ActionScript 1/2 :: Preloader To Load Only Half Or Part Of Movie
Feb 7, 2011
I'm using as2 and i'm making a photogallery. I have a preloader but its taking too long to load, so is there a way where i can pick how much i want it to be loaded before it starts so the viewer doesnt sit there forever? Maybe a quarter loaded or half?. Here's the code im using now to do this. if (_framesloaded>=_totalframes) { gotoAndPlay (14);} else { gotoAndPlay (1);}
i am working on an intro for a friend of mine and it includes a lot of individual photos. the preloader takes forever but i can figure out how to only load half of the movie instead of the entire thing before it plays. here's the code i have for the preloader itself:
here's a link to the current test page so you can see the entire intro and how long it takes now with that code to load. i just want it to load part of the file instead of waiting for all of it.[URL]
I have a preloader which loads an external swf (an animation I created in flash) This works fine, except that when the movie plays, it's already halfway through. Here's the code..
I think I must be missing something fairly basic...I've searched but can't find the answer. I just want my animation to play from the start, once loaded. The swf is about 4 meg.
I'm creating a movie with heavy animation and audio in Flash CS4. I have a preloader that I purchased from flash and I believe it's pre set to begin the movie when the total file is done loading. But I want the movie to begin when half the total .swf file is loaded. Here is my code on frame 1
Building a flash website in CS3. I've made every button the exact same way, draw a rectangle, convert to symbol, type as either button or movie clip (doesn't seem to matter and I'm not using rollover stuff), alpha 0% and stick it on its own layer above everything else.Action scrip is as follows:
main1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoMain); main2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoMain); function gotoMain(event:MouseEvent):void { gotoAndPlay(1); }
that's with 2 buttons for main. I have the exact same code multiple times for many different buttons. It works everywhere except the last two buttons on my page will work the first time you click them from the main page, but then don't work after that until you click on the main page again. Then it works.These two:
the function is described on an earlier action keyframe:
bcontact1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, gotoBcontact1); function gotoBcontact1(event:MouseEvent):void[code]...
Of course I've tried just having one button do this and copy/pasting the button on different areas of the movie, but nothing I've done fixes. I've even gone through and deleted every button and AS and redone it. I've put every button on its own layer (shouldn't matter but I'm trying everything I can think of).if there is an easier way of using AS to navigate a flash movie let me know. The other options I've seen seem a bit too complex at the moment.
I have a website and I made a empty movie clip and put it on Scene1 called "contents" where I want to load my movies. Look at what is happening. I would like to know how I can load the second part of the movie and make the first one go away, because right now it's showing both.
Here is my code on the button in scene 1. on (release) { loadMovie("main.swf", 1); } Here's what it looks like: [URL]
I created a website for my motorcycle club, and for some reason, certain members say that the preloader freezes half way through loading! Can somebody check out my .fla file and let me know if there is something wrong with the actionscript. Or if there is another script I can add to it to check if it frooze or to force continue..
So I can create a circle and an oval using trig in flash. But what if I want to create an oval with rounder points? I'm using this code for circles and ovals:[code]Could anyone help me in editing the code so i can control the tips of the oval and make them rounder?
I have a movieclip with an image fading in and out (using an actionscript tween class set to yoyo). This movieclip is loaded into a dummy movieclip when a button is pressed. The first time you click the button the fading movieclip plays as it should, fading in and out continuously. However, the second or subsequent times the button is clicked the fading movieclip goes crazy, half fading in/out and half jumping from one alpha value to another.
The first half of the tween doesn't work but the second half does. It only does this when I add the code link._visible = 0;. This is to make the alpha completly disappear.
Ok i have been making a website and i need to put a preloader in that loads my website. I have downloaded 3 different preloader and replaced the pic that they had in with my own and when i do that it either no longer works or it has a white screen until about 50% then it does work! WTH is going on??????
My flash site is created similar to that of the one in Kirupa's full flash site tut. When I click the home button, the
action loads in the welcome section (to a blank movieclip). However, "welcome.swf" consists of two scenes - the contents, and a preloader. It was working fine BEFORE I added the preloader scene. Now, all I get is a quick glimpse of my preloader animation (for "welcome.swf"), then my intial movie (navbar) starts over agin.
total = _root.getBytesTotal(); loaded = _root.getBytesLoaded(); if (loaded>=total) {
break down preloader into smaller sections so i can understand it better , load a preloader but without the preloader bar graphic and preloader code of the bar and graphic, just see how to transfer the percentage of the movie which has loaded, and by showing the result in the dynamic percent_txt box on stage this preloader i am realy am finding difficult but i so need to understand the concept var percent:Number = Math.floor(_root.getBytesLoaded()/ _root.getBytesTotal()*100);
I have created a preloader, and I want to tell the action script of the preloader once the file is done loading, put it away and load a new movie, or even a new flash file if i have is the action script i have on the loader right now. Its just numbers counting from 1-100% and a .gif clip that plays but they are not connected in any way.
I need to load an external movie that includes some video. That external movie is like 95mb. How can I preload everything so that there is no lag when I get to the scene where I load the external swf? This movie, of course, is not getting put on the internet. I am using Flash as sort of a high end Powerpoint app. Not sure if this is just a basic preloader or not.
I have a movie clip and I wanted to play until a specific frame for 1 time and I want a loop sequence for the rest of the frames. I managed to do it in flash combining 2 movie clips but I was wondering if and How I could do it with a code!
I've finished a site that has a listener with no scaling. Basically its the typical /2 deal to keep the movie clip centered. On a few images I have a 1 pixel black frame so the images need to remain on whole pixel locations to remain crisp. Generally everything works well but sometimes when you resize the browser just right it somehow puts them in between pixels.
I've made a presentation in the form of a swf movie using macromedia flash 8. I want to upload this to a website where when the website is loaded the movie would play automatically at a half screen size... Any host server that I could subscribe to? How to upload the file? Also, my swf file has an action script camera that doesn't work when I publish it as a html but it works in swf.
I wrote this AS for my preloader which schould be able to load a movie clip after pressing a specif button in the main sceene:
1) The problem is that to be able to target a movieclip I will need to give it a instance name. Where can i find this function in MX ?
2) I cannot understant how I schoul put a loadBar being a small movieclip on the main timeline, I think( the same timeline the container clip is at ) or maybe not ? well I am bit confused now..
Well I have done already a sceene preloader for my site and it works perfectly and i did not experience any problems as Im having now with this new kind of preloader.
look @ the source for this page [URL] It works great in all Webkit/Mozilla browers but in IE 9 we can only see the top half of the swf and in IE 8 it doesnt load @ all. I searched all the other threads and nothing seems to work
i would like to know if it is possible to have a letter that is made up of multiple colors. for example above you will see a hebrew letter. the DOT underneath it is actually part of the letter, but it is a different it possible to have this same functionality in flash? what i would need to do is upload an XML file with all the words, and i would need all the dots below the letters to be a different color
I went through Claudio's preloader transition tutorial on kirupa ([URL]). I have tried to apply it to my own fla and everything seems to work fine EXCEPT I can't get any of the external swfs to load into the empty movie clip called "content". And yes, I have checked and rechecked to make sure that all MCs have instance names!
okay i have a problem...i wanna load an image through XML Is it possible to only load a part of the image....or like only assign the top part of the bitmap to one MC and the bottom to another MC when i load it Eg. 200x200 image pixels 0 to 100 heightwise and 0 to 200 widthwise in one MC1 pixels 100 to 200 heightwise and 0 to 200 widthwise in one MC2
I use loader to load page source of a webpage [code]...
When I used hadleResponse function to handle Event butI only loaded a part of page source. Now I want to load all page source such as when we click right-mouse to firefox and select view page source.
I'm using Flash CS4, and a template that I got from a friend to create a website.The template I have uses this "man figure" on the right side of the file. I want to make it so that this pictures loads a different picture each time the page refreshes. The picture can be randomly rotated to a different picture.I'm wondering if there is a possibility to do this, and if so, how should I go about it.My knowledge of Flash is very poor..Here is the template and swf file of the original file I have uploaded to a downlaodable website. The link is only available for 7 days from today