ActionScript 2.0 :: _visible = False Affecting Processor?
Jul 3, 2007
Not having a movie clip on the stage until needed (attachMovie when it's time, and then kill it as soon as it's temporarily of no use).visible = false^ Is there a difference in processor demand? When setting visible to false, it seems to me that a few extra variables would need to be stored for the movie clip..._x, _y, _width, _height, _alpha, etc., etc., etc...but I wasn't sure how Flash goes about handling these things or which was better practice?
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Feb 25, 2005
I am just wondering what the differences between these two are. I have an animation that I am trying to make as optimized as possible to get the best possible frame rate. I have clips on the stage that start out visible, but are then set to _visible = false for the remainder of the animation. Basically I am just wondering, is a clip still using cpu power if it is set to invisible? Would it be more optimized to swapdepth the clip to a removable depth, then remove it from the stage with AS?
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Nov 1, 2003
I used the following code to read a file "images.txt" and build a movieclip by loading the images specified in the file.
I wanted to make this dyanmicaly built movieclip invisibe. i.e "setProperty (_root.preloader['part'+count], _visible, false);" line in my code below is not working.
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Nov 1, 2003
I used the following code to read a file "images.txt" and build a movieclip by loading the images specified in the file. I wanted to make this dyanmicaly built movieclip invisibe.i.e "setProperty (_root.preloader['part'+count], _visible, false);"line in my code below is not working.
var count = 0;
var offset = 0;
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Feb 24, 2008
I followed Kirupa's custom scroll bar tutorial and I'm trying to tweak a few things. Where would I put the code to make the arrows invisible when the content can't be scrolled any higher or lower? This is different from the scrollFace being invisible. I don't mean when there is no scrolling at all. Also, where would the "return to visible" (else) code go? The code I plan on using is:
btnDown._visible = false;
else btnDown._visible = true;
btnUp._visible = false;
else btnUp._visible = true;
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Aug 25, 2011
I am trying to display database details in a Flex datagrid and connected using HTTP Service. It was able to display details without any issue when I was working in the FlashBuilder 4.5, however, I deployed the bin-debug part in the Tomcat webserver to access it globally.
I am experiencing this error message when I am trying to access the swf file "HTTP request error Error: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError" bubbles=false cancelable=false eventPhase=2 text="Error #2032"]. URL: http://localhost:8084/UA/details.jsp"
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<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM "">
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Jan 5, 2009
I'm writing a script for a form that uses related comboboxes. Depending on which item is selected from the first list the associated combobox will become viewable so they can then choose from the correct list to proceed with the form. I had a working code that had a ton of if then statements but the script becomes rather lengthy and hard to update quickly, so I wrote this to streamline the code. The following is the handler for my combobox.
ActionScript Code:
function comboBoxes() {
if(bldg_list.getSelectedIndex() == 0){
bldg_mark._visible = true; //Indicates required field
The units variable returns the correct data on trace(); But will not reveal the associated combobox. My guess is, because I'm trying to reveal the component with a variable instead of the actual name it doesn't understand. Is this correct? Is there a workaround?
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Oct 20, 2003
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onClipEvent(load) {
//size of purpleCloud's active area
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Jun 24, 2005
how the _visible property works and how I can use it with loading external movies into my main.swf...I have 3 movies loading into my main and I want to hide two of the movies until my main movie is preloaded. I am using a preloader for the main movie but I don't need it for the other two movies...
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what i would like to know, since this is new to me, is can i have a button instance on the stage under each variable from menu01.txt, and set the buttons to _visible=true; or _visible=false; depending on wether or not there was text loaded in the dynamic text field? also, how can i get flash to recognize wether or not text was loaded or not loaded if the var is empty?
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Jan 5, 2010
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Aug 14, 2004
I am trying to get 50 rectangular MC's to scale larger and fade to another color on rollover and rollouts. However, with the code I am using my processor can't handle it after about 8-10 MC's have been rollovered. Can anyone offer a better way to do this? Here is my code:
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May 3, 2005
i have heard that there are ways to detect how fast the processor is or something like that, and then set certain settings or something within flash, that will basically optimize the performance of the movie so that it works better with the computer it is being viewed on...i really dont know how to describe what im trying to find exactly, i was just wondering if anyone had any thoughts on this, or knew where to find more information about this task.basically, i am starting to design stuff that is really intense, and i need to figure out how i can optimize it better.
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Nov 18, 2008
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Feb 28, 2009
I am a little new to actionscript and I have run into a wall that I can't break down. Basically, I am using the _visible. command to turn on and off some overlapping movie objects (it's a complex actionscript button). The actionscript works just fine click on a button and it turns red click on another button and the first button turns black while the latter now turns red. The problem is that something in my actionscript is causing the following to occur. I click the first button and it goes red. I click the second button and it goes read. The first button stays red until I rollover my mouse on the button (I don't have any rollover functions) and all of a sudden it seems to refresh and go back to black as it should have done automatically..
var frameStop:String = null; // stop current external swf movie from playing
var xy:Number = null; //level number of the movie clip to be stopped
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Aug 14, 2004
I am trying to get 50 rectangular MC's to scale larger and fade to another color on rollover and rollouts. However, with the code I am using my processor can't handle it after about 8-10 MC's have been rollovered.[code]
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May 3, 2005
I have heard that there are ways to detect how fast the processor is or something like that, and then set certain settings or something within flash, that will basically optimize the performance of the movie so that it works better with the computer it is being viewed on. Basically, I am starting to design stuff that is really intense, how I can optimize it better.
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Apr 29, 2009
i have a swf with several processor intensive subroutines within a main init() routine at start up (about a 5 secs startup wait). it needs a preloader not due to asset loads but to the processor intensive routines.i'm trying to create a preloader that will display progress as the routines complete but when i try to write text to text field as each subroutine completes either the textField.text is not updated or the text field display is not updated after each subroutine finishes.this prevents me from tracking the progress of the start up.
is there a way to force an update to the display list in the middle of a processor intensive routine? i believe flash is supposed to update after each frame but i'm not seeing this.also, the text field i'm displaying *before* this processor intensive routine *does* display when running locally but *does not* display before the routine when running online.not sure why.
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May 18, 2011
Just curious, if you want to loop through an array or object that is less processor intensive.[code]...
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Jun 13, 2011
I am creating an interactive word prosessor. I would like to be able to format my text (font, size, style, aligning, etc) but I am unsure of the syntax envolved. my code is:
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Oct 24, 2011
Is it possible to use actionscript 2 to create a pdf or word processor file containing only text?
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Jul 4, 2009
I am working on a 'guide to the solar system' in Flash CS4, even though I use AS2 due to AS3 is confusing. If I rollover Venus for example, I want the rest of the planets to disappear using the '_visible' command. All of the planets are buttons like 'venus_btn'.This is my code for 'venus_btn':
on (rollOver) {
mercury_btn._visible = false;
This doesn't work, do I need to set a class or a varible? That's all the code I've used.
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i have a recorded dvr stream, using the dvrcast sample application. of course, i couldn't play it or use it in video post processing tools so i tried the f4v post processor fms tool.unfortunately, both f4v post processor and flvcheck tools throw error and exit immediately
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Nov 15, 2011
i've got a pretty small (in my opinion) usage of motion tween on the following site: [URL]
the circles are moving around and rotating.. not that big of a deal compared to many much more flash intensive websites that i've seen.
on a few computers i've viewed the website on, this page slows down the rest of the computer, the circles move real choppy, etc so it's very taxing on the computer/processor. making this a less intense flash tween? is it something that i'm overlooking or is what my flash file is doing truly that difficult for a computer/browser to process?
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Jul 26, 2005
I discovered _visible. What I can now do is pile everything onther same frame and change the _visible of items when I want them to show. Before, I used to have different items on different frames. And I would move to the frame when I wanted an item to show. Method one is a little bit harder, but once you've done it a couple of times, it becomes easy. And I find it easier and quciker to develop once mastered. The second way, well I kind of thought: maybe this is less processor intensive? Movies are only brought onto screen when they need to appear. Is this true??
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Sep 18, 2011
Let's say that I have a line being dynamically generated by an enter frame function (see script below). As long as the movie is playing, the line's width is increasing.
1) At what point (if ever) does its always-incresing width have a negative effect on the processor?
2) Is there any way to test the processor in such a situation to make sure that things aren't undermining performance?[code]...
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Nov 20, 2011
ActionScript3 states the following:
Note: The Math functions acos, asin, atan, atan2, cos, exp, log, pow, sin, and sqrt may result in slightly different values depending on the algorithms used by the CPU or operating system. Flash runtimes call on the CPU (or operating system if the CPU doesn't support floating point calculations) when performing the calculations for the listed functions, and results have shown slight variations depending upon the CPU or operating system in use.
My web application works with very large and small numbers that I suspect may see a difference depending on which machine is running it (especially with mobile devices whose processors aren't as powerful as desktop machines'). My question is, is this behavior a function of the language?
That is, I assume some languages implement their own algorithms for the above functions, and so may be more consistent (except for differences in round-off errors introduced by the choice of processor/CPU that would exist for all languages).
Anyone know if Javascript has it's own algorithms, or does it outsource them to the CPU/processor like ActionScript?
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Sep 1, 2010
how do I keep something invisible until the frame of it tween starts then keep it visible until its unloaded?
onEnterFrame = function()
a1._visible = false;
a1._visible = true;
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Dec 3, 2006
I have some AS that creates a movie clip and later tries to make it go away. However, _visible isn't working as I would think. Here's a sample: I create the triangle:
It doesn't work, however. So, I tried trace(triangle30._visible) both before and after the second chunk of code, and it does indeed change from true to false. However, the movie clip is still visible on the screen.
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Aug 28, 2010
Selectedcolor, true to the text true or false is false text into print.colorPicker component in, I select Export to a selected color, the color value myMC texte into summer, but accuracy can not control.
var myColorPicker:ColorPicker = new ColorPicker();myColorPicker.editable = false;myColorPicker.visible = false;myMC.visible= false;myColorPicker.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickHandler);myColorPicker.addEventListener(ColorPickerEvent.CHANGE, changeHandler);[code].........
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