Professional :: Firefox MouseUp OffStage
Mar 4, 2010
Bug in Firefox if wmode is set to opaque or transparent.mouseUp is not triggered if mouseUp occurs offstage.I have slider code that should stopDrag on mouseUp, but if mouseUp occurs off stage, the slider stays connected to mouse on re-entry, even though the mouse is now up.Bug does not occur in other browsers, and does not occur if wmode is null.I have tried every variable and every fix I can think of, and can't resolve the issue.I have multiple versions now in AS2 and AS3 and I've followed every suggestion I've found online, including html/flash javascript. Nothing works yet.
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_root.menuLevelUp.btnShipHealthUp.onMouseUp = function()
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Feb 2, 2010
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if($.stage.hasEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, this.mouseUp) === false){
$.stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, this.mouseUp);
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Jun 6, 2011
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application xmlns:fx=""
This breaks down when the user moves the mouse outside of the app. Not only _currentPoint stops updating, but also if you let go the mouse button outside of the app you miss the mouseUp event, i.e. when you move the mouse back on the app _currentPoint starts updating again as if you had never let go of the mouse button. Was wondering if there is a way in Flex (for web apps) to get around this by listening to mouseMove and mouseUp events when outside of the app (if that's possible)
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Sep 30, 2010
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It doesn't go to where it's supposed to initially. No arrows are drawn. No control buttons from HTML side work. Nothing. Zip. I have suspicion it could be the ExternalInterface which works differently on firefox and IE. Could that be reason? If so how does one go detecting what browser I am using and how does one need to take that into account? Or is there something else that's different between IE and firefox I need to take into account?
IE itself only gives rather mystified error message.
Message: Unspecified error(my translation since original is in Finnish)
Line: 49
Column: 5
Code 0:
Funny thing is both php file and output html file is 37 lines long...
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Dec 6, 2010
The simplified code:
//triggered on MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN
private function beginDrag(e:MouseEvent):void {
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE, drag);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, endDrag);
stage.addEventListener(Event.DEACTIVATE, endDrag);
[Code] .....
I am using some click-and-drag techniques within my flash code, and I've noticed some loopholes with the MOUSE_UP event:
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What other events can possibly interrupt the MOUSE_UP event and lead to unexpected behavior? Additionally is there a way to generically catch ContextMenuEvent.MENU_SELECT for all context menus without having to manually add/remove the listeners to each context menu?
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Jan 27, 2009
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var countd = 30;
function countdown():Void {
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Aug 8, 2002
I�m trying to use Listeners to capture the MouseUp event based on Helen Triolo�s sample at [URL]I reused her code and loaded the listener�s array (with MC names that will listen to the MU event) from a textfile.My problem is that I don�t have these MCs on the _root. They�re located deep in the MC hierarchy, this way: MCComponent-->MC1-->MC2-->MCs I want to address for listening (I have about 250 MCs in this level of depth which I want to to address for listening)So, when defining the MouseUp function for each MC to respond to, I couldn�t address the MCs. I tried in different ways without any result.
This is the code:
// set up responders for each listener
// listeners is the Array with MC names which I loaded from
// the textfile
for (var i in listeners) {
Is there any way of making this work? Is there something missing in this code ? Note: I cannot put these MCs on the root because of other functionalities that they need to accomplish...By the way..., what about RollOver and RollOut ? Can they be captured too ? I�ve read about capturing MouseUp, Move and Down but not Rollovers...
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Aug 27, 2010
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Nov 7, 2010
I have created a swf movie file that containes the movie playback panel & a f4v video & I have uploaded them to a subfolder on my server.The whole site has a secure connection (https), but the page that i will try to embed the movie will have a regualr connection (http).
The problem arises when i do embed this flash video in a HTML file. in IE & Chrome it works and looks great, But in firefox it doesnt. If i clear my cache (as if i were a new visitor to the site) and enter the page, the movie isn't displayed at shows "done" in the browser loading bar.
After about a minute or so (which i assume is the amount of time it takes to load the full movie), i hit refresh, and the movie appears fully loaded.
The movie is currently embeded in my homepage (via Iframe - for site protocol reasons), and if it wont load immidiatly from the first time a user enters the site, many users will miss the video (and get a blank white box in the middle of the site).[URL]
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Feb 8, 2011
On the homepage [URL] I had a previously installed .swf that works fine on IE, Firefox etc...I added a new .swf "testimonials" on the page on right hand side but it will only work in IE?
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Aug 15, 2011
I can not get my pages where I have swf files to open in firefox. I have several pages with sound also and they will not open. here is the code that I am using. I have probably 8 pages of flash and the rest of the pages are javascript and html.
page10 = "<object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="
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Apr 8, 2011
I have got this script working from How to get mouseup to fire once mousemove complete working within the jQuery (document) scope.Later on I added a flash object inside the body.and when I click on the flash object the mousedown event fired, mousemove event fired, but not the mouseup event which where I want to unbind the mousemove. But when I click on non Flash area, mousedown works, mousemove works, and mouseup also works. It works like I wanted it to in Chrome, but not in Firefox.Here are the codes, and I called handleMouseDown in $(document).ready
handleMouseDown: function () {
jQuery(document).mouseup(function() {
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Nov 30, 2009
I am child in AS3. I try to write a program like that:
ActionScript Code:
package {
import flash.display.Shape;
When I click mouse, there is nothing. If I change the event listener to listen EnterFrame event, that is OK. I didn't know why.
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May 17, 2011
I am designing a physics container. Don't worry, my question is not about the physics. Here is part of my code. Noticed that I have a SetStyle statement there. I realized that if I don't have that line, the MOUSE_DOWN, MOUSE_UP events won't work. If I do have that line, then those events works fine.
package components {
import spark.components.SkinnableContainer;
public class Test extends SkinnableContainer {
private var mouseDown:Boolean;
[Code] .....
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Jul 21, 2009
works perfect on my macbook pro (safari, firefox, and opera) but when I view the site on Vmare Fusion Windows XP and use IE and FireFox the pages don't load... I don't know what to make of this. Has anyone hear or seen anything like this happen before? BTW the website was created in Adobe Flash CS4/ AS 3.0 and published using Flash Player 10.
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Feb 6, 2010
Firefox throws the flash file out of it's container? The page behaves correctly in IE8 (32bit). I posted in DW forums who suggested it was a flash issue and not DW. [URL]
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Jun 4, 2010
I just did two 100% Flash sites. I always size my sites 1024 by 768 or a bit smaller. I have never had a problem with it not fitting in the browser. I exported with Flash HTML at 100%, no scale.I tested these sites on Safari and IE on different monitor sizes. They looked great.
Both of my clients are using Firefox said it cuts the bottom off by about and inch or so. I did some research and this seems Firefox does this. I read this article below and wanted to know the following:[URL]
1 - Is this the best way to fix it? Or have I developed these sites too big for FF.
2 - Is there something else I could do (i.e. export the HTML a different way?).
3 - Should I size differently in the future?I would like to prevent me having to resize the stage and change all the objects.
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Jun 9, 2010
I'm creating a video site using the flvPlayback component and telling it which video to play based on flashvars. So far everything is working well in all the browsers I've tried except Firefox on the PC. In FF/PC it hangs on the first frame of the video while showing the buffering indicator.
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Jul 15, 2010
I have a flash gallery I created using Flash CS4 and Actionscript 3. It plays perfectly in FireFox, but in IE and Safari it just shows me a blank space on the page where the gallery should be. As a test I uninstalled Flash Player, and FireFox and Safari showed me the message that a newer version of Flash was needed along with a link to get it, but IE showed nothing. Now that Flash is re-installed, only FireFox actually loads/plays the gallery. With IE it doesn' tmatter if I use the 32-bit or 64-bit, or if compatibility mode is on or off. I tried republishing with Flash 9 set instead of Flash 10, but that made no difference. It fails with the HTML file generated out of Flash, as well as the page I created in Dreamweaver and used the Insert Media command to insert the .swf:
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Jun 29, 2011
The project i'm working on contains many flv's which are dynamically loaded into our custom media player, and then again loaded into our flex application. We are having an issue with these flv's. Well i should say some of them. Our problem is based on browsers. In IE everything runs fine. In firefox, some work, some dont. We run different courses though our application. In 1 loaded course, the flv's play perfectly fine. No loading issues or delaying or freezing. But on this one course all of the flv's contained within it will not load. Like i said before, when we test this on IE they work. Only firefox is causing the issue. I have researched this issue and have came up empty handed.
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Aug 9, 2011
My mouse cursor doesn't change when using mc.buttonMode = true; either doesn't Mouse.hide(); work,
Chrome 12.0 Works
Firefox 5.0.1 Don't work
Safari 5.1 Don't work
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Sep 2, 2011
So I haven't done much in flash in a while. However, I imported a new movie and then published the movie from flash and made an html page as well. For some reason I can not see the movie when I go to the page.
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Jan 13, 2012
Please can someone help thsi old guy who needs to get flash working on his computer.I have Vista 64 bit and run Firefox as my browser.Should I uninstall Flash and try an older version - but which one?
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Dec 13, 2010
If you have a DateChooser control next to a text control and you left click your mouse to select the text then continue holding down the mouse button and letting the mouse button up while over the datechooser control, the selectedDate value changes to the date you are hovering over. I have users that are having issues with this and it happens unintentionally because of the proximity of the two controls. I cannot find a way to stop this effect. Basically I would want the selectedDate to only change if the user actually clicks the calendar control ie. mouseDown or click. Calling functions in those events do not change this behavior. I need a way to disable the control from changing the date on the mouseUpEvent (I think).
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