just to use the onmouseevent? In order to have things work on mobile and desktop I always have to listen for both events-bviously this causes issue on mobile devices because two events are fired when i press the screen (meaning that I have to do a bunch of conditional checking to add/remove event)

My initial thoughts were that multi-touch would be the main reason... But couldn't the design just have some parameter of the event like .touches? That could go along with the .pressure, .finger width, etc... maybe a .type = "touch" or .type="mouse"

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Jquery :: Animation & Flash Combined / Bad Performance / Low Fps

Jun 16, 2011

I'm currently working on a project where i use SWFObject to include a flash header (some fire animation). Also I'm using jQuery for serveral animations and effects on the page, like Imagesliders and hovering effects.The problems I got:high CPU usage: about 50% on a Intel Q9550 low frame rates of jQuery animations due to the high CPU usage.The flash animation seem to stuck when i trigger any jQuery animations or effects.I tried to remove serveral jQuery animations and simplify the page, but also with only an hover menu, the flash animation stucks and the jQuery animations are laggy when hovering the menu.The only browsers where my page runs smooth are Chrome and Opera, but only with high CPU usage. FF3&4 and IE7-9 produce bad frame rates all time.I tried to reduce the jQuery internal fx interval, that seems to help, but the animations were not smooth any more. Am I the only one having this issue, i could not find any other postings here with that topic?!url...We changes the graphic card of the computer, from a GeForce 8400GS to a 8800GT. After that, the animation run smooth. I never thought that it would be the graphic card ^^

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if (event.ctrlKey && event.keyCode == 65)

How would I capture an additional key so that the event is captured when somebody presses CTRL, A and B?

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Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2124: Loaded file is an unknown type.
Essentially, I just want to collect all of my media into a single external file that I can then pull stuff from - pngs and videos - preferably keeping the video in F4V/H.264, but not necessarily required.

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Jan 6, 2011

I am a actionscript beginner trying to create a form using components in as3, am creating a booking form that combines the totals of each item using the checkbox component when selected and displays them within a text field.I have also tried to convert the values using .toString() method with no success. Here is the current script;

// Setting default values for the Textfields
hTotal_txt.text = ("0");
sTotal_txt.text = ("0");


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Use Flex Tilelist Data Effects Combined With A ListCollectionView Dataprovider?

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Actionscript 3 :: Point Closest To Combined Geometric Shapes (compound Shape)?

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If we don't consider the line, then the orange part is the shape to constrain to. If the line is taken into account then the saturated orange part of the line is the shape to constrain to.The black small dots represent the points that need to be constrained. The blue dots represent the desired result. (a 1, b 2 etc.)Point "f" has no corresponding constrained result, since it is already in the orange area.For the purpose of this example, only point "e" is constrained to the line, all others are constrained to the orange orange area.

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IDE :: Way To Play Sound Files

May 2, 2010

I'm working on a game that loops a random sound file everytime the user goes to the menu. When I tried the simulate download in the preview menu, it took a long time to load the first frame (which is a preloader). I found the problem was that in the linkage for the sound files I said "Export on first frame" so i unchecked that box, but then when I tried playing again, the sound wouldn't load.So, I'm wondering, is there a way to play sound files through ActionScript without having to load them on the first frame?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Save Multiple Text Files From Multiple Text Boxes?

Mar 2, 2011

As the title states, I need to know how to save multiple text files, from multiple text boxes on the screen. Each textbox has the instance name of t1, t2, t3... and so on. Here is the code I have now:


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Sound Files Not Workin In .swf File

May 6, 2009

If I use Publish Setting and choose a different folder for the .swf and .html file that Flash CS3 will be generating then the audio/sound will not work when open the .html file in a browser. However, if I choose to the "Publish" option or "Publish Setting" but choose the same folder for the .html and .swf folder then the sound will work when opening the .html file inside a browser.[code]

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Professional :: Can't Import Sound Files?

Jan 6, 2011

No matter the format no matter what the bit rate is, I can't import ANY audio files into flash CS4 without getting the error "One or more files were not imported because there were problems reading them"

This happens both when I import to the stage and import to the library. Please if you know anything about this issue please help otherwise the whole flash program is useless for me.
Also I found online that installing quicktime fixes the issue. It didn't work for me, I've reinstalled quicktime 3 times to make sure.

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Professional :: Sound Files Not Importing?

Dec 2, 2011

I have a problem while trying to import any sound file into flash CS5.5. I have not successfully done it since purchasing the program. I have tried opening the file in a sound editor and saving it, as well as trying to convert to a different sound type that is still Flash compatible. I'm trying with .mp3 and .wav files mostly. The error messages i receive are "Couldn't import C://*file location* or else i get"One or more files were not imported because there were problems reading them." I havent figured out a pattern as to why either might be showing or the connection to the file.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Play Swf Sound Files?

Nov 26, 2008

can we play audio "swf" files along with mp3 files in as3?

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Flash 10 :: Exporting Sound Files From Fla?

Jun 7, 2011

I had imported some sound files into an fla (CS5) and then i accidentally deleted the files.So those sounds are present as symbols in the fla. How do i export/extract those files from the symbols?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Swapping The Sound Files?

Sep 17, 2010

I am working on a Flash / AS3 project which has several audio tracks and starts off with an intro track. When the user clicks a button a window opens and the audio track changes, the new audio track continuously loops until the user closes the window. When the window is closed the audio track switches to a default audio track which is similar to the intro track. The problem I am having is that when the user clicks on the button and the window opens, the audio track plays as expected, but when it reaches the end, it doesn't loop, instead the intro track starts to play instead (and loop I assume).

Here is the code I am working with:

package {


I included trace statements to track what the value of "music" is doing. It appears that when the function repeat() occurs, "music" always seems to default to the intro music "audio/track-intro.mp3".

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ActionScript 2.0 :: [MX] - Controlling Sound Of FLV Files

Nov 21, 2002

I've am trying to create a sound control to control the sound of an imported FLV file. The problem is like this. I recorded a video using a video camera and than using the iMovie, I've converted the movie to QuickTime format. Than I use Sorenson Squeeze for Flash MX to compress the video. I manage to compress the files into FLV format and than imported it to my Flash file. Now I want to add a sound control to the movie to control the volume.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Get A Handle On Embedded Sound Files?

May 7, 2009

From the Sound Class information, it says to use the SoundMixer Class to handle embedded Sound Files.  I have two sound files embedded, that I have setup in 2 separate layers, starting at frame one in the main timeline.  I needed to do this so I could see the wave files, and coordinate text with the waves.  I do not want to load these files into the .swf file at runtime using URLRequest.  How do I get a handle on those as they exist, to make each controllable by separate volume and mute controls for each sound?
This will be a challenging question, because, "it can't be done" doesn't work for me.  I managed to create a way to use an external classfile to control the main timeline, the ROOT timeline, without having to create a sub movie to root.  I can use my component to call play(); as though it were in code in a frame.  But it isn't, it's in an external classfile.  I passed root to the classfile and told the classfile to think of it as a movieclip - that put the handle on it.  I tried similar way with root as a Sound, but that isn't detailed enough - I need to get a handle on the frame that contains the embedded sound file.  I embedded, attached it, using the properties view for the frame.
I've attached, or whatever you want to call it, these sound files to a frame, and this frame is or should be attached to the layer I've created.  So, under the assumption that the ROOT has everything attached to it in some manner (it is after all the foundation for the COM), the stage of the root contains the visual components, so ROOT has to have the layer objects attached to it, which should have the frame objects attached to the layers.  I have two layers that each have a .wav file attached to frame one.  Somehow Flash keeps track of that - I want to know how Flash does it so I can read what flash reads.

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Imported Swf Files Have Lost Their Streaming Sound?

Jun 14, 2009

I am trying to import a swf I made that contains streaming sound. When I place it on the time line and press cntr enter my animation plays but with no audio. I see the symbols from the swf and the swf inside my library. When I open the swf file inside my project it is broken down frame by frame with no audio. I can add audio back into my movie clip so I know that movie clips can support streaming audio. But I would rather not have to do this.

I'm very new to flash so I am hoping there is something big that I am missing.In addition to my previous question: I need to embed a lot of objects over and over in this project I am working on. Each object will have controls for play back of itself. Is there some reason I cannot do this?

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