ActionScript 2.0 :: Remembering Selected Boxes?

Nov 1, 2005

I need a flash program which can remember all the boxes that have been clicked on.

Imagine i have 5 boxes. They are all white, then I click on and it turns red. I want the program to remember that and store the data in a small file.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Remembering The Path With Arrays?

May 2, 2010

I don't wanna force you to reading a long, boring text, so I'll simply show you my algorithm.

1.Place an object on the stage at a random position.

2. Move it randomly around the stage.

3. When the button is clicked, make the object stop moving.

4. Make the object repeat the path it had gone so far right to the starting point.

5. Do it by using two arrays. One to keep all the x positions of the object, and the second one to keep all the y positions.

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var Frame:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal("MSCurrentFrame")
function StoreData() {


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Remembering Last Movieclip When Drag?

Dec 6, 2006

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Remembering The Last Step And Going Back?

Jun 4, 2003

Basically say I have 4 areas in my website. There are 4 buttons that correspond to the four areas.

On the main screen are outlines of boxes. Each section will have a different sized rectangle so I want the boxes to transform to the new sized box.

So say you click on number 2 and you are on section 1. The main box will change size to the shape in number 2 from number 1. Then say you click on button 4. The box will then change to the shape of the box for section 4 from the size of the previous box.

How do you get it to remember where you are in order to transform to the area where you click the button?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Tween - Remembering Last Position?

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I've got a movieclip which I am tweening around the stage to various positions, depending on what buttons the user presses.My problem is, that currently each time the user presses a button, the movie clip shoots back to it's original position (placed on the time line), then tweens to the new position dictated by the button.

This is not what I want..I actually want the movie clip to tween from position to postition (not shoot back to it's original position each time).. I guess I need it to remember where the movie clip currently is, and then move to the new position..

here is my code for the tween..

import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
ButtonOne.onRelease = function() {


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Arrays :: Drawing Boxes With Different Colors Than Adjacent Boxes?

Jul 27, 2011

I'm making a program that draws a grid of boxes and the color of the box must be different to those adjacent to the box. My code compares the current box's color to those to the left and top. If any of them matches, it picks another random number (as the color). For the tiles on the first row/column, I make my grid's array indexes with negative numbers -1 so that it will not match.

What I have:

private function fillArray():void {
grid = new Array();
grid[-1] = new Array(-1,-1,-1,-1,-1); //paddles the grid[-1][0 to 4] with -1
for (var i = 0; i < HEIGHT; i++) {


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I have attached the .fla that I am working on. I understand that it is very basic and does not use class files and so on.... but I am just applying the finishing touches so that it actually works.Inside the quiz movieclip is some code that makes people's names and scores be entered onto the leaderboard. This works perfectly fine, however when I close the SWF and take the quiz again, the people that were previously on the leaderboard have disapeared!Is there anyway to make the best people stay on the leaderboard for future uses?but the code that is in question is:From frame 65 of quiz:

finishTime = minutes+":"+seconds+":"+hundredths;


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import fl.controls.TileList;    import;    import flash.display.Sprite;    import;
function TileListExample() {            var dp:DataProvider = new DataProvider();            var totalEntries:uint = 3;            var i:uint;            for(i=0; i<totalEntries; i++) {                dp.addItem( {  source:getTf(), scaleContent:false}


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// Preparation :


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Yellow Boxes For Accessibilty?

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im doing an accessible site and i know that objects areaccessible by default. all my buttons were highlighted in yellowwhen tabbing through...then i opened my accessiblity panel to add labels and now theyellow boxes are gone. i've deleted all the additions but still nosign of the yellow boxes.accessibilty is checked for everything, i've gone through thewhole site. nothing seems to be missing. is there some way i canglobally re-set the accessibility settings.

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map out the object starting from its center outward. Like right, left, top and bottom. I am creating a flying shooter so the plane has a long wing span. I could also map out the wing span and tail and so on.

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Events In Flex Using Boxes?

Sep 5, 2010

i have following problem, when i create box in action script and whe i addEventListner for drop accept, and if i add this box to some parent box, then this event is not working, if i add this event to not child but to parent box, then it is working, what can i do if i want create many boxes, add to them events listners and then add them all to some other parent box?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Making Boxes Appear 1 By 1?

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how to duplicate boxes, so they appear in a tiled format . I don't have much clue at the moment apart from having 2 'for' loops which will assign the boxes their own positions; however this doesn't make the boxes appear one by one,

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Two Square Boxes But Only One Displaying

Aug 19, 2009

This is my code:
var userData = new Array();
userData[0] = 100;
userData[1] = 24;
var dataLength = userData.length;
for(i = 1;i < (dataLength + 1); i++){
_root.createEmptyMovieClip('box' + i, i + 999);
['box' + i]beginFill(0x000000, 100);
['box' + i]moveTo(0,0);
['box' + i]lineTo(100, 0);
['box' + i]lineTo(100, 100);
['box' + i]lineTo(0, 100);
['box' + i]endFill();
['box' + i]_x = (i * 100) - 100;
trace(['box' + i]);
What should happen is it displays 2 squares, one called box1, the other box2, but it only displays one, I think it is only displaying the second one.

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Targeting Input Text Boxes?

Oct 28, 2009

I have a text input field. When I press on it I'd like something to happen. But it doesn't seem like I can target the input field like this.

myTextInputFieldName.onPress = function {
do something

I tried putting it inside another movieclip (which I can target), but then the text input cursor goes away and I can no longer access the input text box. I know there is probably a simple solution but I can't figure it out.

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Can UIScrollBar Control 2 Text Boxes

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I want to control 2 Dynamic Text boxes with the same scroll bar component? I want them to scroll simultaneously with the user only needing to use the one component.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Combo Boxes Resetting?

Jan 26, 2009

I have created a menu for an online café. The displayarea is limited, so the menu items need to scroll within a frame ofsome sort.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Loading XML Into Text Boxes?

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I've been staring at this code for hours.... I have a xml docthat contains football scores that will load into my flashscoreboard. If the game has been postponed, there's a node calledstatus that is populated with the info, otherwise this node isblank. My function sets the visibility property of status1_txt tofalse if there is nothing in that node (undefined), otherwise itdisplays the data that is there. If the first node is undefined, itwill start out blank, the way it's supposed to. But the minute itpulls data into that text box, it doesn't go away until there'sother data to replace it. Seems like it's ignoring the first partof my if statement.

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Create A Roi Calculator Using Two Combo Boxes?

Nov 12, 2009

i'm trying to create a roi calculator using two combo boxes. Box 1 how many treatments 5,10,20 Box 2 cost per treatment 90, 100, 120 then button to calculate treatment x cost and a dynamic text field to display result. I am using Flash CS4, am I wasting my time with combo boxes I have searched flsh docs all day.

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