ActionScript 2.0 :: Tell Target Not Working?

Jan 28, 2004

Here is what i am trying to do. i have a movie clip in frame one of my main timeline. In this movie clip i have a nav bar with buttons. With an on release, i set a variable and i play an animation in that movie clip, starting at frame 61. At the end of that animation, i jump to frame two of my main time line. In that frame i have a series of if statments that asks for the varible set with the on release, and it will load a new movie depending on what that varible is. Now, the code works, but the problem is it only works once. After you hit one button and it does all the actions, it will not go to frame 61 to play the animation in the new loaded movie. To get a visual, here is what i am working on:


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Target not found: Target = "/scrolling text " Base = "_levelO.swf container"

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on (rollOver) {
tellTarget ("/scrollingtext") {
} gotoAndStop("down1");

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[Code] .....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Target Movieclip With

Aug 30, 2010

qi have a movieclip which is added to the stage:

var profileholder:profileHolder=new profileHolder ;

inside of profileholder is another movieclip(infoBtn) that acts as a button.when the mouse is over profileholder i want to do something with infoBtn like:

//profOver is the over state of profileholder
function profOver(e:Event) {;

this doesn't work and brings up this error:ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property infoBtn not found on flash.display.Loader and there is no default value.
at main_fla::MainTimeline/profOver()

i also tried:
function profOver(e:Event) {
var as profileHolder;

and get this error:TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.

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on (press) {
tellTarget ("whoweare") {
gotoAndPlay (51);

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on (release) {  var theDepth:Number = _parent.U1.image.getDepth();  _parent.U1.attachMovie("K3E", "image", theDepth);


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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""

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import flash.display.BitmapData;
#include ""
Stage.align = "TL";


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AS2 - Target An AttachMovie Mc?

May 14, 2009

Through attachMovie I have loaded an mc from the library onto the stage into "holder_mc".

myButton.onRelease = function () {
if (currentWork != "holder_mc.myWork1_mc") {
holder_mc.attachMovie("myWork_mc","myWork1_mc", getNextHighestDepth());
currentWork = "holder_mc.myWork1_mc";

This works.

However, there are a couple of buttons (mc) inside "myWork1_mc" which skips through a few slides in the myWork1_mc clip that I cannot target. I thought using:

holder_mc.myWork1_mc.buttonName_mc.onRelease = function () {

... would work. My curser doesn't even change to the hand symbol. How do I target an dymanically loaded MC from the library which is inside an empty holder MC on the stage via attachMovie? What am i missing? Believe me, I have spent hours trying to google it.

Note: at this stage there is no other script on "holder_mc", but there will be at a later date, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it. Also, the buttons work when I place the MC onto the stage and not use attachMovie.

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CS3 Get URL Window Target

Jun 17, 2009

I have a simple button that goes to a URL when clicked, but it's opening a new window. I want it to target "_self"-- but I'm getting errors. How do I properly target the same window?


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Add A Target To This AS3 URL Script?

Jun 14, 2010

Seems like AS3 is more about writing code than AS2.I would normally write the code on the button:


getURL("". "_blank");

Instead in AS3 I have to do this for a button action:


myButton.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, myButtonFunction);
function myButtonFunction(event: MouseEvent) {
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("");

How do I add the _blank target function to this AS3 code. I am still trying to get use to this AS3 concept.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: How To Target Mc

Jan 10, 2010

I used to use an old school method in AS2 to talk to a movieclip to go to different states like on rollover but how do I do this in AS3 now?

on (rollOver) {
with (myclip) {

I know that with went out a long time ago but it worked!I know in AS3 to handle a click you have to do this:

mybtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, mouseDownHandler);
function mouseDownHandler(event:MouseEvent):void {

what I want to do with targeting a rollover with a button.

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