Javascript :: Can't TouchDown And MouseDown Be Combined?

Feb 26, 2012

So in Actionscript 3 and Javascript, to get touch events working for mobile devices I have to listen for ontouch events... However, touch events not fired on desktop. However, mouse events are triggered on both mobile AND desktop. My quesion is this: why does w3 have this spec

Wouldn't it make sense to have just to use the onmouseevent? In order to have things work on mobile and desktop I always have to listen for both events-bviously this causes issue on mobile devices because two events are fired when i press the screen (meaning that I have to do a bunch of conditional checking to add/remove event)

My initial thoughts were that multi-touch would be the main reason... But couldn't the design just have some parameter of the event like .touches? That could go along with the .pressure, .finger width, etc... maybe a .type = "touch" or .type="mouse"

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// Setting default values for the Textfields
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sTotal_txt.text = ("0");


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Jan 8, 2004

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But for now I just need to know how to get the box functionality!

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Water Ripple Effect On Mousedown

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Detecting Mousedown And Mouseup?

Nov 26, 2004

I want to let the user control an object, in this case a cartoon character blowing a bubble. I want the user to be able to control the bubble by rapidly clicking their mouse. The faster they click the bigger it gets and when they dont click or click slowly the bubble gets smaller in size.[URL]

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Feb 20, 2009

I modified a mouseDown event to use

mouseListener.onMouseMove = function() {

But the glow animation restarts everytime the mouse moves. Can someone point me towards a tutorial or a tip on using a conditional to detect the mouseMove so it doesn't start over?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Button Flicker On MouseDown?

Jan 26, 2010

I have two button instances on the stage. I've created two functions, one for each button to handle their MOUSE_DOWN event. In both of those functions I have a trace statement to ensure the MOUSE_DOWN events trigger their respective function calls, which each do.

The Problem: When you hover over either button, the button state changes to the "OVER" state as it should. However, when you click the button, the button flickers for a split second and then goes to the "DOWN" state. The flicker appears to be the button going to the "UP" state momentarily and then to the "DOWN" state. The only thing I can think of causing this problem is the fact that there is a MovieClip on the "UP" and "OVER" states that may be inheriting button events.

I've had this happen in the past when using button instances that contain MovieClips inside of them, but never knew how to remedy the problem. As a last resort I guess I could just change all the button instances to movieclips, but I'd like to learn how to accomplish this without needing to do that first.

Here is the only code that exists in the entire file:

var _volumeUpButton:SimpleButton = btn_volume_up;
var _volumeDownButton:SimpleButton = btn_volume_down;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: MouseDown Registered As MouseClick?

Nov 8, 2011

I have this movieClip container/holder with several movieClips inside.The container is draggable over the Y axis with TOUCH_BEGIN(same as MOUSE_DOWN) and stops dragging with TOUCH_END(same as MOUSE_UP).But the movieClips WITHIN this holder are clickable with TOUCH_TAP(or CLICK).

Here's the problem:When I start dragging with my finger(mouse) on one of the movieClips within the holder, and release with my finger(mouse) still on the movieClip (I have an ease added to the dragging so it's possible my finger(mouse) won't be on the movieClip when done dragging) it will fire the function of this movieClip.This is really annoying because what if you started dragging, and wanted to click the movieClip beneath the one your finger(mouse) is on right now.I already tried something with removing/adding eventListeners but that doesn't work.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Detecting Mousedown And Mouseup

Nov 26, 2004

I want to let the user control an object, in this case a cartoon character blowing a bubble. I want the user to be able to control the bubble by rapidly clicking their mouse. The faster they click the bigger it gets and when they dont click or click slowly the bubble gets smaller in size.The only tutorial Ive found that is similar is this url..Anyone point me in the right direction of a tutorial closer to what im trying to do? Or can anyone suggest some action scripting to use?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: MouseDown And MouseClick Event Conflicts - Get Ignored

Nov 5, 2008

I'm working on a custom AS visual component, based on UIComponent class. Inside this component, I have a button I programatically added. I set the mouseClick event of it, and it works fine. When the mouseClick for the button starts, it adds a listener for MouseDown on the stage. This is my problem. Once that MouseDown event listener is initiated it won't ever pay attention to the MouseClick listener of the button (which will
turn off the MouseDown listener!). I've tried setting the priority number when creating the listeners, but this is not working. My mouseClick listeners gets ignored.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Button - Play Until Both The Mouseover And Mousedown Happens

Feb 11, 2010

Its been a while since i used flash and i need some action script for my latest project. On my button i want: aboutUs_mc to play when mouseover aboutUs2_mc to play when mousedown i also dont want either to play until both the mouseover and mousedown happens. i also dont want them movieclips looped.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: ScrollPane Mousedown Event On Scrollbar?

Sep 13, 2011

I can't seem to get around it. I whant tu add an event on mousedown on the scrollpane scrollbars..

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Move The Movieclip Left, Right, Up Or Down When Mousedown?

Dec 27, 2011

I have an oversized moveclip which i will place on the stage.When flash swf  is running, I would like to move the movieclip left, right, up or down when i mousedown. Just like the "MOVE" tool in photoshop.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: DisplayObject MouseX, MouseY, ... MouseDown?

Jan 21, 2009

DisplayObject's have MouseX and MouseY getters. This is very helpful sometimes.Is there a way to easily query input state variables such as MouseDown or KeyDown?If not, I suppose I need to add listeners for these events, which is fine.

I am just wondering:why MouseX and MouseY get special treatment without a listener; if there are other getters for input data without listeners that I don't know about in other parts of as3.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Rotated Dragging On Mousedown And Move Example

Aug 19, 2010

Here attached a simplified, reduced flash file as an example of my earlier problem. With some trial and error I changed the function rotation2. I changed (180/Math.PI) to (45/Math.PI) to get the mc_arm into the half circle, but it just moves a bit in the middle of the circle when you grab and drag it. How can you optimize this behaviour, so that the arm really follows the mouse on mouse down and move, within the borders of that half circle? The formula must be changed somehow, but I don't know how.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mousedown Button Pause Before Redirect?

Aug 22, 2010

Currently I have a button which is in the form of a face. On MOUSE_DOWN the face smiles and then it redirects to a new URL:

mybutton_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOW N, myHandler);
function myHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {
navigateToURL(new URLRequest("newpage.html"), "_self");

I am trying to make it so that it will pause ON the face smiling (MOUSE_DOWN) for a second before redirecting.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag And Rotate Function On Mousedown

Mar 15, 2010

I'm trying to create a script that would imitate an old rotary phone dial. I have this script, but need it to function on MOUSE_DOWN:

handle.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ENTER_FRAME, startRotate);
function startRotate(e:Event):void {
var dx:Number=mouseX-handle.x;
var dy:Number=mouseY-handle.y;
// presupposes position of object to be facing to the right.
var radians:Number=Math.atan2(dy,dx);
var hR:Number = Math.round(handle.rotation);
rotationA.text = String(hR);

Changing the event handler doesn't work. Somehow the MouseDown function should be working like an EnterFrame event, I guess. The condition I want to check is whether or not the handle is at a certain degree angle to stop the dial from rotating.
if (handle.rotation >= 30) {
handle.rotation = ?;
Not sure what I need to put in there to stop it from rotating.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: CurveTo() With From Mousedown To The MouseX, Mouse Y

Oct 24, 2011

Anybody got a method of drawing a line from the mouse down point to the mouses current position.

But taking into account the direction the mouse is moving in to make the curve look more natural and directional.

This is what i have currently which is basic and rubbish:, startY); X/3, Main.gameStage.mouseY/3,Main.gameStage.mouseX, Main.gameStage.mouseY);

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Simple Call Function With MouseDown?

Oct 18, 2004

basically I have an MC menu that I want to move to the left when you click and hold on another MC called leftButton, here's what I have.In main timeline:

menu.moveLeft = function() {
this._x -= 4;


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