ActionScript 2.0 :: Spacing Depending On Text Width Of Dynamically Generated Buttons?

May 11, 2010

I have the following AS2 code which creates dynamic buttons based on an array:

var labels_array:Array = new Array({label_txt:">> arquitectura industrial", gotoX:"partners"}, {label_txt:">> edificaci�n", gotoX:"team"});
var initX:Number = 0;


the variable nextX places a new button every given number of pixels, in this case 140px. What I'll like to do is to make this value dynamic so that a new button is placed taking into account the width of the preceding button, plus a certain number of pixels.

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Here is the code:

Actionscript Code:
// main timeline objectvar index:Object=this;// New Xml Objectvar fileXml:XML;// check how many menu items we have.var totalMenuItems:Number;// Main Menu Propertiesvar spacing:int=5;var menuItem_txt:TextField;// New URL Requestvar xmlLoader:URLLoader=new URLLoader(new


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Here is the code:

ActionScript Code:
// main timeline object
var index:Object=this;
// New Xml Object


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var thisFeatureDesc_txt =

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ActionScript Code:
this["whichClip"+i+"_mc"].x = this["whichClip"+(i-1)+"_mc"].x+this["whichClip"+(i-1)+"_mc"].width;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Creating Buttons Dynamically From XML File Text?

Nov 11, 2005

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// show the event information when a date with events is clicked
calendar_ec.onDisplayEvent = function (eventsData, dateObj) {


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Mar 24, 2010

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xmlData = new XML();
xmlData.ignoreWhite = true;
xmlData.onLoad = loadXML;


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3d Carousel - Dynamically Generated Flash

Jul 1, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading Dynamically Generated XML?

Nov 1, 2006

ok, here's the deal. We are creating an ecard that will be customized by the sender, and sent to soldiers in Iraq. There are about 5 different things that the sender can customize, as well as write a message. The goal is to have their choices sent to a database and then inserting those variables when the receiver watches the movie.Now, instead of creating possibly thousands of XML files (one for each sender), we decided it would be better to just generate the XML on the fly from the info in the db. But my question is, how do I handle loading that XML? Since this won't just be a static page on the server, I'm not sure how to go about it. I'm wondering if you can use variables when loading XML, for example:

Code:my_xml.load("senderData.xml?user=LyndaSmith");Basically, how can i create an XML file on the fly with the values from the DB, that can then be loaded into Flash?I have virtually no experience with db's, so this is the method I came up with because I do have some experience with XML. I have a developer who will actually insert the values into the database with ColdFusion, and he can also generate the XML, I just need to be able to load the dynamic XML in flash when the receiver watches the card.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Removing Dynamically Generated MCs?

Oct 4, 2008

way to remove the clips generated by the following function.

function loadClips() {
for (i = 0; i < Urls.length; i++) {
var mov:MovieClip = attachMovie("numClip", "numClip"+i,


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Cant Read Xml Dynamically Generated With PHP

Feb 26, 2009

I've been trying to write AS3 that can read xml which is dynamically generated by php.i've generated the xml in several ways all of which seem to work but i keep getting the error,Error #1088: The markup in the document following the root element must be well-formed,when i try to load the xml into flash. however the xml (as viewed when you go to "view source" in your browser) is indeed well formed.i have 4 versions of the php.the first just uses echo. the second uses echo but i wrap it in {start_ob(),ob_end_flush()}; then i use simpleXML and finally i use domdocument.[code]

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create Various Grids Depending Dynamically

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what if i wanted to create varioues grids, depending dynamically, i mean, that maybe one time there will be 3 next 4 stuff like that, and their x and y will vary to that, im recolecting data via php.

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Professional :: Flash Player 10.1 - Text Spacing At Beginning Of Text When Retrieved From Db?

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I just upgraded to flash player 10.1 and there's an issue with a program  that I've been working on. I'm copying text from a mysql table that is  formatted with spaces and newlines (including spaces and newlines at the  beginning of the text) into a textArea in Flex 3.5. Before the update,it worked fine. Now when AS retrieves the text from the table, it does  not include the spaces and newlines at the beginning of the text.I'm using xml to retrieve the text.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Set The Width Of A Text Field Equal To The Width Of The Text In It?

Aug 24, 2006

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X And Y Coordinates Do Not Match For Dynamically Generated Movieclip

Aug 6, 2011

I have a movieclip that I am adding to the stage dynamically. The movieclip has to be placed at specific coordinates to match the current text field.The coordinates that show on the INFO tab are x=264 and y= 365. However, in order to get the movieClip to match those I have to set x to 398 and y to 200.If I set the coordinates to those in the INFO tab then the movieclip does not show; it appears off stage.

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Data Integration :: Dynamically Generated Forms?

Oct 26, 2006

My company has a database-driven system of web forms, each ofwhich consists of many questions in various layouts (2-columnradio, 1 column checkbox, etc). The forms are never hard-coded.Each HTTP request causes Java code to perform DB queries todynamically generate the various questions and answers.Thosequestions are then rendered through JSP and Struts tiles into HTML.The HTML also contains JavaScript functions to hide/showconditional questions on the web page based on answers to earlierquestions. Now we're trying to figure out the best way to adapt thissystem to use a Flash front-end instead of HTML/JavaScript.My preliminary research suggests at least two possibleapproaches:

1. A pre-compiled SWF could send a request with certainparameters, and the server could respond with an XML description ofthe form to build. Then the SWF could parse that XML andynamically generate the form using attachMovie for each formelement (with a lot of math to determine relative positions ofelements with variable sizes, like text labels). 2. Flex might reduce the code for placing elements, by usingMXML to describe the form structure as well as visual arrangement.I haven't used this yet, and I'm wary of Flex 2 simply because itrequires Flash Player 9 which is only at 50% browser penetration

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