ActionScript 2.0 :: Using Random To Make Things Happen Some Of The Time
Nov 5, 2010
I've been trying to use random to make something happen a certain percentage of the time. For example, for making the scientist go to frame 91 half the time and 181 the other half, I was using this code:
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Oct 16, 2009
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2. Clicking on a dog (or alternatively "dragging it"), puts it in the doghouse and moves the existing dog out to the now empty location.
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4. Maybe an image of the doghouse with them in it could attached to the email.
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1. Not sure how to make the action wait for the mouse click or drag!
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_root.navbtns_mc.webnav.onRelease = function() {
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var myTweenBlue:Tween = new Tween(blue, "x", Bounce.easeOut, startValue, finishValue, duration, true);
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Actionscript Code:
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or can't i do shift and left/right?
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var a:Object = {a:3};
var b:Object = {a:3};
var dict:Dictionary = new Dictionary();
dict[a] = 'value for a';
// now I want to get the value for the last assignment
var value = dict[b];
// value doesn't exits :s
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May 3, 2010
What I want to do is to get the movie to display random images (from a selection) for random amounts of time (subject to minimum and maximum times).
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Aug 27, 2005
What im trying to do is play a movie clip between frames. So say we have two menus, when you are on menu 1 and you click the button for menu 2, a short movie clip plays and then you stop on menu 2. I realise I can do this by putting the movie clip on the main scene timeline, but is there anyway i can put it on the button? I think the action script would be something along the lines of "On release play MovieClip and goto frame X" As i said i want the movie to play as an almost filmic transition between menus, with a fade up and then out (Have got that bit sussed using the alpha controls)
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Jan 17, 2006
What I want is a hint how to make a specific thing happen while clicking a specific button. Like "if I click button 1, do this". Would like to use this script though I'm gonna add buttons over time and this is an easy way to have the functionality working.
Here's the code:
Attach Code
function hitButton(btn) {
btn.onRollOver = function() {
this.colorTo (0xC4006A);
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May 4, 2010
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Sep 20, 2004
I'm working on my site and I have a random background script setup. Heres the code that Im using now.[code]...
Now I love the way thats its working and but one thing that is kinda crappy is that sometimes it suffers from repeating the same background a couple of times before going to another random background. Now I know that its because the script is working properly but can anyone think of a method that I could use to make it not be able to pull up the last background that it has already loaded? I dont want to make it static because not only do I have this setup for when you enter the site but also its random when you click on one of the nav buttons because I want to try to keep my site dynamic.
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Oct 7, 2010
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