ActionScript 3.0 :: Make Main Movie Resume Playing After An External SWF Closes?

Dec 18, 2009

What I am trying to accomplish here is to have my main movie resume playing when an external movie is closed. I.E. How can I make my main know that the external movie is closed and to "re activate certain functions" and to resume playing?

Oh, not too sure if this is needed, but I am loading the external movie with an external preloader that loads the movie. The main movie loads, and external preloader, which actually loads the external movie. Again not sure if this effects anything.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: .load Six Separate External .swf's Into The Main Movie While The Main Movie Loads Too

Dec 23, 2004

I want to load six seperate .swf's into the main movie while the main movie loads too. So in simpler words, i want to be able to load all of the swf's the same time i am loading the main swf.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Flash - Play Movie Clip With The Button Click Without Playing All The Movie Clips On The Main Timeline

Apr 26, 2009

I'm trying to make a flash website that has clickable buttons that will play different movie clips. But I dont know how to make it to just play the movie clip with the button you click without playing all the movie clips on the main timeline.

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ActionScript 1/2 :: Preload External Swfs While Playing Main?

Jul 24, 2009

I have made a presentation in flash AS2. I have a main.swf and 14external .swf files and each has its own preloader.

I want that when main.swf plays, the external swf should starts preloading sequentially so that the presentation will run smoothly.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Call To Main Timeline, After External Video Or Audio Is Done Playing?

Aug 3, 2011

I am curious if there is a way to call back to the main timeline using AS3 after a video clip or audio clip that is being loaded externally, is done playing? For instance: you get to a page with a video on it, but when the video is done playing, instead of just sitting there, it automatically takes you to a new page (framelabel).

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading An External Movie Through An External Movie To The Main Movie?

Apr 30, 2003

I am creating a full site in flash. The main movie has an empty movie clip in the middle of the movie to load external movies as the user clicks on the links. Everything has worked good so far as the linking has only gone 1 level deep. However, when I created a new external movie, and had buttons on it for another external page, but yet to open in the main movie, I can't get anything to work. Example.... In the main movie, the user clicks on the archive link, and the external archive movie is loaded into the main movie. Now, on this archive movie, there is a button on it that links to a another movie (say text effects.swf). However, when they click this button for text effects, I can't get it to load into the main movie clip and replace the archive movie that was currenlty there.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Video Pause / Resume Playing The Rest Of The Timeline [CS3]

Jan 22, 2009

I've got a Flash file with a video symbol on the stage with the instance name 'videoPlayer'. I'm controlling video playback using the following script to play the video, check when it finishes, then resume playing the rest of the timeline:

var duration:Number = 0;
var nc:NetConnection = new NetConnection();
var ns:NetStream = new NetStream(nc);

I've then also got 2 buttons on the stage for pause and play. The pause button is working fine, with the following script attached to it:


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Flash :: Music - Resume Playing A Song While Editing A Project

Jan 17, 2012

I'm playing a song and syncing up some visual changes with that song. The issue is that in order for the song to play when I preview my changes to the animation, I have to start playing my flash project from frame 0. This becomes a problem when I am trying to sync to things that occur later in the song. For example, if I'm trying to sync something at frame 300 then I have to re-play the entire animation from frame 0 in order to hear the song at frame 300 and beyond.

Is there any way to get the song to play, starting from the correct position, regardless of where I start running my animation while developing? I could hack something up in action script to move the play head and play the song if it currently isn't being played but I'd rather not go down that route as there must be a simple solution to this problem.

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Playing Movie Clips Inside Main Timeline?

Oct 16, 2010

I've created six movie clips of cursive text effect using masking for the animation. Each clip is approximately 160 frames long. I need to play these sequentially, one after the other, when the page loads. structure multiple clips to play after each other?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Playing Movie On Main Stage After Certain Frame In MC

May 6, 2008

I have a moviclip on the main stage with a stop action on the frame above. I want the movie to play ahead from that frame on the main stage after a certain frame is reached in the movieclip.

I tried using this simple function on the main stage;
if (_root.myMovieclip.signal._x = 100){

So when signal._x moves to 100 in the movieclip, the frame jumps to "win". However this doesn't work. I tried using a timer on the frame as well but it does not provide an accurate enough response.

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ActionScript 3.0 :: External Loaded Swf Completes Playing Should Jump To Main File Specific Frame

Nov 28, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Playing Random Movie Clips On Main Timeline?

Feb 18, 2009

boards and even newer to ActionScripting and FlashWhat I would like to do is play random movie clips on my main timeline. I've tried using the below code, but it does not work:

var movieList:Array = new Array(mc1, mc2);
var i:int = Math.round(Math.random() * movieList.length);


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Professional :: Playing Multiple Movie Clips One After Other On Main Timeline?

Apr 23, 2010

Excuse the probably simple question but I'm just starting off with Flash.I have imported a few video trailers directly into flash and saved them as movie clips. I want to be able to insert these movie clips onto the main timeline and play them one after the other, repeating once they have all played. On the main timeline I have set a layer for each clip and a keyframe where the clip is inserted for each layer. When I go to play the flash file, it is showing the first frame from each movie file and then moving to the first frame of the next movie file. What do I need to do to make flash play the entire movie file in that specific frame before moving to the next frame where the next movie file is and playing all that movie?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Playing Random Movie Clips On Main Timeline

Feb 18, 2009

What I would like to do is play random movie clips on my main timeline. I've tried using the below code, but it does not work:


I've got them on a layer named "BG" and each movie clip is in a key frame. The ActionScript is on a seperate layer named "AS".

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Playing A Movie Clip From A Function In Main Class?

Jan 1, 2012

I have a timer which times how long the game takes and I made a highscore function: if highscore < timer - newhighscore(); This all works fine. My problem is that I want to have the words "Your highscore" flash up on the screen if a highscore has been acheived or to just stay still if a highscore has not been achieved.

ActionScript Code:
private function getScore() {


I have text on my game over screen saying "Your highscore:" I exported them to a movieclip where they turn red and get bigger, the smaller. Frame 1 is plain stop(); Frame 2 to the last frame and the animation Last frame gotoAndPlay(2); These words will normally be plain but I want to be able to, from the newhighscore() function, play the animation for the MovieClip.

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Actionscript 3.0 :: Cannot Get The Main Movie (mainVidMC.mainVid) To Start Playing Again

Feb 16, 2009

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Main Timeline Scrubber Wont Resume After Release?

Feb 16, 2011

i have i problem with my slider. I followed this tutorial This tutorial dont take into account that the timeline should continue playing when the scrubbing is done, here is my as3 code:

ActionScript Code:
slider_mc.knob_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onDragKnob);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onReleaseKnob);


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Play Main Timeline After A Movie Clip Is Finished Playing?

Jul 10, 2009

The movie clip is an actionscript movie which calls images from an external XML file and shows them as a slideshow. What i need to do is after the last image plays, stop the movie and move the main timeline to the next scene of the main movie. Everything logical in my brain is not working, and it may be that I have been staring at this project for too long but for the life of me i can't make this work.

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Flash :: Resume Animation From Last Position Irrespective Of Whether Pause It On Main Timeline?

Sep 17, 2011

I have found a generic recursive loop that stops/pauses all child movieclips. If I change stop to play in the code, it plays all child movieclips simultaneously. I want it to resume only one animation at a time. I want a generic recursive loop that resumes animation from last position (position it was paused) irrespective of whether I have paused on the main timeline animation or animations within child movieclips or animations within grandchild movieclips. (I have animations on main timeline, animations within lastFrame MC of maintimeline, and again within last frame MC of child's timeline).[code]...

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ActionScript 2.0 :: When Click On A Link From The External Movie Won't Return On The Main Movie

Feb 1, 2006

- i have 3 separate movie clips (a,b,c)

- my main movie is (a) and when i click a button there, it will go to external movie (b)

- under external movie (b) there's a movie clip that includes my animation and content button

- if i click on the content button on movie (b), external movie (c) will pop up [ it will not replace movie (b) but will just overlap it, it's like a small pop up ]

i did the actionscript and when i'm testing external movie (b), it's working... it's showing/popping up movie (c) but when i tried it on the main movie (a), the movie (c) is not popping on the (b) err, sorry if it's a bit confusing / how i explained it. but hopefully somebody will get the idea. and it won't also return on the main movie (a) when i click on a link from the external movie.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Activating The External .swf Into A Blank Movie Clip In The Main Movie?

Oct 10, 2002

I'm still a rookie in flash and I'm having a little bit of trouble with some actionscript. I've gotten as far as placing the buttons and assign the correct actionscript for them to work. Everything is working fine with the buttons activating the external .swf into a blank movie clip in the main movie. Ony thing is, I would like the external movie assigned to the first button to open once the movie is loaded.

I thought by using the same actionscript i used on the button {and removing the on(release) tag} and placing on the first frame of the main movie would help, but it doesn't.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Resize External Loaded Movie To Main Movie

Jan 9, 2010

my problem is that i need to make a reisze, cause the screen resolution for other users. My main and news movie works perfect, but the others movies re-scale everything bigger. The problem of the external loaded movie is: this movie needs the funktion:

Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
Stage.align = "TL";

If i dont have this code inside the movie is not going to resize fullscreen into the main movie. Inside this movie im scalling photos and some mc's You can take a look what i mean under: [URL]

If you take a look to the bar where the Number of pictures (30) are you will see that the lower bar and the pictures is not going to scale to fill the full screen if i delete the this code;

Stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
Stage.align = "TL";

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ActionScript 2.0 :: In That External Swf Want To Stop It From Playing And Also Make A Play_btn Appear S?

Jul 28, 2009

Ok, so I have a main swf that loads an external swf into a movie clip called container_mc.In that external swf I want to stop it from playing and also make a play_btn appear so that the user may start it going again when they are ready. In my main swf I made this function:

ActionScript Code:
function pauseMovie(){
trace("movie paused");


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ActionScript 2.0 :: External .swf To Be Loading While That Movie Clip Is Playing?

Aug 2, 2003

I would like to have it so that when I click a button, it tells a movie clip to play and it just blinks loading. I want an external .swf to be loading while that movie clip is playing. When the external .swf loads, I want it to tell the mc to stop. How do I do all of this?

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Make A Transition In Flash Resume

May 1, 2008

I wanting to make a transition in my flash resume. The transition that I am wanting to do is like this:


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Pause/Resume Audio From External SWF Loaded

Jun 20, 2011

loaded an external swf (with audio) in a conteiner swf.
From the cointeiner I want to controll audio pause/resume.
I know the procedure to do this with a mp3 file, but I can't  intercept the sound channel of my child swf...
this should be the code to obtain the sound position:
var soundChannel:SoundChannel = new SoundChannel();
var sound:Sound = new Sound(new URLRequest("SOUND.mp3"));
soundChannel =;
pausePoint = soundChannel.position;
But I haven't the mp3 path.... My mp3 is embedded into swf child. And I can't put actionscript function in child, because is haven't source fla.

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Button From External SWF To Play Movie In Main SWF

Oct 11, 2009

I'm building a website, in which the 'Gallery Page' has a link to an external swf file, which is a scrolling clip of thumbnails.
What I want to do, is create each thumbnail into a button, which will then play a Movie Clip from a frame located in the Main swf file. (So basically, each thumbnail button is a small photo, will play that photo in a large scale as a movie)
thumbnail1_btn  needs to go to main swf and play, frame 1
thumbnail2_btn nends to go to main swf and play, frame 2

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Preloading External Swf's Into Main Movie

Jan 21, 2003

I have a problem with preloading external swf's into my main movie actually I have a a seperate preloader setup for each external SWF and when i click a button to load an external movie its not showing a preloader it anoying to wait while movie loading without seeing a prelaoder.

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ActionScript 2.0 :: Loading External SWF Into Main Movie

Jan 5, 2005

I am a bit new to the world of externally loaded swf's. I am trying to load an swf into my main movie, and then access/control the movieclips within that newly loaded swf, but for some reason it is not working.

Here is a quick example:"myMovieClip_mc",;"\menu\standard.swf",; = true;
trace(; = function() {

Okay this code does sucessfully create the movieclip but my onRollOver function does not work, and I cannot access any of the movieClips within myMovieClip_mc such as option, it traces out as undefined.

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