ActionScript 2.0 :: Placing Objects To Predefined Positions?

Jul 26, 2011

I am trying to create a script that spawns cubes with one second (30 frames) delay, then places it into one of the 10 predefined positions.

spawnTimer = 0
function onEnterFrame()


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Placing Objects With The Mouse In Flash CS4?

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I have played some more with Flash and come upon something that i would know more about.I tried to make:A scene. when I click the left mouse button on the stage an object(from the librery [graphic]) will be place exactly where the mouse is.I did not really know how to approach this, but tried anyways.
This is my code:

stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, addApple);
Function addApple(event:MouseEvent):void{
//I dont know what to put here to place an object(apple) from the libery
//onto the stage where the mouse is.

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I have all the functionality that I want. The basic premise of this exercise is that youth will grab a statement, drag over a microphone and it'll appear on the corresponding area (board1, board2, board3). So if they grab two statements in a row it'll place their answers at my predetermined spot. Is there a way to space each answer by a difference of 10 px? So they grab answer one and it'll go at (x) 75px, answer two will go to (x) 85 px? Basically ensuring that the mc's will not overlap or pile up.

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// listeners
backbutton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, backclick);
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answerbutton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, answerclick);
[Code] .....

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Feb 16, 2011

IE 8 Flash CS4 v10 Windows XP Home SP3 (NOTE: The word "Resize" refers to an HTML change of the movie size;  it does not refer to a Window resize)
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ActionScript 3.0 :: Placing Array Elements Or Multiple Objects To The Stage?

Oct 28, 2009

Does one normally use some sort of wrapper object to do so?

For example, if I have an array with 10 elements (for example, images that are gonna be linked), I can loop through the array and add them to stage with:

myArray[i].x = i * myArrayElement.width;

What if I wanted to position all of the elements yet keep them in the same positions relative to each other.

Can you do so with an array, I gather the answer is no. So if that's right, do people throw an Array into another object and the use that objects x property?

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Dec 8, 2010

I have been working on this for several days and I cannot get the right results. Im trying to load an external SWF into a predefined area or in this case a box on a frame. my script is

function loadSWFFile():Void


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Calculating And Evaluating A Predefined Path?

Nov 22, 2011

i have a small challenge calculating and evaluating a predefined path

here is my challenge in short.

- i got a path as a single color line on a white background (bitmap object but could as well be a vector shape)

- the path is a closed loop path (like a twisted and bend circle, let's call it a bean shape).

- i then need to move an object along this path in x steps but only once and stop exactly where it started

This means, i need to:

- find a start end point

- calculate the length of the path

- set keynodes along the path with X amount of spacing between (length/x)

- it got to be semi precise (within 1-2 px.)

one idea could be to loop throught the pixels till to find a color pixel and use this as the starting point, then use an vector with a predefined length (ex. 5 px) "rotate" it till it find a new color pixels and mark this as a new node, repeat the process till you get close to the starting point, and by using Trial and error you'll eventually have mapped the path, but this method is clumsy and not very accurate, if you don't hit the starting point spot on the first time, you'll recalculate everything over again.

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AS3 :: Flash Slideshow / Playlist Uploaded From A Predefined XML-file

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Jul 9, 2011

I am trying to create movieClips in a loop based on a predefined amount. most importantly I want to have the variables defined as btn1, btn2, btn3 etc.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Execute Predefined Function And Pass Variable

Feb 7, 2005

onEnterFrame = traceMe("test")
traceMe = function(param){
If that won't work then would someone explain how you get something to execute a predefined function and pass a variable...

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Implement A Link To An External Html-page At Predefined Size?

Nov 8, 2009

I'm using Flash Catalyst ( Sorry i�m not sure if there�s any difference between code written in Flash and Flash Catalyst) and I want to implement a link to an external html-page...But I�m trying to open the link at a predefined window size, like a popup! I have found a code in the net but it�s not working.[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: SetMask - MovieClip Masked By Predefined Shape On Click

Apr 22, 2010

Is there anything to opposite of setMask. Actually I want that, when I click a button then a movieclip will be masked by some predefined shape (working as mask object). when I click another button he mask will be gone. That means the object under the mask will go out of the mask.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Counting The Number Of Days Since A Predefined Start Date?

Nov 2, 2010

I'm trying to build a functionality into a Flash app, which would calculate the number of days that have passed since a defined date.

The idea is that a start date would be defined in the script (in whatever format) and the application would count and return the number of days since that date. According to that number the app would determine the availability of a set of links listed in the style of a calendar. I'm gonna be using a date variable from my servers to determine the current date.

How should I proceed with this? How should the varying number of days in months be handled? What about leap year?

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Flash - Realistic Dice Throwing Animation With Predefined Outcome

Jan 23, 2011

I need to create a small dice game in Flash. The random number generator is external and I have to create a 3D realistic dice animation with that outcome. I'm using Away3D engine and JigLib for physics. So far the best idea I've had is to do many simulations and create a list of outcomes and their corresponding input parameters (initial position, initial orientation and the forces added to the RigidBody). This is not working so well. Sometimes for the same parameters the outcome is different. What is the best way to do this?

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Sep 21, 2011

Im giving a action script for drawing a predefined process shape that is used in flow chart. There are action script to draw a square, rectangle, circle and triangle. Can anyone in the forum give code for drawing the shape.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Predefined Property To Increase/decrease The Size/radius Of A Circle?

Jun 29, 2009

I am new to Flash & ActionScript 3.0 platform.My issue is: I am loading an image onto the stage dynamically using Loader & URLRequest classes. Whenever I click on existing circle[which gets created when I click on the loaded image, which is of Sprite type], the size of the circle should be increased to some extent(let us assume, basically circle(Sprite)is created with radius=3 when we click on the image, but, when we click on the created circle, it's radius must be increased to 5). It is the requirement.
So, for this to implement, Do we have any property or method to change the Sprite object's size directly?


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Input TextBox - Restrict User From Entering More Than Predefined Number Of Lines

Oct 15, 2007

I am working on an application in which i have put one Multi line input text box. I want to allow user to enter data only up to 8 Lines. User can not enter more than 8 lines. So is there any solutions..??? I dont want to use MaxChars as it can restrict user to not enter more than predefined number of characters. I want to restrict user from entering more than predefined number of lines.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Mahjong - Levels Of Blocks In Game - Layouts Of The Game Should Be Predefined Or They Should Be Dynamically Created?

Aug 3, 2011

I have recently started working with Mahjong game. But being not so experienced developer. I am just confuse about many aspects of it. So if anyone could throw some light on it. I have to build the game where there could be different number of tiles on screen. 32, 48, 64 , 80, 96, 112 and so on Now I have questions regarding the levels of blocks in this game. I mean the layouts of the game should be predefined or they should be dynamically created? Also I wanted to know how the surface of enable and disable symbols are created?

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