As3 - Make Click And Drag Two Different Things?

Oct 7, 2010

I'd love to know how to make click and drag two different things. As it believes the drag function is also a click. Also I'd love to know how to set it so that ALL movieclips stop when they reach say -10px from each side?

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stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN,makeA Box);
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I have the following code, which works beautifully when all the boxes are the same height. The basic point is that I have three boxes on the stage, 10 pixels apart. If you click and drag those boxes above or below each other, they reorganize themselves. Code: Select all// based off Dynamic Stacking AS3 @ [URL]


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Differentiate Between A Click And A Drag?

Jun 2, 2010

I have created the attached FLA file as a horizontal draggable menu in AS3.At the moment i am having a couple of issues with it.

1) I am using MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN and MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP eventlisteners to control the dragging.

The problem is that I click down the mouse button on the movieclip, it will start dragging. All good. However if I then, after dragging it about, let go of the button it registers a click. Obviously i don't want it to do that, I understand that it is registering a click because a click effectively consists of a MOUSE_DOWN and MOUSE_UP. Is it something i am doing wrong with the dragging? I am not sure how to differentiate between a click and a drag?

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Nov 11, 2009

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var startX:Number;


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ActionScript 3.0 :: Click And Drag Out A Dynamic Rectangle?

Apr 6, 2010

Basically using nothing but code I want to be able to hold down my mouse button and when I move my mouse a rectangle of any proportion based on from where the mouse left off is madeI can stretch this out to anywhere on screen till my finger is lifted off the mouse button.nce my finger is off the rect stays there till I create another and the previous rect disappears.I know how to creat a rect normally in AS3 but this has just stumped me

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ActionScript 3.0 :: 360 Scrolling Of Images - Click And Drag

Apr 8, 2010

This script works good as it is. I need to switch it from rolling over the image to a click and drag.

I need to make it act like this link. [URL] as opposed to mine. [URL]

var maxSpeed:uint=50;
function startScroll(event:Event):void {
event.currentTarget.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, doScroll);


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ActionScript 1/2 :: Draggable Button (drag Without Click)

Jun 14, 2009

make a script for a draggable button? I just need a button (..onPress) that will wont work if you start dragging it

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Actionscript 3 :: Double Click After A Drag And Drop?

Aug 16, 2010

After I drag and drop a label(or other UIComponent) in a container, i want to double click the label to show me an alert. well it doesn't work.

i've tried in the dragCompleteHandler to put event.dragIntiator.addEventListener or event.currentTargetaddEventListner but it doesn't work. Also i enabled the DoubleClickEnabler and still nothing?

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Click & Drag With Hideable Buttons?

Feb 5, 2009

I found code that enables my movie clip to have click and drag rotation.Not sure how this works exactly, but it does. Now I've placed buttons that show details when moused over, and I had to repeat them for every keyframe of the movie clip to have them follow the rotation of the images in the movie clip.My question is how do I now enable these detail buttons to be hidden and shown globally?I have enabled a hide/show button to change the visibility of one of the detail buttons as a test (on the tire of the race car), but what happens is the hide state gets lost as soon as you click and drag to a new keyframe and the button shows up again without having pressed the "show" button. What do I need to have the detail buttons stay hidden throughout the clip until the "show" button is pressed?Here's the swf for reference: http:[url].......And here's the current actionscript:

ActionScript Code:
var startX:Number;[code]......

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ActionScript 3.0 :: Drag And Rotate MovieClip On Click?

Nov 5, 2009

Basically what I am trying to do is have my movie clip rotate/pivot when I press on it, same as the arm on the record player of this [URL]. At the moment, the movie clip rotates according to mouse follow, but I would like to click, drag and rotate so it pivots from one point.

const TO_DEGREE:Number = 180/Math.PI;
addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, rotateObject);
var maxRotSpeed:Number = 5;
var rotScale:Number = 0.2;
function rotateObject(e:Event):void {
[Code] .....

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