ActionScript 2.0 :: Timer Function - Resume Movie Playing Automatically After 10 Seconds

Feb 23, 2008

I have a movie which plays for several seconds, then I stop it. I want to resume it playing automatically after 10 secs.

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Apr 28, 2011

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Main Movie Resume Playing After An External SWF Closes?

Dec 18, 2009

What I am trying to accomplish here is to have my main movie resume playing when an external movie is closed. I.E. How can I make my main know that the external movie is closed and to "re activate certain functions" and to resume playing?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Pause And Resume Slideshow After 10 Seconds?

Feb 14, 2010

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Jun 22, 2004

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but.onPress = function () {
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("container", 1);
loadMovie("scene_1.swf", "container");
container._x = 150 ;
container._y = 20 ;
This works great, but now when the movie scene_1.swf is finished playing I would like the movie to unload automatically and return to the mainstage and continue the scene on the mainstage.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Movie Unload Automatically When It Is Done Playing?

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but.onPress = function () {
_root.createEmptyMovieClip("container", 1);
loadMovie("scene_1.swf", "container");


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ActionScript Code:
pause_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClickPause)
function onClickPause(event:MouseEvent){


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ActionScript 2.0 :: Video Pause / Resume Playing The Rest Of The Timeline [CS3]

Jan 22, 2009

I've got a Flash file with a video symbol on the stage with the instance name 'videoPlayer'. I'm controlling video playback using the following script to play the video, check when it finishes, then resume playing the rest of the timeline:

var duration:Number = 0;
var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);

I've then also got 2 buttons on the stage for pause and play. The pause button is working fine, with the following script attached to it:


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Is there any way to get the song to play, starting from the correct position, regardless of where I start running my animation while developing? I could hack something up in action script to move the play head and play the song if it currently isn't being played but I'd rather not go down that route as there must be a simple solution to this problem.

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Jul 19, 2010

1) I want a 60 seconds video to start playing after 40 seconds have been downloaded - to do that I set the NetStream.bufferTime to 40 seconds and retrieve "NetStream.Buffer.Full" event causing the video to really start playing. This step is OK.

2) However, the "NetStream.Buffer.Full" causes data to stop downloading. So the remainder of the video begins to download no sooner than after the 40 seconds have been played. This step is my issue. Can anyone tell me how to avoid this unintended effect? (i.e. playing a video and downloading data at the same time?)

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Get A Movie Clip To Automatically Load Up Another External Clip After Playing An Embedded Flv?

May 24, 2010

I'm trying to get a movie clip to automatically load up another external clip, after playing an embedded flv.

This is what I've tried so far:

var holdFrame = setInterval( holdFrame, 5000);
clearInterval (holdFrame);

Although it throws no errors, the setInterval is ignored and it just loads direct into the next mc clip.

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Nov 27, 2007

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add 10 Seconds To Timer?

Apr 12, 2011

I've got a problem that must be simple to solve but it seems beyond me, I'm new to AS3 so please be as explicit as you can in your explanation. I have a timer counting down from 60 seconds, what I want though is when the user clicks, ten seconds gets added to the time. I've tried many different ways but none work, I understand why they don't work but I can't think of a way that does.[code].....

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Add 10 Seconds To Timer

Apr 12, 2011

have a countdown timer counting down from 60 seconds. What I would like to happen is when the user clicks on the stage I would like the timer to increase by 10 seconds and then carry on counting down. e.g The user clicks when the timer is at 45 seconds so then the time jumps to 55 seconds and resumes counting down, whilst the time is displayed in a text box.

I asked in another forum and they pointed me to a link on adobe for the delay property. I gave this a go and I got it to add 10 seconds but then it kept on firing every 10 seconds (as you might expect) but not really what I was after.

here is the code for the timer.

var count:Number = 60;
var myTimer:Timer = new Timer(1000,count);
myTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, countdown);


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Professional :: Automatically Rotate Three Images And Texts Every 4 Seconds?

Jun 25, 2010

I purchased a template from template monster that has a Flash Intro. It has a header with a previous and next button and three photos.When the site loads up the first photo drops into place and text flies out from the sides of the photo then when you hit the next button the next photo drops in with its text and so on.I was able to change the photos and text and all works fine.  What I want is for the banner to automatically rotate these three images and texts every 4 seconds or when someone hits those next or previous buttons.
Right now the images/text only move if you hit the next or previous buttons. In dreamweaver I set the Flash to autoplay and loop but that did nothting.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Reduce 5 Seconds From The Timer?

Jun 30, 2011

Im trying to reduce 5 seconds from the timer when the user clicks on the stage.This is the first time im using the Timer class and im not sure how to do this. This is the code i have so far,

var theTimer:Timer = new Timer(1000, 60);
theTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, timerListen);


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Input Seconds To Timer?

Dec 24, 2011

I would really like just something simple and basic and easy to reuse on multiple timers.

I put in a number, lets say 350 (seconds) and the desired textfield displays: 05:50

I'm really no good at math, and most solutions I find I don't understand what's going on to simplify it for my use.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash Slideshow - Changing Picture Automatically After Few Seconds

Aug 26, 2009

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Changing An On(press) Command - Automatically Executes Every 10 Seconds

Mar 20, 2008

I have an on(press) command that refreshes advertisements on an HTML page that my .swf is embedded in. When a user clicks on buttons that have the script, the advertisements refresh. I have a page that features a Slideshow Pro slideshow. Because this is a component, I am unable to put this script on the buttons in the slideshow. I am hoping instead, to have the script automatically run every 10-20 seconds. I am using actionscript 2.0 in a Flash CS3 file. Here is the code on the button:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Timer And Swap - Each 2 Seconds MovieClip

Mar 29, 2010

I am trying to make a timer that swaps two movie clips, so that each two seconds? Here is the code:
var leftPillar:MovieClip = new Right();
The idea is that each 2 seconds the movie clip should change to which ever one is now visible. What is currently happening is that only one of the clips ever shows, (newLeftPillar).

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Actionscript 3 :: Add Seconds To (game) Timer After Hittest?

Dec 24, 2011

I have a timer and a dynamic textfield wich displays the time. Everytime my movieclip hits an enemy I want the timer to add 4 sec. to the current count. I would like to know why this isn't working:

timer.currentCount + 4;

(does nothing)

timer.currentCount += 4;

(error: property is read-only)

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Timer Going Up With Minutes / Seconds And Milliseconds

Mar 2, 2010

I am currently working on a new game and am wanting to know how to make a timer going up in minutes, seconds, and milliseconds. This is for AS2

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Stop An Event After 10 Seconds By Using Timer?

Oct 6, 2011

The following code for starting an event is quite okay. But how can I stop it after 10 seconds as it won't require anymore after 10 seconds of animation. I am using actionscript 3.

var timer:Timer = new Timer(1000, 1);
timer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER_COMPLETE, onTimerComplete);


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Stop(); Not Working - Main Menu Automatically Switches To The Next Page After About Six Seconds

May 3, 2009

I have a home page and five other pages. The five pages have a main menu at the top containing buttons that allow you to go to the other pages:


I have an actions layer. Each section has the following action in the first frame: stop(); When I view the website the home page works correctly. However, any page with the main menu automatically switches to the next page after about six seconds. The code seems pretty straightforward so I have no idea what I'm missing.

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Professional :: Make Introduction_mc Automatically Disappear After 10 Seconds And Load Home_mc?

Nov 10, 2010

How can I make my Introduction_mc automatically disappear after 10 Seconds and load Home_mc (automatically)? I don't want user to change by himself this Introduction page. It should be done automatically.

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Professional :: Interactive Slideshow - Each Image Automatically Slides To The Left Every 10 Seconds?

May 3, 2011

I need to create an interactive slideshow where the each image automatically slides to the left every 10 seconds. There should also be the option of clicking a button to move both back and forth as well.

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