ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader : Start Movie When HALF The File Is Loaded?

Feb 3, 2009

I'm creating a movie with heavy animation and audio in Flash CS4. I have a preloader that I purchased from flash and I believe it's pre set to begin the movie when the total file is done loading. But I want the movie to begin when half the total .swf file is loaded. Here is my code on frame 1


var amountLoaded:Number = _root.getBytesLoaded()/_root.getBytesTotal();
preloader._width = amountLoaded * 250;
loadText.text = Math.round(amountLoaded * 100) + "%";


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloader - Movie Already Half Over

Sep 17, 2009

I have a preloader which loads an external swf (an animation I created in flash) This works fine, except that when the movie plays, it's already halfway through. Here's the code..


I think I must be missing something fairly basic...I've searched but can't find the answer. I just want my animation to play from the start, once loaded. The swf is about 4 meg.

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IDE :: MX Flash Preloader Needs To Only Load Half Of The Movie?

Oct 29, 2010

i am working on an intro for a friend of mine and it includes a lot of individual photos. the preloader takes forever but i can figure out how to only load half of the movie instead of the entire thing before it plays. here's the code i have for the preloader itself:

onClipEvent (enterFrame) {
loading = _parent.getBytesLoaded();


here's a link to the current test page so you can see the entire intro and how long it takes now with that code to load. i just want it to load part of the file instead of waiting for all of it.[URL]

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Preloader To Load Only Half Or Part Of Movie

Feb 7, 2011

I'm using as2 and i'm making a photogallery. I have a preloader but its taking too long to load, so is there a way where i can pick how much i want it to be loaded before it starts so the viewer doesnt sit there forever? Maybe a quarter loaded or half?. Here's the code im using now to do this. if (_framesloaded>=_totalframes) { gotoAndPlay (14);} else { gotoAndPlay (1);}

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Buttons Work In Half The Movie... Not The Other Half?

Aug 13, 2009

Building a flash website in CS3. I've made every button the exact same way, draw a rectangle, convert to symbol, type as either button or movie clip (doesn't seem to matter and I'm not using rollover stuff), alpha 0% and stick it on its own layer above everything else.Action scrip is as follows:

main1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoMain);
main2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoMain);
function gotoMain(event:MouseEvent):void

that's with 2 buttons for main. I have the exact same code multiple times for many different buttons. It works everywhere except the last two buttons on my page will work the first time you click them from the main page, but then don't work after that until you click on the main page again. Then it works.These two:

babout3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoAboutb1);
bcontact3.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoBcontact1);

the function is described on an earlier action keyframe:

bcontact1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoBcontact1);
function gotoBcontact1(event:MouseEvent):void[code]...

Of course I've tried just having one button do this and copy/pasting the button on different areas of the movie, but nothing I've done fixes. I've even gone through and deleted every button and AS and redone it. I've put every button on its own layer (shouldn't matter but I'm trying everything I can think of).if there is an easier way of using AS to navigate a flash movie let me know. The other options I've seen seem a bit too complex at the moment.

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Multi File Preloader - File Start Loading Files But Does Not Loop?

Jan 6, 2010

what I'm trying to do is make a preloader that will preload about 20 external SWF files before it lets you get to my main file. I want to do this because my main file needs the SWFs to be ready to go once its done loading. I have looked around and i found a few ways to do this with the "if (loadedBytes>=totalBytes)" and the code loops back till the files are done loading... this would be just what i need but i cant seem to get it to work. the file just seems to start loading my files but does not loop and just runs the time-line even once i state what frames i want it to loop.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader Freeze Half Way Through Loading

Oct 17, 2010

I created a website for my motorcycle club, and for some reason, certain members say that the preloader freezes half way through loading! Can somebody check out my .fla file and let me know if there is something wrong with the actionscript. Or if there is another script I can add to it to check if it frooze or to force continue..


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Movie - The Last Frame Of The Movie Code Execute And Second Movie File Open Up And Start

Dec 3, 2009

I'm currently making an animation which will eventually exceed the 16,000 frame limit (don't ask haha), so, short of making two movies and having to just start up the next one, what is the code for loading a movie? I presume they need to be in the same directory? So basically all I want is on the last frame of the movie the code executes and the second movie file opens up and starts. I guess I'd want the current movie to close, too.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Start Playing The Movie Once A Certain Frame Has Been Loaded

Jan 26, 2004

I'm building a quite large flash movie with hundreds of movieclips (with their own preloaders) with approx 150 frames in the _root timeline. But I've until now never been very confident with preloaders, and that is causing me hairloss.

Once the user enter the site, I want a preloader to come up, but I want to use actionscript to start playing frame 2 once frame 2 content is loaded, not start playing frame 2 once the WHOLE movie is loaded.

I use the below code for simple preloading with no feedback of progress, however it loads the whole movie before it start playback of frame 2:

if (_framesloaded>=_totalframes) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (1);

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Any Way To Start Playing Movie When 20 Percent Loaded?

Sep 21, 2004

Is there a way to make a if statement that only loads like 20% then it plays. I always used things that wait for the whole movie to be loaded. I just want to give a head start of 20% to the movie.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Start Playing The Movie Once A Certain Frame Has Been Loaded?

Jan 26, 2004

I'm building a quite large flash movie with hundreds of movieclips (with their own preloaders) with approx 150 frames in the _root timeline. But I've until now never been very confident with preloaders, and that is causing me hairloss.

Once the user enter the site, I want a preloader to come up, but I want to use actionscript to start playing frame 2 once frame 2 content is loaded, not start playing frame 2 once the WHOLE movie is loaded.

I use the below code for simple preloading with no feedback of progress, however it loads the whole movie before it start playback of frame 2:

if (_framesloaded>=_totalframes) {
gotoAndPlay (2);
} else {
gotoAndPlay (1);

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Creating A Half Oval Half Circle Type Shape Dynamically?

Feb 18, 2009

So I can create a circle and an oval using trig in flash. But what if I want to create an oval with rounder points? I'm using this code for circles and ovals:[code]Could anyone help me in editing the code so i can control the tips of the oval and make them rounder?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: 2nd Time Movieclip Loads Tweens - Half Fading In / Out And Half Jumping From One Alpha Value To Another

Jun 18, 2006

I have a movieclip with an image fading in and out (using an actionscript tween class set to yoyo). This movieclip is loaded into a dummy movieclip when a button is pressed. The first time you click the button the fading movieclip plays as it should, fading in and out continuously. However, the second or subsequent times the button is clicked the fading movieclip goes crazy, half fading in/out and half jumping from one alpha value to another.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: First Half Of The Tween Doesn't Work But The Second Half Does

Feb 8, 2005

The first half of the tween doesn't work but the second half does. It only does this when I add the code link._visible = 0;. This is to make the alpha completly disappear.

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Put A Preloader For Loaded Swf In Movie Clip?

Oct 20, 2010

I am trying to use a preloader for a larger .swf file that loads inside of a movie clip. I was wondering what code might work and where to put it. (preloader is a .swf).  I am using CS4, ActionScript 1.0.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loaded Movie With Preloader

Nov 29, 2003

i have my main swf movie and in this movie i want to load another swf movie that have a preloader, but the preloader doesnt seems to work. take a look to it [URL] press the button, wen you press it the preloader seems to be finished, but the the movie is not loaded, then you have to wait a while to get load the movie. the movie with the preloader works ok but wen i load it into the main movie it doesn�t work. here is mi code for the button:


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Actionscript 3.0 :: An Error The Loaded Swf File Doesn't Start At Frame 1 It Jumps Up To 115 Frames?

Mar 28, 2011

I watch the video tutorial of Mr. Lee Brimelow, I follow the tutorials but I encountered an error the loaded swf file doesn't start at frame 1 it jumps up to 115 frames.preloader.flamain.fla - animation starts at frame 115main.fla containts different scenes.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader Doesnt Appear Until 70% Of The File Has Loaded?

Dec 18, 2007

I have a FLash project with a preloader, but the preloader doesnt appear until 70% of the file has loaded, which is useless of course... is there anyway of loading up and displaying the Movie Clip contaning the main graphic Preloader so it doesnt appear too late?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader - Size Of Loaded Movie

Feb 27, 2009

I have a main index SWF that preloads an external video SWF... when i test it offline it works fine..when i test it online it doesnt work fine... Weird observation: Online it worked when the external swf was only 10-20 kb But when i tried with bigger file size about 3.5 mb (which is the actual video i want to load), it doesnt work.... on the preloader it says NAN%... Now...could anybody try to explain to me what the hell is going on? I am attaching the Flash files in CS4 and CS3 format...

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Preloader Bar Fully Loaded But Movie Does Not Play

Jun 8, 2009

I built a pretty simple Flash movie for a client and put a preloader on frame 1. The preloader works fine then the movie plays. What is happening is if you go to another page on the site and then go back to the home page all you see is the preloader bar fully loaded but the movie doesn't play. You have to refresh the page for the swf to play again. It is doing it to me in Firefox but not IE 8 and it is doing it in IE8 on my clients computer...

Here is the code.
this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, onProgress);this.loaderInfo.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
function onProgress(e:ProgressEvent):void{ var loaded:Number =; var total:Number =; var pct:Number = loaded/total; loader_mc.scaleX = pct; loaded_txt.text="Loading..." + (Math.round(pct * 100)) + "%";}function onComplete(e:Event):void { gotoAndPlay(2);}

Here is a screen cap of what is happening. After you go back to the homepage all you see is the rpeloader bar fully loaded without the load text.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloader Should Skip To Movie When Loaded

Apr 27, 2010

Shouldn't the pre-loader skip and jump to the animation if the intended animation loads? Is this tutorial doing that?

I can't tell if that's happening. My animation is very light but it seems to be going through the entire preloader whether or not the animation is fully loaded or not.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: PreLoader Not Loaded Before Rest Of Movie?

Feb 10, 2011

I have a preloader that is about 150kB in size and it doesn't load completely until about half of my 6MB movie (yet to be optimized) loads. So by the time my preloader progress graphics come up, 50% of the whole 6MB movie is already loaded. Moreover, it's blank until 50% of the movie is loaded (the preloader just seems to wait until that point before it's graphics and actions begin)?

I have the pre-Loader in the first frame of the movie and the movie begins in the second frame. I tried using separate scenes (a preloader scene preceding a scene for the rest of the movie) and that exhibited identical behavior.

Question: Is there any way I can force my preloader to completely load and run--load progress graphics and all--before the rest of the movie starts loading?

(see code below just in case).

Also - I'm using greensock tweenlite in the preloader, would that make a difference?

PS: When I say movie, it's actually a website

PSS: I'm using MovieClip(root).loaderInfo.bytesLoaded and bytesTotal etc...

import com.greensock.*;
const ROTATION_INCREMENT1:Number = 0.25;
const ROTATION_INCREMENT2:Number = -.125;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader - Finishes Before Movie Is Loaded?

Mar 1, 2005

New to the forums, but was hoping I could get a quick hand.I have a preloader on frame 1 of my fla, and everything else comes in frame 2. When I use the simulate download setting when testing, once loading hits about 50%, the preloader disappears and the movie continues to frame 2. This causes a problem because flash then pauses and waits for the rest of the content.Could this be because I have movies nested in other movies? It usually pauses right at the point I have the menu mc tweening onto the stage. Is there a way to force the enitre movie to load at the beginning?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloader Finishes Before Movie Is Loaded

Mar 1, 2005

I have a preloader on frame 1 of my fla, and everything else comes in frame 2.When I use the simulate download setting when testing, once loading hits about 50%, the preloader disappears and the movie continues to frame 2. This causes a problem because flash then pauses and waits for the rest of the content.Could this be because I have movies nested in other movies? It usually pauses right at the point I have the menu mc tweening onto the stage. Is there a way to force the enitre movie to load at the beginning?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Start Drawing First Circle And When First Circle Is On Half Way?

Sep 19, 2004

Here I what i need is : Start drawing first circle and when first circle is on half way, Start second circle.same way second and third circles. and after completing 3 circles, just gotoAndPlay 2nd Frame .

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making The Loading Bar Only Be Fully Loaded At 100% An Only Half Full At 50% Etc?

Aug 20, 2003

I have a pre-loader with dynamic loading text displaying the % of movie loaded. I also have an animated loading bar which goes from left to right.Is there a way of making the loading bar only be fully loaded at 100% an only half full at 50% etc. At the moment the loading bar movie clip plays until loaded and then starts all over again if the movie hasn?t loaded yet.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Preloader Shows Only When The File Is Completely Loaded?

Feb 18, 2010

I have created a fla document named main.fla I have defined the document class as Main which is attached. (rename to

The problem is preloader shows only when the file is completely loaded. How can I appear the progress preloader for the main file.

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Add Preloader To MovieClip That Loops Until Complete File Loaded?

May 20, 2010

Add Preloader to MovieClip that loops until ALL movie clips in file are loaded? Is this possible?!

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Show Preloader Before External Swf File Is Loaded?

Apr 21, 2011

I have been looking for a way to show a preloader before the external SWF file loaded but unfortunately I had no luck as of yet!!I have a button that loads a few external files in some empty MCs. I just want to show a small preloader before the external SWF files loaded?

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Flex :: Preloader Has To Be Visible Until Other External File Loaded

Jun 13, 2011

I have a Flex application that loads some data from the database. During this I want my custom preloader stay visible. When I postpone the dispatchEvent( new Event(Event.COMPLETE)) in the FlexEvent.INIT_COMPLETE handler, the loading will never happen because the next frame is not entered. How can I keep the loader running until all the data is fully loaded?

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