Professional :: How To Make Things Visible Offstage
Jun 6, 2010
I'm trying to allow all things oitside of the stage peramiters to be visible in the browser screen so certain elements can be longer than the stage and still be shown Can't remember if it's a flash thing or an html thing.
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Mar 4, 2010
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Oct 7, 2010
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var b:Object = {a:3};
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// now I want to get the value for the last assignment
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// value doesn't exits :s
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Oct 16, 2009
I have a set of images of dogs and a doghouse.
1. Each dog has an email assigned to it for the person.
2. Clicking on a dog (or alternatively "dragging it"), puts it in the doghouse and moves the existing dog out to the now empty location.
3. Once moved in, ther should be a button presented to create an email to the person saying they have been placed in the doghouse (
4. Maybe an image of the doghouse with them in it could attached to the email.
5. LATER: The state of the page could be kept so future visitors know that the person is in the Doghouse.
I have an old JavaScript page that kind of shows the functions:
Also, what I have done in FLASH (so far) is also shown at the bottom of the page.
1. Not sure how to make the action wait for the mouse click or drag!
2. Also, maybe a button, once the people decide who goes in the doghouse, to submit and fire the email??
When I chose this little project I thought it was easy, but I realize I have not a clue how to begin beyond making buttons and tweens.
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Sep 1, 2010
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Dec 6, 2010
I simply don't know the syntax.I am attempting to make something similar to a Jeopardy board for a Christmas party at work. I have a grid of buttons that correspond to different questions. The function would be as follows: The button "eng_1" (as in "English for 100 points)is clicked.This makes the button "eng_1_q" (as in :English 100 question) visible, so the question can now be read.The button "eng_1_q" is clicked, and that button is then made invisible. The question can not be seen, now we have returned to the board.The original "eng_1" is now a different colour (or left in it's "down" state) to show that the question has already been asked (not sure if this should be part of the function of "eng_1" or "eng_1_q").My idea would be something like this.
So once again, I'm just unsure of the syntax.
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Aug 27, 2005
What im trying to do is play a movie clip between frames. So say we have two menus, when you are on menu 1 and you click the button for menu 2, a short movie clip plays and then you stop on menu 2. I realise I can do this by putting the movie clip on the main scene timeline, but is there anyway i can put it on the button? I think the action script would be something along the lines of "On release play MovieClip and goto frame X" As i said i want the movie to play as an almost filmic transition between menus, with a fade up and then out (Have got that bit sussed using the alpha controls)
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Oct 27, 2009
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my_btn.onPress = function () {
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Aug 25, 2011
I'm trying to get the enemy offstage to enter the stage on the right and then once its x position equals 400 I want it to start moving back and forth (on x, there's no y movement).
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Aug 11, 2009
How can i make a combination of keys make a movie clip visible? Basically i want something like this to work:
if(Key.isDown(Key.Alt && Key.A)){
reminder._visible = true;
So when someone presses the Alt and A keys down at the same time the 'reminder' mc becomes visible?
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Feb 19, 2011
I am trying to build a flash website for my social group to login in and view certain things posted by the owner, me, and I only want certain members to view certain things like if I post a message to my treasurer about an invoice to design a graphic for a company and that I request this ammount to intialize the project, I would only want her to see that and nobody else. Is there a way to make that happen in AS3?
Like FaceBook: You can login and register for a new account. Post on your wall (which I don't want that feature). Send messages and receive messages to and from people. Invite people to upcoming events (which I would like to have a calendar that I can create new events and have my members view the calendar and RSVP). And like when your posting on your wall you can make privacy settings change (similar to what I want just not friends only or just me option, I want Everyone, 'names of everyone that is a member to post this to'.).
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Mar 22, 2011
I'm making a room escape game and I've run into a problem. When an item gets added to the inventory, I'd like the user to be able to click on the item to affect another object (e.g. clicking screwdriver hides screws and displays other image) however when I add the code to the item, if the item is clicked and it's nowhere near the object it affects, the image pops up and it looks really stupid.
So what I'd like to be able to do, possibly using if and else statements or whatever's easiest, is to only have the inventory item be clickable if the movie clip of the object is affects is visible on the stage.
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Jul 7, 2010
following code:
even once i'v executed "getMcInfo", I get "null" from the trace statement in "changeBorderColor", I should get [object blabla]. I know this has something to do with the scope of the variable "MC" but i just can't fine a solution..
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Jan 29, 2010
Is it possible to have a MC go to ._visible=false after a certain amount of time? So you would roll over it and let's say after 2 seconds it would become not visible. Is this to do with the setInterval function? Actionscript knowledge is slim so be gentle.
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Jan 17, 2004
i have this script to animate my button. so fare it works fine. the buttons are mc and have three states: one for up, one for over and one for press.when first loading the swf, i want to have the first button already in the 'press' status.i tried to do it with this:but1.mc_butup._visible = false;but that confuses my function of the button states.this is the scrip i have so far:
var buttonActive;
_global.buttonRelease = function(which) {
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Mar 21, 2010
I want a movie clip to be visible for 3 seconds then invisible then visible again after 3 seconds.
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Jul 14, 2009
I would like to make an object visible off stage. So that the object is floated over the HTML. Any Ideas. I don't seem to be able to do it using Transparent Window in the HTML publish options and think it may only be possible using javascript (layers) but I would much prefer to only use flash so if anyone has a idea I'd love to hear it.
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May 17, 2011
I have a quiz and when the correct answer is clicked i want to show a correct answer mc so when the answer is clicked a "correct" or an "x" will flash up for 1 second. I have to functions on for right (celebrate) and one for wrong (wrong_answer)
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Jul 28, 2010
I have a map of states state when a particular state is clicked on, the fla centers on and zooms to that state. When you click on a state a unique ID is pulled from an xml. Using this ID, I can then call all the counties that are part of this state through the county's xml which is also loaded on my stage.or example if I click on Arizona, it zooms and I get a trace of all the instance names of the counties within Arizona.
//call all instance names of Arizona counties
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Aug 18, 2011
For keeping the actionscript in the first frame; I'm creating buttons only in the first frame that doesn't change; but I want for some of them to be visible only in certain frames! Is there any code for doing that?
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Jan 4, 2012
I am making a jigsaw puzzle in flash. But I have a weird bug. There are 25 pieces, 5x5. I am passing in the background bitmapData to the pieces as they are created.
For each piece I create a single puzzle-shaped mask bitmap.
So each piece contains a bitmap whose bitmapdata is the puzzle texture. And each piece has a mask piece.
When I just show the masks, all 25 pieces are drawn to the stage.
But when I use the piece masks to mask out the texture, I seem to have a hard limit to 22 pieces in which the mask is applied. This happens if I am using 25 peices or even 80 or 100. Each time, only the last 22 pieces created will display the texture. [code]...
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May 27, 2009
I created my own validation control.
When I validate the txtinput and it's not valid, the textarea will appear with some information in it. Now I have several textinput fields in a canvas
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