ActionScript 2.0 :: Playing MC's On Different Levels?
Jun 18, 2006
The problem I'm having is loading my info boxes. Basically, I want the the info boxes to stay on the middle of the main stage and also make the scroll mc non selectable (so that other mc's cannot be selected). I've been trying for ages to get this working but can't seem to make the buttons play the relative info box movie clips.Currently, the info box mc's are in the same movie clip as the mask & scroll mc. However, the buttons I want to activate the info box mc's are in the scroll mc. If I put the info boxes in the same mc as the buttons then it works fine but doesn't keep the info box moie clip in the middle of the stage as you can still scoll/select other itms in the mc.
I have a sound clip that I'm loading externally into my flash file. The code I'm using looks like this and is placed in the as layer on the first frame,
var mySound:Sound = new Sound(); var myChannel:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel(); var myTransform = new SoundTransform(); var lastPosition:Number = 0; mySound.load(new URLRequest("introaudio.mp3")); myChannel =; [Code]....
I am using AS2 in CS5.5.I am creating a project for a class that introduced me to adobe flash. The issue is I have gotten to a certain point about 15 scenes. During say the 15th scene scrolling through the timeline animations works fine, playing it on test scene works fine. When I go to play it on test movie it stops at a certain point. At first I thought it might have been a misplaced stop action but there is none to be found. The weird part is every other scene I create after that continues to freeze as well, the images are there, but the animations won't play. All my previous animations play before those with the issue, it's justThese new ones won't play for some reason in test movie, but work completely fine in test scene and the timeline.
I am loading an external SWF file into my main timeline. The external SWF file contains an FLV video. At a certain point in my main timeline, the SWF file loads and plays the video. Is there a way to say...
If the VIDEO (FLV) is done playing, gotoAndPlay(X)?
I was wondering, what was the best way to for actionscript 3.0 to detect cuepoints playing from a FLV movie that is playing from an FLV playback component?
I have some animation (programmatic, I'm NOT using keyframed animation in timeline), and some music I want to play in the background. Once the music file reaches the end (about 30 seconds long), I want to trigger the end of the animation functions.I figure I could either use an actionscript timer to trigger the end of the animation or a keyframe with actionscript that is placed on the timeline near the end of the song but these methods assume knowledge about the duration of the wave file. If I changed the framerate or updated the external wave file, these triggers would possibly no longer sync upIs there some sort of event listener or other detection method for an audio file to signal it has finished playing? Or maybe there is a way to get the duration of the audio file to use in the timer
I am creating a game that has 6 movieclips all on the main time line of the game. Each movie clip has three buttons that when clicked plays, pauses or stops a sound clip.When I press any of the sound clip play buttons that sound starts playing, the problem is when I click any of the other sound clip play buttons those sounds also start to play. Is there a way I can disable the other sound clip buttons while the current sound is playing then enable all of the buttons when the current sound has stopped.
This is the code that creates one of the sound objects
So I made a few buttons with sounds within them and when I publish it they work just fine. But what I want them to do is;
Say I click a Button.The sound starts playing.Then I click it again, before the sounds done playing.I want it to stop the playing sound and start playing the button I just clicked on, whether it be the same button, or a different one.Right now it just ends up sounds like an echo because it'll play it as many times as you click it.
The problem I have is I click the play button and start playing. Then I click next and when I click play for another song the songs overlap. How can I stop whatever song is playing and start playing the new one? Has to stop the prev song when I click play_brn.
I'm planning navigation for my new site (see screen grab of proposed navigation corner). I want the words to swap levels and appear in front of others on roll over.
OK, just found this tutorial [URL] but I put the buttons into the MCs.
*BUT* - I want them to return to their original positions on RollOut - is this possible. I tried duplicating the code but substituting rollover to rollout and set the parameter to 0 or 1 or 2 to make them go back to a level I want them at.
I am having trouble with unload an loading movies. Basically I am loading a movie into a container, which works a charm:
I want to unload them both when a close button is pressed on the third loaded swf? Also, ideally I would like to add that second movie clip into a container, so I can position it correctly, but when I try copying the code I use on the first, it doesn't seem to it to do with the "root" bit perhaps?
On frame 30 of my root timeline, I have dragged five different instances from my library onto the stage. I gave each one a distinct name, oneBtn, twoBtn, threeBtn, fourBtn, fiveBtn. I added a MouseEvent for each of these five objects, and ran a Trace to make sure I am able to identify the objects. At first, I used but it returned instanceXX (instance23, instance84, instance83...). I think this happened because within each of those buttons, I had a movie clip within it so I can apply filters to them. I decided to trace On two of the five objects, I was able to trace oneBtn, and twoBtn. On the other three, I still got instanceXX. I tried tracing and I was able to trace the other three buttons, threeBtn, fourBtn, fiveBtn.
how come I need to target two different levels ( & on my objects when I dragged them from the library and placed them onto the stage within the same timeline?
im using flash cs5, as2.i have a main index fla that loads into it 5 swf's.i need these 5 to be loaded into a lower level than the main index fla (index has to be the highest level)[code]
I cant believe how the simpliest things are more complex to do in AS3.I tried to target a movieclip from inside another movieclip called bat_mc and these dont work!root.ball_mc.gotoAndPlay(2);orlevel0.ball_mc.gotoAndPlay(2);
I have a flash project with three non overlapping panels (visual spaces) each of which contains different movie-clips. Each movie-clip in a particular panel is the child of that panel.Now, I want to drag one of the movie-clips from one panel to another (remove it as a child from the first panel and add it to the other) without a jitter and proper drag.What is the appropriate way to handle the drag architecturally
Now I know that you smart people know what the AS3 alteration is...Do you guys mind saying what it is...I know in AS2 it used to be levels but now it is...?
but is there anyway to fade the levels of a movieclip.
basically i keep loading jpgs, into a level of a movieclip. now i want to create a fade between one to the other. figure easiest way would be to have the jpgs load onto next level with alpha 0.. then once loaded alpha to 100 and unload the bottom jpg from previous level.
I want to load in a new _level *.swf. This new level contains a button which will have a stop command, which I want to work with an MC in the _root *.swf level.
I am creating a presentation which has a main flash and then 3 sub categories to it. Main.fla is nothing but a container to load the other movies into. I could get the the first movie (movie1.swf) to load onto main.swf by using the foll code:
Now the problem is in movie1.swf the menu is like on the 3rd level, i.e. main stage>menu_mc>menu (where the buttons are).
How can I add a code on level "menu" so that when I click button2 or button3 it loads movie2.swf and movie3.swf respectivley onto the main stage. Makes sense or am making it too confusing..
I want to try this breaking a big movie into smaller parts functionality so that I can understand flash more.
Is it possible to preload movies into levels just like you can preload them into movieclips? I want my different movies to be loaded into levels so when a button is pressed, they are already loaded and ready to go. This is what I have so far.[code]...
I want a button to trigger 2 different sounds, but want to 2nd to play at the exact point at which the first finishes.The code I have is:
Button.onrelease = function () { sound1.start(); this.onEnterFrame = function() {
I get the following error during playback:"256 levels of recursion were exceeded in one action list. This is probably an infinite loop. Further execution of actions has been disabled in this movie."
I have a game that has different music files for different levels. It doesn't make sense to load the music for level 2 in frame one and I don't want to load the music for level 3 until level 2 has commenced. Is there anyway to control how the music is loaded? The music is in the library.
I'm getting used to AS3.I'm customizing an 2D tile game engine I got from here: URL...I tried to add an array of levels. But the problem is the levels get added on to the pre-existing level instead of replacing it.What do I need to write so that the levels swap out? I attached the script below.[code]
I have a movieclip on the main timeline with instance name "rpm_display". Inside that movieclip I have another movieclip with instance name "dial_graphics". My actionscript is on this timeline. The tween that uses "dial_graphics" drives "rpm_digital.rpm_counter.text" to compute a value based on the tween position of "dial_graphics".
I need to move the movieclip "rpm_digital.rpm_counter.text" outside of movieclip "rpm_display", but it will not work when its on the main timeline. I have tried having it on the main timeline and putting the actionscript there too using "rpm_display.dialgraphics", but this did not work...
I started working on a very simple game with a friend a week ago, but now I can't seem to solve one problem:
Every level I 'attachMovie' and 'duplicateMovie' the 'hero', blocks, ground and pigs. But when you either lose or win a level, those mc's keep existing in all the other frames...
just to show you how I instantiate those movieclips: