ActionScript 2.0 :: Starting A Function After One Has Completed?

Aug 13, 2007

I have multiple functions in one frame. Each function runs an seperate animation. I would like to have the first animation run, and then as soon as that animation is complete, I would like to have the next animation play, and on so on.

import mx.transitions.Tween;
import mx.transitions.easing.*;
import flash.filters.*;


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Executing Function After FLV Is Completed?

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Actionscript 3 :: Flex 3: Run A Function After A Repeater Is Completed Done Loading The Children?

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I have a repeater which creates a child named "wholeProject" each time the repeater loops.

<mx:Repeater id="projectRP" dataProvider="{projectsHttp.lastResult.project}">


As you can see from the last line of the piece, i have a the creationComplete option run two functions. What I would LIKE to happen is once the repeater is done loading all of the block:project pieces for each function to run once and only once. Instead, the two functions are running after each is created. I tried putting the creation complete in the tag, but that didn't work.

Is there a way to tell the creationComplete piece to run only when the last piece of the repeater has been created?

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Flash - Calling The Function Within That Function And Later Stopping The Loop - Starting And Stopping Functions?

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I am making a character walk. This code will make him wobble to the right and when thats done it will trigger him to wobble to the left and then call the function again to continue the loop.I can get the loop to work fine by calling the function but how do I STOP the function? Also I want to call it later on. Is there a way to start and stop a function?

function wobble()
var ws = .1;
var dis = 1;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Starting Function From Within Click Handler

Feb 11, 2011

I'm trying to start a function from within a click handler that is being triggered when I load some XML, just like this:

function LoadSomeXML(e:Event):void {
thumbContainer_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, thumbClick);
} function thumbClick(event:MouseEvent):void {
} function startImgSlider():void {
trace("ok, now you reached 'startImgSlider()' function !!!");

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ActionScript 2.0 :: CS3 Variable String Is Wiped When Starting A New Function

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I have 5 links that exist as one large font and four small fonts. The large one dictates the current page and the smaller ones are links to other pages, which become the large font if they are clicked to dictate they are now the new page. When a link is small font link is clicked, it activates 3 tween animations for presentations sake, all dont in actionscript 2. The small font ._y is placed at the bottom of the page and swoops back up. The current large font ._y swoops down and, over this, the newly selected page large font swoops up to replace the previous large font.

I have tried specifying what the current page is in a new object variable so that is is remembered for when a new link (small font) is clicked. However, whenever a new function is started it seems to wipe out the current value of the object, so it cannot pass on what the current page is. Here is the code (I posted this earlier in the newbies section but think it's more suited to this forum, please delete the earlier post if necessary, sorry):


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Starting A Pre Existing MouseEvent Function Without A Mouse Trigger

Dec 24, 2009

I've got an image gallery, that when the the image is clicked, it opens 2 images side by side like a magazine. Once the 2 images are loaded and visible, it makes visible 2 movieclips on each side to let you go to either the previous/next 2 images. Here's my code, I made bold the code that specifically relates to my problem. What I'm trying to do is when the button is clicked it either increases or decreases the imgCount by 2, and reloads the new images, but since the function I'm trying to initiate is triggered by a mouse event I don't know how to trigger it when the other function is triggered.
var imgCount:int = 1;
var imgLoader:Loader;
var lLoader:Loader;


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PHP Code:[code].....

What I want to achieve is that the btn can stop the default drive by starting the function anhalten and then it should be able to restart with the function anfahren...I think this should go with if/else and bool-vars, but I could not make it work.

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Flex :: Adobe Flash Builder: Make A Function To Play Embedded Video Starting From One Second And Ending In Another?

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Jun 10, 2009

I am trying to replace some code which loaded an external image and triggered and function once completed with code that uses and embedded image. The relevant code looks like this.


public function Globe()
var imageLoader:Loader = new Loader();


The commented out section is where it used to take the loaded image and apply it to a texturemap.I need to replace the lines of code in the first function with something that calls the second function correctly.

I have tried using function imageLoadComplete (e:Event = null)and calling it with imageLoadComplete(); in the first function but although it compile and runs without error, the program does not work properly. I suspect this is to do with the dispatchEvent(); line which I do not understand.

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Unload Flv When Completed?

Mar 5, 2009

I have an swf, lets call it 1.swf, that has a button that calls another swf to level one. In that second swf, lets call it whatever.swf, on layer 1 it has an flv file of about 40 seconds. on layer two it has a button that has this action:

on (release) {
loadMovie("../swf/1.swf", 1);

So if that button is pushed, then it unloads whatever.swf as I need it to.

the problem is that if that button is not pressed, then when that 40 second flv finishes, it just sits there with a black stage and the button. What i need it to do is that when that 40 second flv is finished, it automatically unloads whatever.swf on level 1, again showing 1.swf on level 0.

Also, before anyone anwers, the way i did the flv is that in whatever.swf the flv was imported to the stage, i slected the "already deployed" put in the URL and then it created a flash video component which is on the stage.

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Professional :: How Do You Know Which Loader Has Completed?

Dec 7, 2010

I'm loading a bunch of swfs into my movie and when they are finished loading I need to change each swfs color based on my xml data. My problem is when my Event.COMPLETE fires I don't know which loader it belongs to to retrieve the correct xml. I've tried giving my loaders names but I can't seem to access the name from the Event.Complete function. My trace causes the error: Property name not found on flash.display.LoaderInfo and there is no default value. How do I access my loader name?

for(var w3:int = 0; w3<cartXML..item.length(); [code].....

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The Operation Could Not Be Completed As An Error Has Occurred

Apr 21, 2009

I have tried to import a movie into Flash 8 and the message appears "The operation could not be completed as an error has occurred".  It will not pu the movie on to the stage.  Do you think there is something wrong with the movie file or am I missing a step?  This is what I do:
1) open a new flash file

2) file - import video

3) browse to find the movie file and then click next

4) Click the option 'progressive download from a web server'

5) I dont change any of the default settings and I don't want a skin on it

6) It runs through like it is making the file and then the message appears "The operation could not be completed as an error has occurred".

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Flash - GotoAndPlay(1) When A Video Is Completed?

Nov 10, 2009

I am trying to create a video that can be streamed on a website. The video started with a screen grab of the video on frame one. This has the action on stop();. When this screengrab is clicked, gotoAndStop(2); is fired and the timeline moves to frame 2 and the video starts to stream. All is well... Except from when the video finishes...

When the video finishes I have tried using the code

on (complete) {

To go back to the origonal screen grab on frame one but it doesnt seem to budge.

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Flex :: Detect When Animation Is Completed?

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Threrefore, the addition of resize handler is bad solution. I want to get the time when the animation is completely stopped either the new size of mx:AdvancedDataGrid control.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Cancel Loading Before Completed

Aug 15, 2006

I am getting some strange results while loading large files dynamically, and testing my movies. Even if I delete the object in which the external file is loading, the bandwidth of the loading seems to continue. Either Im not doing a good job of cleaning up after myself, or the test environment when exporting a movie isn't accurate, or ... there is no way to cancel the effects of


Is this going to be the case online? (difficult for me to test right now) Is there a way to break off the loading once it has begun? (I thought by deleting the object that called the loading function, I would end the loading)

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May 20, 2010

I have been using this tutorial to get RPG text boxes in my game. So far, so good. The I'm using comes from that tutorial, and hasn't been altered, while I'm calling the var arrays containing the character speeches from yet another document class. Something like this:


The dialogue begins and it's all good. Now, here's my dilemma: Is there a way to "shut down" the rpgText movieclip when the Dialogues.d1 has no more text to provide? Each time I press the rpgText movieclip, it refreshes with new text, but when it reaches the final text, I want to be able to press it and make it go away (remove movieclip from scene, something like that).

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Getting Error #2036 - Load Never Completed

Jan 6, 2010

I have a slidshow inside of a flash page.  It works great on my desktop, but when I upload it to a server I get the infamous Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2036: Load Never Completed. I initially assumed that I must have missed uploading a file, so I uploaded the whole folder, Photoshop files and all, thinking that I could start deleting things until I found the culprit. But even after I uploaded everything that I have, the browsers still gave me the same error with no slide show. I'm wondering if my call to the .swf (from inside a .swf) needs to be different on a server.[code]...

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Load Never Completed When Uploaded Images In XML

Jan 22, 2010

I have made this very simple slideshow which loads images via a XML file. Everything works fine locally, the images load nice slideshow. But the problems start when I load it up to my server, once it is uploaded and I try t o play it I get this error:
[QUOTE]Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2036: Load Never Completed.[/QUOTE]

It has something to do with the .xml file which I load in AS here:
var request_xml:URLRequest=new URLRequest("setup.xml");

I tried to replace it with ("[URL]") but then I got a sandbox violation error which is not solvable unless you get it signed (I read that somewhere). The way I load images in XML:

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Create An Eventlistener For A Completed Event?

Jul 23, 2010

I have a tween I am calling in a function and I'd like a scale event to occur once the tween complete.I've never created an event listener dependant on the completion of another actionI'll ultimatley scale cntcnt XandY to the newly created scprop once the TweenLite event completes.

Below is the code which calls the tween. I'd
function clktwn(e:MouseEvent):void{
//create vars for x,y cordinates of clicked county (child)


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Professional :: Change The Dimensions Of A .swf/.fla File Once Completed?

Apr 7, 2011

1, Is it possible to change the dimensions of a .swf/.fla file once completed?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error #2036: Load Not Completed?

Mar 31, 2012

I am using a UILoader to load images from a sub folder in my site. The code works flawlessly in Flash IDE even with simulated low download bandwidth. I am running the swf in a mirror image file structure of the one on my site on the server. The problem is not related to file path because that would throw a #2034 and I'm not getting that error. Interestingly, the failures do not occur with all images and the failures are repeatable (they always happen with the same images) The images are all (ones that fail and ones that don't) about the same size (20-30KB) and type (.jpg) so I don't think size diff is an issue.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Removing Object After Tween Completed

Oct 15, 2009

1. How to remove rec_mc after the tween is completed?
2. How to insert a period of time in between two states?

ActionScript Code:
import gs.TweenLite;
function changeRectangle():void{, 5, {tint:0xFF0000, alpha:1, x:150});
} function removeRectangle():void{

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Check If A Batch Of Sql Statements Has Completed

Mar 29, 2011

I'm using the SQLRunner class made by Paul Robertson and I need a way to determine when an executeModify batch has finished executing so I can safely move on to the next step and work with the data.

the function can be called with a resultHandler and progressHandler function when it's called, but I am getting a complete event with every query in the batch. I put `if (completedCount == totalCount)` in my progress handler, but it never gets called.

Most of the info is covered in these classes in the sqlrunner package..


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Disable A Mc After Drag Drop Is Completed?

Apr 9, 2011


But seems that after the mc stops at the selected location, I want to move it back to the starting point. I set initial var and once mc reaches its destination..i cant get it back to the initial position. It seems like its jammed?

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Knowing When A Complex Object Is Completed

Sep 16, 2009

I'm trying to use the BitmapData.draw() method on a sprite which I create through my own external class, but all I was getting was white. Finally figured out that it was taking a half a second or so for the sprite to pop up on the stage, and the draw method was apparently "pixelizing" it before it was drawn.

So my question is, how does one know when a non-loaded object is "ready"? Do I need to add my own event sent from the end of the external constructor code? I don't want to modify the class just to snap a picture of it. Waiting an arbitrary amount of time with a timer seems wasteful too.

Code: Select allvar bc:BarChart = new BarChart(500, 300);
var bitmapData:BitmapData = new BitmapData(500, 300);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Error #2036: Load Never Completed. Sometimes?

Apr 15, 2003

I have a XML based gallery complete with preloaders. When I test the movie in flash it works fine even during a simulated download. However as soon as I put it and all of its associated files on my server I get ""Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2036: Load Never Completed." and none of my images load.

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