ActionScript 2.0 :: (Mx04) Generate Mc's In Rows

Jul 22, 2006


I want the clips to be displayed in, for example, 2 rows of 3 clips, 6 in total.

By modding the AS to

total = 6;
for (i=0; i<total; i++) {
t = _root.createEmptyMovieClip("xml"+i, i);
loadMovie("imgBack.jpg", "xml"+i);


I realise that the size of the jpg determines the point at which the second row is displayed so can I do it easily by determining that the third mc has been reached so start a new row?

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on (release) {

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file_xml = new XML();
//Load XML file
XML.prototype.ignoreWhite = true;
//Parse the XML data


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if(blah blah happens){
_root.xpos = _root.ground._x;

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_root.ground._x = _root.xpos;

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My code for ball is currently:

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._y += 5;
this._x += 4;


I just want the ball to bounce somewhere else other than stopping the ball at the place. I already made sure the paddle can move and the boundaries block the paddle from leaving the stage. So can someone give me the codes (please simple for me to copy-paste) for having me to bounce the ball some opposite direction or whatsoever. Like once the ball touches the paddle, it reflects somewhere else at the same speed and a different direction without any errors.

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Jun 12, 2009

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if ( {
_global.score += 1;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: MX04 Geturl Not Changing In Xml Code

Jul 12, 2009

I have spent hours on this and it must be something simple I have missed. I ma trying to populate movie clips with xml data all is working well except the geturl bit at the end which does put a url in but just the url of the last xml code (link) loaded. I think I am just overiding my variable every time but am a little out of my depth.


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Aug 27, 2009

I have this code on a mc PHP Code:

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
this._rotation = (_xmouse / -100);
this._x = (_xmouse / -150);

This moves and turns mc on mouse position. This works fine but when I publish in a browser window something odd happens. If I open a blank second window and click between the 2 windows the mc will turn and move out of the window . I traced the _ymouse and _xmouse positions and found it jumps into -numbers. Does anyone known how to stop this from happening. I was thinking about using drag empty mc so it has something to focus on at all times. But their must be a better way of doing this.

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MX04 Creating Simple Flash Game

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I'm sort of new to Flash, have been using it for ages but just to animate, i haven't done any programming or interactive stuff for years, so i feel new to it again!Creating a very simple platform.Movie clip of the character (instance name z_1)- runs button - when pressed makes z_1 invisible and loads another movieclip of him firing a weapon (z_fire). (also makes ground stop moving- basically game is a static running animation, over a moving ground, if that makes sense)This all works fine, i even figured how to make the score increase!After the firing animation is finished (there is a stop on the movieclip) i want the original running animation to be visible again and for the ground etc to play again. The firing animation is only 12 frames long so i imagine i need to tell the button to resume normal service on the stage after that time period![code]It's probably completely wrong but it works, i just need to know the extra code to make the original animations start back again after z_fire has played.

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Sep 25, 2009

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loader.onLoad = function(success:Boolean)


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