ActionScript 2.0 :: Using Delegate For Nested Buttons?
Sep 29, 2009
I'm having a hard time understanding to use the Delegate class. I don't seem to understand what it does from what I read online.
Will it work for this situation? I want to rollover a menu that expands onRollover. You can then click on buttons within the rolled over portion. Is delegate for me?
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Feb 12, 2009
I'm trying to organize a presentation using several movieclips as "scenes." The problem I have is related to buttons nestedwithin those mc's--I would like them not to be available until eachindividual mc begins, but if I don't include the buttons on thefirst frame of the mc timeline, the main timeline cannot accessthem (and throws me an error)
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package com.utils {
import flash.display.MovieClip;
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Jan 27, 2009
they are both placed in separate layers and instantiated for the main timeline.I need a button from my intro_mc to simply gotoAndPlay a frame label in my content_mc MovieClip but I can not get the 2 MC's to communicate.I have tried every scenerio I could think of but nothing works right now I have this AS inside of the intro_mc movie clip
enter1_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onClick1);
function onClick1(Event:MouseEvent):void
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Jun 2, 2006
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then i want to put my menu with some transparency by default and restablish the _alpha to 100% when i rollOver the menu, when i do that the change with the _alpha propertie works fine but my buttons inside the MovieClip no longer works?
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Sep 10, 2009
I have three movieclip "buttons" within a couple of nested movieclips and I am unsure how to address them in actionscript. I have an event listener and a function for the rollover and rollout mouseEvents below
procedures_mc.p_dropdown_mc.p_body_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL _OVER, cursorOverButton);
procedures_mc.p_dropdown_mc.p_breasts_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.R OLL_OVER, cursorOverButton);
procedures_mc.p_dropdown_mc.p_face_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL _OVER, cursorOverButton);
function cursorOverButton(e:MouseEvent):void{e.currentTarget.gotoAndPlay("over");
e.currentTarget.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, cursorOutButton);}
function cursorOutButton(e:MouseEvent):void{e.currentTarget.gotoAndPlay("out");}
Within the movieclip buttons are labels over and out included in the buttons. When I rollover and rollout the mouse over the movieclip buttons they don't behave correctly. I am wondering if the e.currentTarget inside the function is the right address of the nested movieclip buttons procedures_mc.p_dropdown_mc.p_body_mc, etc.
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Dec 2, 2010
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Dec 7, 2011
I have two scenes on my flash file viz., Scene 1 and Scene 2.
I have created one nested button i.e., button inside the movieClip and one normal button as in the following code.
ActionScript Code:
jan_btn.onPress = function() {
gotoAndStop("Scene 2", 1);
The problem is the first button jan_btn works and it goes to Scene 2 when it is clicked. But the second nested one i.e., button inside the scroll_mc movieClip is not working.
I have kept jan to dec buttons inside scroll_mc movieclip (it will scroll) and kept on stage.
Why nested button i.e., button inside movie clip is not going to Scene 2 when it is clicked?
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Oct 5, 2009
I have a straight forward flash document where the play head plays from start to finish. The client wants a way to stop and start the animation if time is needed to discuss what is happening on screen. Simple buttons can easily do this if those buttons are not nested.
stopBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onStopClick, false, 0, true);
playBtn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onPlayClick, false, 0, true);
stopBtn.buttonMode = true;
However, if I make a mouse over pop up movie clip button and place those button inside it, they do not work. I can not find the piece of code that will link these nested buttons back to the main time line.
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May 12, 2011
The garage door has a chevrolet logo on it that is pulsating. I know how to make buttons but I need the garage door to become a button that when clicked the animation plays rather than it playing automatically.The top of the tool chest will be a button that plays the animation in reverse and the drawers are buttons that open to an email form for each. But I don't know how to target these buttons because they are nested two levels below the main timeline.
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Container is another movieclip and inside of it are the last 2 buttons. How can I put it in array and have all the same listeners applied to each of them?
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Jan 7, 2011
All the movieclips are nested with the actionscript saved in a seperate file so the stage is empty. As I am new to as3 I don't know how to add buttons to which will then open other nested movieclips. I have looked at various tutorials but none cover exactly this issue.Otherwise if someone could maybe create a mc button and movieclip and add it to this file along with the relevant actionscript that would be really appreciated as I would have an example to refer to.
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Sep 27, 2004
Basically I am trying to get buttons that I have in a drop down menu load an external .swf into an empty movie clip placed on the main timeline. However for some reason it is not working. The buttons are contained in a movie called "menuItems" which is then placed in a movieclip called "mainMenu" which is then placed on the main timeline.
on (release) {
if (_root._root._root.currMovie == undefined) {
_root._root._root.currMovie = "personalData";
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Jun 19, 2006
i'm have a MC that is a nav bar with nested buttons. The buttons themselves are calling on a dynamic text field on my main timeline but I'm unable to have any code from the nested buttons to WORK. I'll include my FLA so you can see what i'm trying to do. I
in jist.have a MC that is a nav bar. It houses buttons. The buttons inside the MC do not respond to code ony the _root timeline or code defined specifically to them. What I am trying to achieve is the nested buttons calling on my dynamic text field and loading outside .txt files.I manipulate the buttons on the main timeline and get the effects i'm looking for but not inside of the MC.
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Jan 21, 2010
I usually use this code to navigate the timeline from buttons:
function onProdAClick(evt:MouseEvent):void {gotoAndPlay("prod1"); } prodA_btn.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, onProdAClick);
How would I code navigation if the button is nested in two MC's? I've been using the code below. It works fine for one button but once I try to code the second button (which is on the same frame and in the same MC's) it gives me this error: 1151: A conflict exists with definition _root in namespace internal. Warning: 3596: Duplicate variable definition.
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Jan 15, 2009
On the stage I have 3 objects on the stage which are on top of each other:
top: transparent button (which controls the mc underneath)
under this button: an image which is a mc
under this image: a graphic background with text that describes the image, and a new trans button which will send the users to a separate url.
Problem:The button to go to the url does not work.
To make things simply, I have the top button setting the alpha of the mc to 0% onRollover, in order to view the text. And reset it to 100% on RollOut.
how I can still get this effect with the rollovers, and get my url button to work too?
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Feb 16, 2007
What is the advantage of using a Delegate class in as2? I realize that it's old news for as3 guys. But Ive got a medium sized as2 project and Im going through my code and wondering why Im using Delegate.create sometimes. What's wrong with "apply"?I admit that I must have jumped on the Delegate bandwagon without thinking anything more than "dhuu...thats what the pros must be using".Am I right in saying that there is nothing at all wrong with simply saying "function_name.apply( this, args )"? Or am I missing something? Is it a matter of memory management? I've done a lot of research on delegation and read all kinds of blogs and scripts from little tweeks to the official.. to >200 lines. Yikes! At the end of the day I wrote my own little delegate class that worked for me (just a rewrite of Proxy without loops). But now that I go though my code I see that I might as well have just used apply because that's all Im doing with it!
Id like to be a better programmer. What am I missing and why shouldn't I do a find and replace here. Why is it better to wrap up "apply"? Will I be better readied to learn other languages?I just don't understand why I was so convinced that I needed the delegate class when I had "apply" out of the box.
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Oct 30, 2007
I'm having trouble using the delegate.create method (my first time using it!). Here's part of a class I have...
public function SiteData(xmlFile:String) {
imagesXML = new XML();
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Jan 29, 2011
I have a ColorPicker Component and I want to (on its CHANGE EVENT) have the LISTENER OBJECT ( known as A) change ANOTHER OBJECT's (known as B) color, based on the ColorPicker's.selectedColor. I do this because i need OBJECT A to keep track of the colors used. Also OBJECT B is dynamic and its instance is based on USER INTERACTION thus B can equal B1 or B2 or C based on mouse click at any given time but must only be 1 at any given time. SO I'm trying to "chain" the events together using listeners/ or delegation but I'm not sure at the do i reference the objects in the event? should I just try to chain B to listen directly to the event? How can I do this without having to attach listers to the colorpicker every time?
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Dec 8, 2009
I've got records being populated into our database from paypal's Instant payment notification methods...great. now i turn to our flash cs3 app to populate a component datagrid with the stored database data and to my surprise I'm unable to identify any examples on how this might even be done.
How do you connect to an mssql database from within flash cs3 to retrieve data for displaying within a flash datagrid?
I can write a cfc from coldfusion to return a dataset, but overall i'm not sure if i 'have' to learn Flex, or AIR or what to get the records 'read'.
My ActionScript 3.0 bible is vague at best and resorts to php. (which i dont know)
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Oct 1, 2010
i have a situation like that, and my goal is to access from onRelease either to the class representation and to the onRelease callee (the caller of the release function,that is the movieclip that catch the onRelease event):[code]
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Aug 14, 2007
when i'm coding directly on the timeline, i usually create a var like this:
var home:MovieClip = this;
so i always have something to reference the main timeline's scope. how could i do this in a class? delegate.create gets a little confusing.
i tried a few things like the following:
class com.myClass
public var className:String = "myClass";
public static var version:String = "0.0.1";
of course this is redundant because it'll scope just fine as parseNews();, but i'm just wondering why it's letting me scope it like this here and not in the onLoad declaration?
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Sep 16, 2009
I am using a delegate sub-class to perform helper functions for the main app.I have passed all references to it that it needs and it works well apart from the following problem:I also want it to remove an event listener from the main,preOutsideBoundsDragRelease);The compiler tells me I need a reference to "preOutsideBoundsDragRelease" within the removeEventListener "access of undefined property preOutsideBoundsDragRelease
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Dec 4, 2009
i instantiate a sprite-class "panel" from my main class. then i call a function "show chooser" inside "panel" which instatiates a sprite class "chooser" with some buttons. now when one of the buttons is pressed i need to call a function inside "panel" which removes the "chooser" sprite/class and which calls a function "onChosen" in the main class.
what is the correct/best way to reference these functions so that they can be called from within the panel and/or chooser classes. i am still too much in the old thinking that a function belongs to a movieclip and can functions with _parent. i need to learn the proper way now.
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Mar 26, 2012
I have a sendAndLoad going on in a separate class file and following guides online I've used a Delegate to handle the onLoad part, like this [code]...
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Oct 25, 2005
How can I get around using an instance variable in a static function that must be called by the Delegate method?
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Oct 15, 2011
I need to separate the visual part of a component from the functional part of a component, so that I'm able to replace the visual one with a new one for another platform.
Declaring an instance variable _delegate with the delegate's interface isn't a problem. But how Do I forward non-implemented method calls of the visual part to those of the delegate.
What's the equivalent of PHP's _call()?
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Jan 31, 2008
I am wanted to know how can i pass a parameter to the function which I'm calling using Delegate class. I know to pass params having static values such as true / false or a static string "hello".
var myFunc:Function = btn.onRelease = Delegate.create(tihs, releaseHandler);
myFunc.str = "hello";
function releaseHandler()
Here str can be retrieved as 'arguments.caller.str' inside the function.But in case i want to pass the reference of the 'btn' button. Then how can i do this ?
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Aug 24, 2006
I'm using Delegates in a new project I'm working on to call an event handler in my class with the scope of the class.
I'm having an issue referencing which button is calling this handler. Since all of my buttons are created dynamicly, this is a big problem.
I'm used to using forms and components where I had no problem with this and could reference who was calling the event handler by using -
This doesn't seem to be the case with movieclips though, is there another way to do this?
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