ActionScript 2.0 :: MX04 : Getting Flash To Wait For Variables?

Sep 25, 2009

i have a flash app that comunicates to an external payment gateway, what i am having a problem with is making flash wait indenfinatley for a response from my confirmation page that the payment gateway communicates to when the order is complete. below is the loader i have to test if there are any messages, unfortunatley this only runs once, im not sure how to have if permanently check for responses.

loader.onLoad = function(success:Boolean)


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MX04 Creating Simple Flash Game

Sep 8, 2009

I'm sort of new to Flash, have been using it for ages but just to animate, i haven't done any programming or interactive stuff for years, so i feel new to it again!Creating a very simple platform.Movie clip of the character (instance name z_1)- runs button - when pressed makes z_1 invisible and loads another movieclip of him firing a weapon (z_fire). (also makes ground stop moving- basically game is a static running animation, over a moving ground, if that makes sense)This all works fine, i even figured how to make the score increase!After the firing animation is finished (there is a stop on the movieclip) i want the original running animation to be visible again and for the ground etc to play again. The firing animation is only 12 frames long so i imagine i need to tell the button to resume normal service on the stage after that time period![code]It's probably completely wrong but it works, i just need to know the extra code to make the original animations start back again after z_fire has played.

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When streaming an mp3 player, The Shoutcast server that is sending the stream, will be getting feedback on Who is listening, i.e. what port there listening from and the current location, but the other thing that is given is the Mp3 Player they are using to listen to the stream.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: MX04 - How To Create Flash Calculator

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How to create a decent calculator in actionscript 2. I was hoping to create on with, just one input box and the user could put something like 5 * 2 + 10 - 2, in the input box and then the computer would be able to work it out.

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I am wasting a lot of time trying to understand why I am instantiating an object that doesn't want to be instantiated![code]What's happening?! It looks like I need to wait an event to proceed with initRingTimer, but am I using the wrong event? Do I really need an event?

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Flash Intro Turned Into A Banner Without Wait Time

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Wait Until The DAE Model Loads On Flash Using PaperVision3d Libraries?

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private function _onInit(e:Event):void {
_earth = new DAE();


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As3 :: Flash - Wait Until Image Loaded On Button Click

May 6, 2011

I have a slideshow that loads image files with the BulkLoader class from here. When the first image is loaded completely, it gets added to a MovieClip container to add it to the stage.. and it gets displayed fullscreen, but only if a button is clicked:

fullScreenButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, showFull);
function showFull(e:MouseEvent):void {


This works fine unless the fullScreenButton is clicked before the image is loaded completely, then of course nothing is visible. How do I get button click event that calls showFull() to wait until the image is loaded/added to the container or how can I add it again? What is a possible/the best approach?

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May 2, 2009

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Flash - LoadVars Doesn't Wait Until Data Is Loaded

Jun 8, 2009

variable = 0;
function change() {
variable = 1;


The problem is that it executes #Second before #First, which means that the object is not fullly loaded but the code continues nonetheless. Is there a way handle this? I have tried using a while loop, but this is ugly and makes flash crash. Is there any decent way to handle this, does it have to do with better code structure/program flow or is there a technical way to make it wait? Also note: This code is executed on the server side, which means there are no frames involved.

UPDATE:When projects get bigger, this gets very ugly, especially when you are retrieving mulitple things from a server, you have to use very deep nesting, you have to keep repeating the same code, example for buying a serial:

a.onload() {
if(moneyAmount > 10){
b.onload(pay) {


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Wait Until URLLoader Finishes Loading?

Apr 13, 2011

I am trying to load the output of a php-file into some flash variables and then fill some textfields with those variables. But it seems like even though I have a completehandler it tries to fill the textfields before I get all the data.

function loadQuestion(){
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("the url to my php script");
request.method = URLRequestMethod.GET;
var loader:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
loader.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;

Is it wrong of me to have the completeHandler inside the loadQuestion function? And is it wrong of me to assume that because I put the data in the textfields in the completeHandler it should w8 until its finished loading?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Flash WAIT Until All The Data Has Been Retrieved From The Database

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Feb 17, 2012

I'm just trying to make a simple function that will return all the data from my SQLITE database as an array. But it looks like when my function is returning the array, the SQL statement is actually still executing... so it's empty... Does anyone have a suggestion? Or am I just going about this whole thing wrong.I know I could just have the event listener functions outside this function, and they could then set the data. But i'm trying to make a AS3 Class that holds all my SQL functions, and It would be nice to have everything for this particular function just in one function, so it can return an array to me.

public function getFavsGamesArray():Array
getFavsArraySql.addEventListener(SQLEvent.RESULT, res);


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make Flash Wait 10 Seconds Before It Repetas The Script?

Jan 27, 2003

I made and if else code, that loads a movie, but want to set a time interval on the middle

here is the code

loadMovie("e-movies/microsoft.swf", "_root.juan");
dale =;


i commented (///) the action in the else case. How can i make flash wait 10 seconds before it repetas the script?

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Has any one experienced a crash when using "test movie" in Flash CS4 on Windows 7?For me, it started when I began working on an Actionscript 2.0 project. It happens every time I test a movie, then minimize the window.I have tried re-installing Flash, but the problem still remains. The weird thing is, it waits until I minimize the window. No other time.

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JavaScript :: Windows.Onload Event Not Wait For Flash Object To Load

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var falshObj = null;
function pageInit() {
[Code] .....

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How do variables true/false custom variables work in flash?

For example, what I want to do is create a simple true=false variable that I can call on an if statement later.

For example:

Var1 = true;
if (!Var1)


I noticed that neither the "Var1 = true;" part or the if(!Var1) part worked in flash.

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MX04 Interactive Map Project

Apr 20, 2009

I am not exactly new to Flash in that I can do several things with it. However, I am not anywhere near expert status. I am working on an interactive map of a college campus for my employer. I am employing buttons that, when moused over, display a large image of each campus building. The question is this: is there a way to also have maybe an actionscript that would center that image automatically?

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MX04 Images In An Array?

Sep 19, 2009

Can images be stored in some sort of array and then called to the stage ramdomly?

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MX04 Loop A Pre-existing FLV?

Jul 22, 2010

I have been asked to loop an existing FLV file that someone else created. I do not know what version of Flash was used to create this file, however I do have an older version 7.2 Flash MX Pro. Currently the FLV starts automatically and stops and the end of the movie. The owner of the site would like the movie to start over with a continuous loop. I'm pretty much of a rookie with Flash and with HTML5 coming out soon, I don't think I'll get a chance to become a pro at this.

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Flash :: Change The Cursor To The Systems Default Busy/wait Cursor?

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In as3, how do you change the cursor to the systems default busy/wait cursor (e.g. the spinning wheel on a mac)?

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MX04 Understanding 'for' Loop Iterations

Mar 25, 2009

How come every time I run this script:[code]Where does the Undefined come into things? I have only asked the script to fire 3 times so the first time through the text in position [0] in the script Carp should be printed out?

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MX04 Basic Countup With Intervals?

May 1, 2009

basically what im trying to do is have a basic countup timer that goes in intervals of three. (3,6,9,12,15,ETC.) but it has to run with a 12 fps and not stop. also this cannot be 1000 frames long .

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MX04 : Making A Preloader/LoadBar?

May 4, 2009

Im trying to make a preloader. this is my first attempt and from a tutorial and some minor adjustments on my part this is what ive come up with. i was wondering if there was a way to add a percent, and also why this doesnt disapear after its done loading. it remains on the stage throughout the loaded swf.

PHP Code:

loadingBar._xscale = 1;
loadingBar.onEnterFrame = function() {


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Jan 16, 2010

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